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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In control ~!

An ability to remain in control of one's own destiny and one's own feeling, differentiate the best from the rest. Life as we know it, has its ups and downs. No matter where we are in the cycle, it is incumbent upon us to take responsibility for our own feeling, our actions and ultimately our life, and also to be aware of the impact we have on people around us. 

I was feeling tired today. So physically and mentally tired, I felt like dropping everything and calling it quit. When I looked at the mirror this morning, I saw a face I hardly recognized. My lips curled into an inverted 'U', my eyes cold, and my eyes brows arched in a wicked way. I forced a smile to bring back the person I knew. I saw my chipped tooth, and a real smile momentarily spread across my jaded face.

I was not at my best. When I got to my office, a colleague greeted me with a "You look tired!" That prompted me to snap into a 60 seconds lecture on how to and how not to greet people, especially people who have passed their fifty mark.

Never say, "you look tired!"
Never say, "You look old!"
Instead, simply say, "How are you?" Afterall, isn't that the phrase your school teacher used to teach you to say?

Once I settled in my chair and sipped hot coffee, I reminded myself to re-gain control. I should not allow myself to be annoyed by a simple remark. On a higher level, I should not let the exhaustion I was feeling to drain my spirit and to drift me away from my goals.

So I decided to focus on positive energy...

Yesterday, a good STAROBA friend Chot Awang arrived for his Umrah.  I hope to meet him soon in Mecca.
Today, the new furniture we bought for the new house were delivered. I am excited about this move...for the first time we will be living outside of a compound!
Tomorrow will be weekend! Yes, I will have 'my recovery' time. Perhaps will even get some new inspiration to continue the Cerpen - about Su Limah ~! Hahaha.

I know I will be okey~! The sound of Luqman's voice from the swimming pool, the aroma of 'kueh Pau' steaming from the kitchen, and the thought of a Mecca trip soon - bring me back on track!

Overlooking Hole 18 at the Dubai Golf Course,
for the Desert Classics! (2009 picture)
Have a good day folks! You will be okey too...


  1. Yes Yes Yes!! You'll be okay!
    Now get your butt and pen out there and continue cerpen Su Limah peleeese!!!!!

  2. yeah.. get back on track..will you?.. ha..ha.. pulling your leg

  3. mamasita :-)
    Su Limah di dalam kepala ni...inshaallah malam nanti ada sambungan..

    Pak Wan :-)
    hahaha...dah balek in the groove~! orang tua down kejap jer
