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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life goes on....

When someone says, "Life goes on..." what does that mean?

Does it mean, the person has given up all hope of getting what he or she desires to have - then decides to shrug it off, and continue walking?

Could it mean, this person is so in harmony with his or her soul - she or he accepts whatever happens as fated, and continue sleeping? Is it possible that when someone says 'Life goes on...' he or she actually is justifying for his / her failures and misgivings, and continue denying?

And what if, one says 'Life goes on.....' as a way of avoiding the pain and not taking accountability?

Well, I am asking.....because, I am hearing myself saying this phrase one time too often lately.

I am also asking.....because, Malaysia is facing a general election and far too many people are shrugging off their responsibilties to cast vote...with an attitude of whatever happens, life goes on.

"Life goes on...." does not sound too positive afterall! When someone is saying the obvious - it sounds like abdicating responsibility for one's own action, one's life.
Isn't it obvious that 'life will go on.....', whether you are happy or not - that is another story. And believe me, if you hear someone says that phrase, he or she more often than not is actually regretting what life offers.

Ermmm, oh well - life goes on I supposed. So don't bother!

PS: This entry is sponsored by those who are fighting for a Better Life, the HERE and the AFTER!
Life must not go on the way it is, it can be better!


  1. There are many reasons why people are reluctant to cast their votes. Like myself, the situation doesn't allow me too though I wish I could be there :).

    Another is, from previous experience, there were many obstacles that hinder the supposedly winning party to win (ie: the SPR bureaucracy). Well, it could be the reasons. There were many phantom voters too though 'they' never admit that.

    So, what else to say rather than 'Life goes on..'. Dah give up la tu kot heheeee...

  2. ala..

    baru nak komen pasal entry nak cucu tu...dah tuka entry baru?

    hahahaha =)

    apa kabar semua??
    dah lama tak tengok blog ayah ni~


  3. Mr Idham :)

    Life goes on no matter what happens but it is our own responsibility to dictate in which direction it should go..

    Yes.. we MUST ensure that our life goes on in the right path so that we reach the FINAL DESTINATION safely.

    So, apalagi VoTE for a BETTER Malaysia.. heheh!

    p/s- balik ke mengundi nanti? :)

  4. Abe Id,
    Lamanya xkomen - rasa janggal dah. Hows life n family?

    Sayang sungguh la, masih ramai lagi rakyat (tngok je disekeliling kita) yg kurang kesedaran utk kuar mngundi nanti - siang2 dah pasang niat. Xkisah la nak undi hak yg kiri ke yg kanan - asalkan undi nya dikira ye tak?

    Ada yg kata xundi sebgai tanda protes.
    Ada yg kata klu undi pun xboleh ubah apa2.
    Ada yg kata watpe undi klu spr dah sah2 xleh pakai.

    Tapi sgup ke kita nak turun padang angkat machinegun utk perangi ketidakadilan? Join demo jalanan?

    Apalah sgt undi tu...buat je lah...

    P/s: Dah dok jauh, nak wat camna- tp kempen tetap kempen! BTW, I don't agree with ur poll's result -bias tu! Hehehehe...

  5. saya menafsirkannya sebagai struggle untuk hidup belum habis, belum putus, banyak lagi yang harus dilakukan, jangan duduk berangan-angan saja.

  6. there are a lot to complain about...
    but hence, will anyone really listen...
    whatever it goes on...either better or worse...
    we pray that we will have a better, more promising future...

  7. Salam Idham,
    Yes life must go on, but action must be taken so that life will go on for the better.
    "Allah tidak mengubah nasib seseorang, selagi orang itu tidak mengubah nasibnya sendiri."

  8. Life goes on

    i selalu juga cakap tu bila terasa down atau bila sesuatu berlaku dan sukar nak menerimanya.

    walaupun kekadang ayat tu tak mendatangkan semangat pun tapi kalau diulang acapkali sekurangnya boleh gak kurangkan my kesewelan hehehe..

  9. Tumpang lalu... ( sambil bongkok dan tangan kanan lurus ke bawah)
    Betul Ad, tak sempat nak sembang pasal anak cucu dah tukar topik dah...
    Adlil, life has to go on with continous improvement.. faham tu cikMilah pesan...kaizen.
    Ayahanda mu dah kepingin cucu... ehem :)

  10. Life goes on..
    it depends on how people interpret it..either to just go on with life with the current flow, or to just go on in different direction of the flow.. dan selalunya utk menyongsang arus lebih banyak cabarannya..

    cume yg saya kesal,
    berapa ramai yg omong2 kosong yg mahu Malaysia tercinta berubah, tp do not even lift a finger to help the situation.hanya m'jadi pemerhati shj & pengkritik di belakang tabir..

    berapa ramai yg menjadi tin kosong,byk b'ckp tp x berani ke hadapan utk mengubah nasib bangsa?

    sesungguhnya tanpa keberanian & kesungguhan yg jitu utk berubah, yg pasti kite akan sentiasa berada di takuk lama!

    (sorry abg id,entry abg id ni evoke patriotism in me!ampun..)

  11. yes cik milah...huhuh

    (sape gerangan cik milah ni)

  12. i say life goes on but malaysia goes down unless bulan goes up.

    budak star.

  13. neeza....:-) guess what, ramai yg rasa give up.
    ermm, that is what malaysian politics has done to us - the leaders have sucessfully make majority of malaysians orang yg putus asa.

    ad..:-) bz la tu...hehehe


    little muffins :-)

    harus balik kut, jika tak balik nanti rugi lah satu undi!



  14. rad...:-)

    the country needs more people like you!!


    maksu...:-) betul jugak tu...kalau takat angan-angan ermm, boleh jatuh dari pokok sebab dok ingat dah peluk kekasih hati! ( cerita angan angan mat jenin )


    Dr No :-)



    pakzabs.. ;-)

    again, words of wisdom. much appreciated.


    darling...:-) glad ur lofes is moving forward!

    naikkan semangat sendiri.



  15. cikmilah :-)

    hehehehe....beri laluan sbb cik milah sopan!


    NUR...:-) walaupun Nur di johor, saya sungguh bangga mengetahui NUR tetap patriotic dan mengundi demi negara bukan sebab tok nenek moyang kita undi BN!
    berfikir sendiri lah...sbb problem masa kini lain dengan zaman ibu bapak kita dahulu.
    zaman Datuk ONN - zaman itu memang umno gemilang. zaman la ni, zaman tenat!

    teruskan dengan semangat itu NUR!


    adi...masuk lah blog cikmilah...:-)


    budak star :-)

    heheheehe. do i know u?? our junior kan?

