The most tricky is when someone asked us to guess what their ages are? Especially if the person who ask is a woman and she looks past her prime. I have a confession - if I am in a situation like that I always substract ten years from my true guess. No, play it safe guys....don't go with FIVE ...but go with TEN!!! So if the lady is about 45 in your best estimate after glancing at the loose skin around her neck, guess 35! She will be delighted and you will have her full attention for the rest of the afternoon, and if you are lucky may even be extended to a late night supper. And if in the course of the conversation she reveals that she has a twenty-something-daughter - don't go with a lame "Oh I see"...Noooooooooooooo!!! never...!!! Instead go with a "No way...tell me you are kidding.....!!! Your eldest can't be more than fifteen ....unless you were married really young!" and gaze into her eyes with a dreamy-i-am-flirting-with you look while saying that. I bet you she will love it ...and will play into extra time on making you tell her more and more that she looks thirty-five. Middle-aged women loved to be wooed, flirted, desired. You see, most forty-something women know through their female instinct that their husbands harbour secret desires to swap them with two-twenty-something-girls. So to be at the receiving end of attention is a welcome change. But beware if you cross the limit from flirting to advancing - they will hiss and piss you like a wild cobra! Never read desire for flirtation as a come-maul-me signal. They are not as straight forward and easy as your typical twenty-something-take-away girls found at most night clubs. They are sophisticated ( read as complicated and confused ). While you are at it, go for a full course: mention how elegantly she dresses......pay particular attention to her shoes and handbags. And always, compliments her eyes and the way she smiles....! Just when she thought you are through with your compliments - just whispers quietly, almost to yourself, "Your husband is a very lucky man.....".
One thing you must always remember is ....never tell her " Wow you look so very sihat!" or else you risk making her lose her appetite. Nooo.....not just for the food, but also in talking with you. 'Sihat' is not for you to tell a woman....it is for her doctors!
There are two things middle aged men don't like for anyone to tell them - 1. One is something getting 'lesser' - their hair, and 2. and another is something getting "bigger" - their waist. There is an unwritten rule of social grace for people to say something like, "My oh my - the longer I have not met you the younger you look! You are looking great my friend" when you meet a middle-aged man whom you have not seen a long time. Never mind that he looked jagged and scruffy and old. He will soon forget how tired or how old he really is ....he will be brimming with happiness and cheer. Try it.....! You will get an instant result. Unless of course the man has been subjected to so much abuse that he needs a little more than one praise to put him up-right again.
Talking about abuse, please allow me to digress ....with a para on it.
Abuse - we parents are the best cuplrits. We do without intending. We add an adjectives or two in jest, such as "Adik tembam", "Abang malas". The next time you are angry with your children - pause and count to twenty. If the words dancing on your lips have any of the negative adjectives then you may be guilty of abuse. What they hear from their parents, their mind will remember and the brain will keep repeating to them until they starts believing it is true. Your son or daughter will prove you right, and will make sure he or she will be 'tembam' and 'malas'.
"Orang tua ni pekak ka.....dah berkali2 kita cakap bukan nya dia nak dengar!" I once overheard a young woman mumbling to an elderly man she was pushing on a wheel-chair at a hospital, and of all places in Kuala Lumpur. I felt like giving the woman a tight slap on her face! But of course I didn't. Instead I said, "Ayah ka?". I found out that she was a daughter-in-law!
If she spoke softer - with love and compassion - I am sure the man could have heard her. I even think he pretended he did not hear a word because it was easier that way.
The words, 'Orang Tua" itself is not liked by middle-aged men. It is considered rude....
I personally hate it when refered to as 'Tua'.
Now even a few of my blog readers are unsure what to address me as...."Abang' or "Pakcik / Uncle". These kind of dilemma is unique to Malaysians. In Europe you don't find people addressing strangers by 'uncle' or 'brother'. If there is a need to show respect, than they address the person as a Mister so-and-so. But I am Malaysian and my readers are mainly Malaysians too. So we should be forgiven for reverting to our cultural norms.
Ok, this is my rule of thumbs.
1. If you are the same age as his ( eldest ) child, then you can call the middle-aged men as Pak Cik or Uncle.
2. If your children are the same age as his (youngest) child, then you may call him Mr. So-n-so or Abang So-n-so. But never just abang.......unless you are his sweetheart or share the same parents.
3. Regardless of your age, it is safe and appropriate to call him by his name.....and a salutation of Mister So-n-so is always acceptable.
There is a quote, "Age considers; youth ventures". With age, men tend to think a lot more about things said and things that happened. As a result too, they tend to be more sensitive.
Unfortunately - the belief that with age comes wisdom is only a myth. Nothing is guranteed to come with age except wrinkles. hehehehe. Even the belief that age is like wine - the older the better is also conditional to having grapes of good grade in the first place.
Perhaps because I am an optimist and live my life with enthusiasm, I particularly like this quote, "None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm".
I try not to keep company with pessismist, stay away from the skeptics, and shy away from the perfectionists and realists. I find perfectionists as cause for stress.....afterall who are we kidding trying to achieve perfection in this real world of dents and damages, of wear and tear!
Before I am labelled of displaying an old-man's syndrome of not knowing when to stop blabbering, let me end with this quote from George Bernard Shaw, "We don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing!".
If you don't want to play with me.....please get out of the way, so that I can play with those who are willing. Thank you......

Hahahaa!!! I love this one. Really love it. So many things that I need to comment but I'm afraid it'll become an article. Let me summarize it... hehee (summarize tu..)
ReplyDeleteFirst, about age. 10 years younger huh? That means, whenever people said to me, you don't look 33 (last year) and you still look like anak dara (hahaha!!! what a bluff.. I knew that already actually when looking at the fine lines on my face... Oh well, I knew how my face looked like when I was 23 don't I?). To me, its okay to reveal my real age, at least for now since I'll be lagi la malu if people say, eh.. you look older than your age. (tutup muka la cam tuh.. hehee)
You are right. Woman like to listen to a compliment. Suka sangat. It boost their confidence. So, to all men, compliment your wife everyday, no matter how bad she looks. tapi of course la, if she's really not presentable, buy her something so that she can look better.
About calling uncle ni.. hmmm.. your youngest lebih kurang the same age dgn my eldest. So, just call you without uncle or pakcik kot. I've used to call just name when studying in States. Tapi, bila balik malaysia, the culture is different.
About abuse part... somehow, its hard not to 'beleber' to the kids. It sounds just right. Perhaps I have to visualize what if they do that to me when I get old. So, whenever I think of blabbing, I better imagine the worst la..
Thanks for the hilarious article and reminder...
Very well-said, Abang Id (my kids are about Luqman's age by the way :))
ReplyDeleteSo, should our paths cross and you somehow give a comment, "Wow, you don't look like you're xx yrs old. I really thought you were xx minus 10 yrs old!", I'll sure remember this posting and get what you really mean. Hahahaha!
Take care.
Ingatkan orang perempuan je yang nak kena berkias...orang lelaki pun yek..:P Sensitif juga yek middle age men nie yek !
ReplyDeleteAnyway, about the women and flattery, it goes hand in hand and that is a rule of thumb. And for boys trying to memikat girls, your whole attention, your whole night, your conversation should be revolving around her. Kalau dia tanya pasal you, jawab sikit then pusing balik towards her. Hehehe...
Anyway, you're as old as you think you are. It's all in the set of mind...within reasons... :)
Salam Idham,
ReplyDeleteThis is a very good N3, as always (bukan memuji, memang benar). Kepada sesiapa pun kita harus berkata yang baik aje, kalau takda yang baik nak dikata, berdiam adalah lebih baik.
Dalam mengagak umur tu, memang baik memberitahu umur yang lebih muda dari yang kita agakkan, baik untuk lelaki lebih2 lagi bagi perempuan.
Di dalam alam siber ni pula lebih lagilah, kerana kalau ada gambar tu boleh juga diagak umurnya. Yang takda tu, kena bagi benefit of the doubt, mengagak lagi muda lebih selamat, macam Idham ni baru 40'an je nampaknya (kalau tengok gambar). Tak gitu?
Tentang menantu yang tidak peka tu saya rasa sedihlah, membacanya. Suatu masa nanti, jika ditakdirkan anda berada di tempat yang sama, apa perasaan anda jika diperbuat begitu.
Semoga kita diberi anak2 yang soleh dan solehah serta menghormati orang2 tua (ibu-bapa) mereka. InsyaAllah.
Best...best...I like this one too...
ReplyDeleteBut donno what to say...maybe dah malam sangat dah....
BTW that cat is so cute...
Will get PS# I love you DVD if I can't goto movie.
neeza :-) but but but.....neeza, u do look 23...hehehehe. tenguk jer la gambar yg pakai baju merah masa carving buah tembikai tu! errr....do I sound like I have shot myself in the foot with the confession in the entry? huh...
ReplyDeleteand, pesanan to ALL MEN to COMPLIMENT their wives tu very appropriate tu....coming from a wife herself. Kan kan....sbb kalau hubby tak puji nanti ada org lain puji haru biru la pulak....adessshh...
errrr, what am i saying here??!
now, your word "BELEBER" just revealed to me the origin of the word "Blabbering" - rupa2 from the kelate word beleber tu lah kan...:P
Yes, call jer Idham.
wanshana....hehehehe....if we do meet, I will be saying things to 'ayah'instead. I am so so sy one with ladies when meeting in persons. hehehe
ReplyDeleteand, yes I will be interested to listen to 'ayah' side of the stories....hehehehe
k.d....:-) nice tips ...will lead Luqman to read the tips tu....hehehe.
ReplyDeleteof course men too need kias kias jugak.....especialy bila past 40!
Pak ZABS.. :) setuju sungguh dengan comment Pak Zabs tu....
ReplyDeletepause and think sebelum keluarkan peluru kata2.
eheh, tekaan pak zabs mengenai usia saya tu - memang membuat saya tersenyum. hehehe....itulah yg saya maksudkan - instant result!
Menantu tu - memang kurang didikan. Itulah kesimpulan saya masa tu...semoga kita di anugerahkan dengan anak2 dan jodoh2 mereka yang baik2.
anggerik...:) kucing tu memang cute. tapi gambar tu dari one of the forwarded emails i received.
ReplyDeleteyes, worth watching the movie if u like romantic flicks.
you have a lot of tricks when come to pleasing woman kan abg id.. no wonder kak lil luvssssss you so much!
ReplyDeletehmmm... so now i know lah org2 yg cakap i look younger to sebenarnya dah substract 10 yrs!! aisehhh!!
ReplyDeleteheheh anyway.. what do i call you now? i am older than your eldest son, and my daughter is younger that your youngest son? how la mister idham? heheh
I will just call you Abg Id..to make u feel younger!! (my age is younger than u & my baby is obviously younger than ur son)..u r very lucky to hv such a strong,loving family..maybe blogging away is ur secret of staying young?hehehe...
ReplyDeleteamboi amboi...pandainya berkata2 untuk memikat.. i wonder how you pikat kak lil dulu..
ReplyDeleteok what should i call you? My youngest is the same as yours, my eldest is the same as your 3rd. But your eldest is definately younger than me. I think I will stick to Uncle Id, lebih mesra gitu and ada rasa hormat.. what say you..he he he.
Oh lupa, you do look young you know from the photos that you have posted. Compliment compliment!!! he he he.
Now what should I do to look young, ayah looks 10 years younger than me.. uwaa..
mummy rizq...hehehe...i mentioned to LiL that you mentioned "no wonder kak lil luvs you sooo much" and i asked her..."iye ka...?"
i am pleased to inform you that she said..."Iyeeeeeeeeeeeee" and I even got a special hug this morning....hehehe
thank you for your 'love message'. hehehe
konot..:-) wah u hv gone private eh....i can fully understand your decision. a few times i had the same feeling too...to go private..
ReplyDeleteada masa tu, people tell u the truth la....like if they say u look young...that is bcoz u do look young...:)
how is balqis recovering??
:-) nur.....blogging away is definitey on of them ....or in a wider context, not keeping too much inside!
ReplyDeleteanother secrets is what you wrote at the end of your latest entry..
"to have as many - breath taking moments" as possible...
and they can be simple things....that we be fascinated with.
But let us write abt them - in another entry.
Abg id ( yes, that makes me feel young! )
ummi....pikat kak lil pun dengan kata-kata.hehehe...bak kata Bee Gees, dalam lagu 'words'....wrods are all i have, to take your heart away...!
ReplyDeleteyes, for the reasons you mentioned please call me uncle id. hehehe
secrets to look young....alaaa....nak nampak muda mcm mana lagi...tu pun dah nampak muda tu!
ayah memang looks young....ermm, kena tanya jugak tu his secrets....
Idham.. hahahaaa...yes, I look 23 (plus another 10! heheee). Your entry is perfectly correct. That's what actually happen in real life..
ReplyDeletebetul tu.. if the husband tak puji, orang lain puji and the husband dengar, baru lah husband tu nak peluk je wife dia walau kemana sekalipun.. tapi ada ke orang nak puji wife orang depan the husband...heheeee.. kena pancung kepala orang tu nanti.. hahaaa!!
yupp.. hehee.. banyak words kelate di english kan.. or the other way around. kelate speaks english.. macam.. book - kelate sebuk..bok! hehee
Pak Idham ...(Pak -- shows respect ) You always have interesting topic to talk about
ReplyDeleteIm in the mid-thirty reaching to forty and i enjoy my life even more than i've ever been..like my fren said... feel like the luckiest woman in the world ... not "OPRAH" but us ...
if famous said life begin at 40.. i think that's so true ...
Age's nothing but number ... :-)
What is definition of middle aged ? I feel quite middle aged especially when younger generation call me auntie/makcik. But your theory might hold some truth as some people may think I'm in my 20s and may think my youngest is my first born! (I blogged about a flirtatious taxi driver once, was so glad to arrive at destination asap, lol).
ReplyDeletein Saudi, it is culturally incorrect to praise someone wife - for anything. For example, if invited to a Saudi's home for meals and the food was good - JANGAN praise wife dia memasak tu. Pantang!!! Say, only "ALHAMDULLILLAH, the food was so nice, May God bless the occupants of this house"
Men visitors should never address the wife directly. Always talk only to the husband.
Lagi contoh english words copied from kelatan-speak...
nuke....yesh...life begins at forty...hehehe...:-) before that, people are too busy to live. hehehe
ReplyDeletebusy paying their debts to buy house, buy cars, debt for the weddings, etc etc...
before forty, people also have short-sighted problems...they can see beauty in things they don;t have - but don't see the beauty in things they have!
ReplyDeletemy theory is based on research done by professor Dr. Idham Omong Omong from the University of Craziland..hehehehe. So yes, it my have some truth.
ERrrr...I must read that entry on teh taxi driver 'miang miang' dengan you tu...hehehe
careful next time u take a cab...try to look older and meaner!!
comel la entry ni abg id.
ReplyDeletenow i know. hehehe
and i agree, tak sesuai panggil uncle/auntie unless diorang kakak/abg kepada parents kita.
gambar tuceng yang last tu comel lah!
ReplyDeletetucing tu memang cute dan manja...maybe tucin baru kawen tu hehehehe...masih dalam honeymoon.
keep well....menten vogue!
abg id
Main hide and seek dengan abg Id bleh??? heheh
ReplyDeleteyours truly...:)
ReplyDeletemacam mana tu main hide n seek tu....hehhehe ada rules ka?
Nice entry Idham. The complimenting part tu, I think I would know instantly when someone is trying to butter you up just for the fun of it ke or just to make the other person feel good. I don't think I would fall for it. I would just smile and move on unaffected by the flattery. Only my husband has the faculty to do that to me I guess, even if he didn't mean what he said, he he he. ANything nice that pops out from his mouth would suffice and make the rest of my day.
ReplyDeleteI am guilty of saying ngok ngek to my children. Sometimes bila marah sangat memang benda2 yang tak sepatutnya keluar akan terkeluar. But I think ngok ngek is bearable compared to bodoh ke, lembab ke. Well, that's how I made them think of the word.
Sorry la idham, merapu plak pagi2 buta ni. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Idham, you know what. My husband wanted to show his saudi's friend his iqamah (ada my picture and kids kan..) gambar kids dia nak tengok but he asked my husband to cover my face. my husband kata, its okay. I know you're not a sex maniac that's why I show you. Then dia kata, no no... you should not show you wife to other because you don't know their intention. sabor je la... sampai tahap tu..
ReplyDeleteseghupo merket?? hahaaaaa!!! bijok sungguh kelate..
Hi Idham,
ReplyDeleteIf I follow the rule of thumb, then I should be calling you Abang Idham. But to be honest, I'm not used to call guys Abang so-n-so. Hope you don't mind that. :)
Thanks for the advice about the 'pause and count to twenty'. Sometimes when I'm tired and angry I tend to become one of those who are guilty of putting the adjectives before the name.
Good post.
Wiz...:-) flatteries - given too easily and insicerely - I guess, can change to be FLATLY. Selalu tu hubby yang mahal dgn praise ni, sekali dia puji - kesan nya stay lama....mungkin hingga besuk pagi :P
ReplyDeleteNgok ngek...i bet you, nanti bila your children celebrates your fiftieth birthday - this "Ngok Ngek' thingy will come back to haunt you - in their speeches! hahaha
One of them may say, "If not for all the Ngok Ngeks I got from mma Wiz - I would not be who I am today!"
Best wishes, and enjoy your children ...Ngok Ngek not withstandings...
:-) neeza...
ReplyDeleteThat only happens in Saudi lah...hahahaha
Kami lelaki malaysia masih boleh control shahwat kami walaupun melihat gambar dan wajah wanita...hehehe
tapi, aurat tu tutup la ..hehehehe...too much of kopi herba, dan too little clothing on wanita mmbuat kepala kami pusing2 dan mata kami naik berdebu hehehe
tolong kami dengan menutup aurat la kan...hehehe.
ReplyDeleteam very comfortable with people calling me by my name, real or nick name.
Adjectives - represents our judgement. hehehe.....so, while the jury is out, perhaps we want to suspend the judgement la kan...
bila dah proven guilty, pass the verdict while upholding dignity of the 'pesalah'.
but believe me - this is all easier said than done. :)
errrr.. I rasa kan..errr most of us here (bloggers) already did! ke nk kena tutup muka pulak? heheee
ReplyDeleteneeza....cukup setakat tutup aurat kut...
ReplyDeletebut, again - one is to her and his own la kan.
sensitip issue tu....
tak paham sangat.. takpelah.. ignore je la kot.. heheee
ReplyDeletenice entry Mr idham...
r u having those middle-age syndrome??? I hope not...hahhaha...
gurau2 je yek Mr Id...
neeza....alahai....ajaklah abg suami jalan2 di dubai...bawak anak2 makan angin...boleh kita dok makan2 sembang2...nanti faham lah!
ReplyDeleteI AM HAVING a lot of different types of syndromes ni hehehe....kenapa ek Doktor?