The entry below was first posted on 7th August last year. For some reasons, lately I think about Kelantan quite a bit. Perhaps it was listening to beloved TG Nik Aziz's voice saying in jest about 'sending PAS some fund for buying biscuits and tea' - as written here. It could also be due to a glimpse I caught of the ADUN for my little kampung, YB Dato' Anuar Musa walking behind Dato Najib to a stage in KB on bulletin Utama. Dato' Anuar is someone I knew from school days. A nice man......
Whatever the cause, I miss my beloved kampung and state of Kelantan.
I read about the campaign launched by Khairy - Kempen "Kelik Ngundi". As a proud Kelantanese, I felt a tinge offended that such campaign was not led by a political leader from Kelantan. It would have been 'more gedebe' if say Dato Anuar himself making such a call in pure Kelate speak, instead of an 'outsider'. We Kelantanese still and will always consider people from other states as 'outsiders'. We may soften our stand and accept the person to masuk gu ( join our group ), if the outsider showed some humility and modesty - and make symbolic gestures to be like us, such as paka kain sarong dengae semuta!( such as adorning sarong and a head-bandage ) Or makae budu cicoh ikae tawa! (Or eat grilled fish with Budu ).
In truth, we don't like to outsiders who try to be 'gedebe' with us.
Being emotional aside, which may even appear a wee bit trivial compared to the subject under discussion, my message to my adik2 dan anak2 di Kuala Lumpur sana is - "Kelik lah - tiket free tuh! Pah tu pakoh la gappo pung!" ("Go back lah - it is free ticket! When the time comes you can vote as you please")
This nostalgic re-run could also be due to the writing here - bertajuk "Kelantan: Demi sebuah cinta".
In any case, there is only one Kelantan and I hope we are able to remain proud of who we are.
Lemah lembut berbudi sopan
Senyumannya manis mek Kelantan
Usah di sebut janji kemewahan
Hidanganku manis nikmat Tuhan.
---there is only one Kelantan - below is the original posting --
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Tanam jagung di atas batas
Selasih ku cari...padi ku galas
Balik kampung hatiku puas
Kasih kau beri...budi tak terbalas
Tanam jagung di atas batas
Selasih ku cari...padi ku galas
Balik kampung hatiku puas
Kasih kau beri...budi tak terbalas

That was during a brief stop over from the Pengakalan Cepa airport to our kampung.
A real joy awaited us when we arrived to the welcome of my sisters, and nieces and nephews. Aunties and uncles came the next day......for the Kenduri Tahlil. I felt the warmth of kampung style love and caring.....a tradition of old which thankfully, has not faded. Their conversation was genuine, their interest deep, and their care was not for your wealth but for your health. I drifted into my comfort zones......with my kain pelikat, walked along the batas of the padi fields......went deep into the rubber plantation....enjoying the fresh air and captivated with rustic village beauty.

posted by idham @ Tuesday, August 07, 2007
At Tuesday, August 07, 2007 6:41:00 PM , SHERRY said...
amazing scenary lovelllyyyyyyyy photography :)
At Tuesday, August 07, 2007 8:24:00 PM , loveujordan said...
seronoknya kembali ke kampong yang dirindui...such a bless !!
At Tuesday, August 07, 2007 9:22:00 PM , Cat Cat said...
What a great country we have... Great pictures En. Idham.Rambutan tu mintak cikit, boleh? ;D
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 6:03:00 AM , ondeonde said...
our kenduri nikah kawen was done in such a way - gulai kawah! all prepared by gotong royong - tebang pokok kelapa to get the umbut muda, my mom prepared solok lada, kerisek jantung pisang, labu sira...the daging is fresh..aiyooo abe id, ni braso nok balik niiii!
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 6:09:00 AM , IBU said...
salam...wahhhh....best nyer!!!! the greens, the fruits, the shopping and the company most of all. i'm on extended medical leave ( dah masuk 2nd week) - not sure if I can make it to the 3 serangkai dinner. Frens dok pujuk2. Maybe I should, they have to drive me there. I'll call you re the drinks ok? insyaAllah. Ibu
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 6:35:00 AM , noha chomel said...
best eh?? ;P, tinggal sini terus la..
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 6:49:00 AM , dlt said...
uwaaa.... rendunyo kelate.... lamo doh tok lik. last bule 4 hari tu. 4 bule doh. napok gayonyo rayo ni baru lik lagi kelate. abe id, kiring sale ko mama n ayoh sayo, deh. huhu! homesick ni lagu ni.
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 8:03:00 AM , Mama Rock said...
there's no place like home kan...welcome back!
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 4:15:00 PM , ruby ahmad said...
Hi Arif,Thought I'd come and visit you here to wish you good luck for the upcoming 11th Aug do at the orphanage. I wish to apologise tak dapat join you and gang that day.Btw, I love your sister's house setting. So tranquil and serene. Wow tu dia pokok duku ya. Malu nak mengaku I tak pernah tengok pokok duku for real. Anyway glad you had a good time balik kampung.Ok, again I wish you and gang a good time this Sat. My thanks to Lil and you for susah payah bawa pesan I. So kind and sweet the both of you. Cheers.
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 4:19:00 PM , anggerik merah said...
Wow...you make me feel to go back to my kampung now..
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:38:00 PM , idham said...
Sherry....you and your hubby are of course invited to visit....and i will be your personal host and guide..missing friends in dubai and Jeddah dearly...:)idham
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:38:00 PM , idham said...
loveujordan..rina...:) dengar2 rina juga akan pulang tak lama lagi kan....hope all is well with u...:)idham
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:39:00 PM , idham said...
cat cat....:) yess yess.....tanah tumpah kita tak akan ada yang serupa...rambutan and durian sekebun menunggu cath cath when u r back...:)idham
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:42:00 PM , idham said...
onde onde.....kan kan kan....best kan ...cara gotong royong macam tu...and guess what, time macam tu lah pakcik2 dan makcik2 risik merisk pasal anak2 teruna dan dara....and lepas tu buat pulak match making....hehehehewow...your wedding so grand tu....kerisik jantung pisae tu best tu...:)idham
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:44:00 PM , idham said...
ibu.....pls get well soon...and kalau masih di hospital or belum sihat, pls dont you worry abt the aug 11th event tu...your thoughts count millions already....we want to see you in full recovery....my number if you wish to call is 016-6736723.i would hv called u if i hv yor number.....but i don't.idham
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:45:00 PM , idham said...
noha....:) dtg ye nanti....aug 11th....bawak suami sekali ye....:)idham
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:46:00 PM , idham said...
dlt....lamo tu ppat bulae doh tu....keno balik tu rayo nih...hehehe....abe id pun balik tigo malae jah...:)idham
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:48:00 PM , idham said...
mamarock...tq! :)i really wish i can meet u...dah dua kali tau i went to KLCC....but i dont hv ur number la....pls give me a buzz....my son is also working in the petronas tower...:)pls join us on aug 11th if u can... idham
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:54:00 PM , idham said...
hai Ruby...*smiling*thank you for making time to meet up with me the other day.....it is always a joy to sembang2 dengan u...the 2 over hours spent over cammomile tea accompanied by carrot cake and filled with lots of sharing ....the time ticked past so fast!!love ur new hair do, serious....!and best wishes with what you are organizing...i am sure it will be another one of your sterling performance.:)enjoyed it!idham
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:55:00 PM , idham said...
anggerik....we must meet soon....:)jangan la bz sokmo...hehehewe r so dekat jer tau...idham
At Monday, August 20, 2007 10:14:00 PM , drNO said...
bila tgk ur name kan ada tulis 'bakpo', my hubby dah kata u ni mesti org kg dia...rupa2nya mmg la betul...anyway, we're going back to klate this thursday....jom ah
Abe Id...
ReplyDeleteYou most welcome to a humble hut...
sebenarnya Abe Id silap masuk blog tu...tu blog yang dah 2 tahun lepas!
ReplyDeletenyesal sebab tock tuka alamat ngundi....
kelantan used to be my second kampung lepas penang dolu2.. my parents use to have factory kat sana, so every weekend mesti ulang alik kl-kelantan. my mom can cakap kelantan very well, ramai org ingat she is from kelantan. i jugak yg terkebil2 tak paham bila dgr org cakap kelantan! hehe
ReplyDeleteI was there studying for few years. a great experience, ala-ala cam meneruskan legacy jugak coz my abah was also studying there..
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the peoples, and indeed my roomate are all kelantanese, so, for that reason i'm able to understand and kecek kelate.. tp, skrg dah kurang practise, ada sikit2 terkebil2 bila converse in kelate..
oh.. how i miss the moment there... ske bena make ayae percik kat depe USM... last two years, pegi visit that kedai, and the aunty slambernyer tanya.. "balik sini smula kaa?? sihatka??" hohohho... I nearly cried masa dia tegur tuh.. she still remember me... hahahahah.....
and truly sbb we explore new words cam samah, beng... and u know what, my typical kedah spoken friend once ordered.. "be, beng seyar deh!" for the ice... heheheheh.. cheers!!!
Guano gambar ore pehe pe'te lagi atah nuh hehehehe
ReplyDeleteTeringak kapung wesh....
Id, nak tinggalkan comment pun tak reti lah coz i tak masuk book u all lah.....hehehe....
ReplyDeleteBut i can relate to what you feel towards yr home state coz that's how we Johorean feel abt Johor, cuma kami tak ada clique mcm u all masa kat U dulu. Anyway, my very best wishes to TG Nik Aziz and the people of Kelantan for the coming election.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting my blog...
Incidentally, my husband is a kelantanese, (his I.C. has 03 stated on it)..
And Kota Bahru has some nostalgic effect on me too..
I spent months, holed up in the Radiology Department HUSM (morning till late), gathering data for my Ph.D...those were the moments...
Learnt some new words too! Like that one day, I inquired about something at one of the offices, the lady said, "Nanti ambo helo ore sano dulu, gi tau kemudie kok?"
"Helo?"..was confused for a while, at first...then I realized, she meant to make a 'call' to some other...ehm...my lips are smiling even until this very moment...
And the trips to eateries such as Noodle Station, Nasi Kukus Jaimah (Kg. Cina), Kharifah Seafood, Nasi Padang with its very special spring chicken - 'ayam goreng'...Yummy!
Must plan my next trip with my significant other, soon!
For all of my almost 23 years of life, I've only been to Kelantan once, tu pun when I was a little girl. Arwah Abah took us to his best friend's house in Kota Bharu. And I remember falling in love with Nasi Kerabu and budu! Arwah Abah could kecek Kelantan very well that when he told everyone else he is actually from Perlis, no one could really believe it. Good ol' Abah. He used to tease me in Kelantanese, and I will merajuk. One day, maybe, I'll go and have a Kelantan experience!
ReplyDeletemaklang....oh ye ka saya silap masuk...hehehe ampun ye tuan rumah.
ReplyDeletebanyak benar pintu hehehe - lain kali saya akan lebih hati2.
abe id.
Pb...ock alah...rugi lah tock leh balek tiket free! pakoh 'gottu lah deh wala mmano pung' hehehe
abe id.
ur parents ada factory di kelantan...wahhh...kilang buat mancis chap lada tu ko? or kilang gappo?
abg suami orang mana?
gi la jalan jalan ke kelantan, shopping lebih2 kasik tambah ekonomi sikit.
abg id.
ReplyDeleteTAKE CARE ABG ID...
the confused :-)
ReplyDeleteam glad u had sweet memories of kelantan. mana tau nanti terbuka hati untuk cari oghe kelate jugok...hehee ( assuming u r single - sorry ye jika sudah berpunya ).
oghe kelate pujuknya menggamit, marahnya dalam senyum, hatinya lembut, manis mulut, dan mudoh berkigho ....kalu keno gayo hehehe
thank you for your comment.
maghi lagi la deh!
rusdi ..hehehe...:-) pehae dgn kelate seghupo sepupu la ...hehehe..gamba tu jah hok kawae ado...
demo 'kelik ngundi ko?'
yusnida.. :-)
aha klik di UNiversity - femes gak tu. tapi seingat saya lah, klik johor kuat jugak...hehehe
yes, Tuan Guru memimpin rakyat - rasa damai dan mencukupi dalam serba kekurangan kebendaan - kerana perisian dalaman yang di tekan.
Allah Hu Aklam.
umi kalthum ngah :-)
ReplyDeletei a delighted that u r making a return visit. I am a fan of ur writings....keep on writing and may your contorubition to society thru ur classes mendapat balasan dari Allah.
'Elo elo la nati deh' hehehe biasa la tu ungkapan perpisahan. meaning - keep in touch!
yes, make a return visit soon - and hopefully u will find inspiration to write a novel based on kelantan living.
let me know if you do - i want to order signed copies by the dozens...hehehehe
ummi, nanti gi jalan jalan kelantan ye...and if i am around in malaysia, let me know - i will invite u over to my sisters house. i don;t have family home there anymore since both parents dah meninggal - but my sisters are there and i visit them evrytime i balek malaysia.
memang tenang bila balek kampung....hijau dengan sawah dan dusun. ermmmmm
MuMMY Rizq, :-) attendance marked, noted and much appreciated!
abe id tak kelik ngundi ko?
okay la, okay la...i bukan orang kelantan and wont even attempt to speak like one (merajuk nih!..hehehe). anyway, kalau balik mengundi nanti dan ter-lalu di kl, jgn lupa singgah di menara berkembar tu ya.
ReplyDeletekisah kelate lagi... abe id kelik ngundi ke undi pos ? kalu kelik lagi molek , kita pakat buat gulai kawah lagi....ambo tak paka kain sarong tapi ambo make budu, boleh masuk gu ke tak ...hehehehe.
ReplyDeletebetul tu abe id. kalu belajar luar kelate, mesti ado lah gu kelate. biasonyo hok napok gu kelate nga gu johor. maso sayo ngaji tepen dulu, siap cata bah kalu lik klate. junior so bah, senior so bah. ghama tuh. hehe!
ReplyDeleteabe id tok kelik ngundi ko? ko ngundi pos jah? :)
jantung pisae sedap, woh duku sedap, moktae pun sedap, daging kambing, ambo kughae sikit... heheee.. rindu nak balik kampung!!!
ReplyDeleteneeza setuju tu. semangat kelantanese memang kuat. hari tu neeza ada call 1 police ni ada hal la. Bila dia tahu I've kelantan blood in me, dia terus cakap.. laaa.. bakpo tok ghoyak. lain kali call direct jah kalu ado masaaloh... fooh!! mudoh gitu.. hehee
besfren nisa org kelate n masa skolah dulu, petang-petang dia call mama dia ckp 'ambik kak long kat sekolah slalu'.. nisa pun pelik, 'selalu??'. rasanya memang lah mak dia ambik dia hari-hari.. hehehe.. lama2 baru nisa tau.. selalu tu sekarang.. hehe.. bnyk lagi xtau ni.. :)
ReplyDeleteleeds... :-) masih dok fikir..nak tunggu MAS bagi diskaun tiket hehehe....mungkin dapat tiket free dari Khairy ok jugak...
ReplyDeleteabe id
mama rock...:-) dengan mama saya berkata-kata dalam bahasa baku...boleh kan?
harus singgah dan cari mama nanti di menara kembar. tingkat berapa pun saya dah tahu. hehehehe
cuma number telefon belum ada la...
silversarina...:-) hehehe kes masuk gu ni sama dgn orang negeri sembilan kata masuk suku la kut hehehe
ReplyDeletedah makae budu tu kira ok dah tu....ambo pun suka makang kepok leko....:P
undi pos sudah tidak di benarkan lagi...
so kalau nak mengundi kena la balek.
dlt .. :-) Dok mmokir la ni nok kelik ko dok...hehehe.
ReplyDeletesbb ngundi di setiawangsa / tmn melati tu belum tahu lagi pung sapo calon nyo?
kalu ado tiker free - ok jugak hehehe
neeza :-)
yes, kerabu janto pisae memae sedap..memae suko sangat!
malae esok nok mintok kak LiL buat lah....hari tu buat solok lado...adess sedak weh!!
kalu ambo gi jubail kigho nyo buleh makae free la ye....samo gu!! Hhehehe
Nisa...tu la pakcik kata - maghi selalu lah ke dubai nih hehehe
yes...kelantan is the bset..rindunya nak balik....makan cendol pulut, som tam, ayam bakar, nasi kerabu daging bakar.....ahhhhh.....biler nak kelik ni uncle.....nora7
ReplyDeletehai nora7 :-) lama tak dgr berita dari sana. semoga sihat dan maju jaya ....teruskan perjuangan!!
ReplyDeletesemua tuh sedak belako tuh...hehehe...campur lagi pulut bakar!
janto pisae cicoh budu.. sehingga menjilat jari!! heheee
ReplyDeletehhaahh?? solok lado?? sedaknyoo.. sini payoh nok wak, takdok nyor mesae.
makae free di jubail?? takdok masaaloh.. heheeee...
neeza :-)
ReplyDeletemujo ssini ado nyor mesae! Ubi kayu ador...boleh di kato kae sumer ador lah...cumo mok dengae ayoh jah tak dok....hehehe
demo pung maghi lah ko dubai...bawaok femili maghi rumoh ambo...hehehe
tok kelik bokali pok payne. Harap2 kepimpine lamo lagi tadbir kelate lepas ni. loni tahe doh sikit ore tino ado bulis buat nasi kerabu, solok lado, sblm ni gak time buje ok' aloh la..... berair mulut somo terigak ko nasi kerrabu dgn solok lado gak hehehehehe.
ReplyDeleteSalam PokcikPayne,
ReplyDeleteA subject very close to my heart (and just to let you know that i read this).
Balik la ngudi, wee kkuat lagi kelate tu. Ko tok cukuk omo lagi? Sayae la kalu tok kelik gak...
-Mokcik N-
ReplyDeletekalu ado buat nasik kerabu denage tumih lagi gak...elo elo la ko ambo getek deh...hehehe
MokCik N.. :-)
ni mokcik N hok panda mmasok tu ko? Mokcik N ni ambo kena rasonyo...hok vogue ggitu tu deh??
ambo nok tunggu MAS bui tiker free balek nngundi baghu nok kelik...
bilo nok gi nasik mandi lagi?? hehhee
ubi kayu ssini ado jugok cumo tok rajing beli lagi...nok gi jugok dubai... tunggu lah deh.. minggu depae ko.. bulae depae ko... tahun depae ko... 5 tahun lagi ko.. heheeee