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Friday, February 8, 2008

Ustaz Hasrizal

He was unknown to me before he came. I am now one of his huge scores of fans - and I have only listened to him talking for about 2 hours. This is one popular ustaz, especially amongst the young Malaysians. If you have not yet visited his blog here, then I encourage you to.

Hasrizal was on a tour to Dubai and Doha to share his knowledge on ways to become an Effective Muslim. Modelled after C0vey's 7-Habits but customized to Islam's teachings, he spoke to more than 50 people who gathered last night to listen to lessons from his own past, insights and examples which include video clips which everyone can relate to. Majority if not all of his audience were having their own internalised reflections.

"Are you convinced ( Yakin ) that there will be the Day of Judgement - Of heaven and Hell?" He asked.
"Yes"- a few voices replied.
He described how drivers would slow down after getting head-light signals from on-coming traffic. We all do that, don't we? We slow down because the signals tell us there are police ahead - We are convinced ( Yakin ) of that so we change our behaviors by slowing down.
Then he asked again.
"How many of us have actually changed our behaviours because we were convinced and Yakin of Hari Akhirat?" I for one, paused to reflect!

"Mencari atau Menjadi?"
We can feel inadequate, frustrated, and unhappy - he said, if we continue to Mencari. He gave example of a man continuing to look for a perfect woman to be his wife.
Then he urged us to focus instead to Menjadi ( To be ) ..... the change we want to see.
"Instead of looking (Mencari ) for a perfect woman - Be a perfect ( Menjadi ) husband with the woman you have" he said. Many men I think paused to reflect!

Begin with the end in mind.
The end of all end is .........: Are we satisfied with our preparation for the end?
"How do you solve a jig saw puzzle" He asked, and answered the question himself, "By first looking at the complete picture on the box"
"What is our life's purpose?" is a question I am sure we have been asked a thousand times. And, I am sure we are modifying our answers day by day, bit by bit, getting closer and closer to what the real answer is supposed to be.
The ustaz brought the six Alam to us. And for the first time I knew why babies are conceived in moms' Rahim - It is moms' "Rahim = kasih sayang" which has been chosen by God to be good enough to carry His creations.

I would not do justice to what he shared neither can I emulate his passion and conviction. I am only sharing a very small part of what he shared with us last night. If it has made you even a little - wanting to seek more of His knowledge to be a better Muslim, then that is all I am hoping for.

For LiL and I, hosting the event was an honour and a priviledge. Thank you saudara Hasnol for choosing to do the Usrah at our home.
Thank you Ustaz Hasrizal for sharing and giving me many reasons to pause and reflects. May God bless you and your family. And Thank you Umm Saif for lending Abu Saif to us for a couple of days.

Group picture with the part of the participants!

You can also read a report from Fudzail here.


  1. Abg Arief

    It surely hit home some of the questions. Allah dah beri petunjuk and so it's up to us to take heed of it.

    Sesekali ada pengisian untuk rohani amatlah penting untuk peringatan

  2. Mr Idham..

    Just to point out something.. err I am not sure whether his name is Ustaz Haslizam.. because.. IF I am not mistaken, his name is Ustaz HASRIZAL.. sorry kalau tersilap.

    I have been reading his blog for a long time actually. Ada link in littlemuffins. Dia mmg best.. :)

  3. KD..:-)

    Yes. True....

    To have the 'ilmu' brought home in that manner is a priviledge! To be able to elarn something from it is a blessing....


  4. Little muffins :-)

    Nama telah di betulkan. In fact the name on my link was correct - but somehow when I typed the entry I wnet to type of worngly. Apologies for any problem caused.


  5. Abg Arief...Now bila dah tengok gambar and dah tau nama betul, kenal le Ustaz nie. Pernah datang Dublin kasi ceramah. And orang-orang yang duduk Belfast memang kenal sangat dengan dia.

    Jauh dia berjalan menyebar ilmu..

  6. Dalam usia menjelang senja, ku kerap mengingatkan diriku bahawa persediaan ku untuk hari akhirat belum cukup lagi. Tapi ku selalu menyalahkan masa. Tapi bila ku ada masa, ku lupa untuk bersedia.

  7. bila ada ceramah like this, kita insaf. tapi, after a while, we make a U-turn. mungkin kita kena selalu dengar macam ni so that, we make no U-turn lagi.. (I'm reminding myself ni tau Idham :))

  8. Mr Idham..

    Seronoknya it was held in your place. Majlis ilmu.. bawa byk barakah to the hosts.. InsyaAllah.

    : )


  9. k.d....rasanya dia pernah belajar di satu perkampungan di Belfast sana....:-)
    and yes, he travels far to share his knowledge and we are the beneficiries.


  10. ummie...memang ramai kut yang masih melengkapkan don;t be discouraged....kita terus support each other dalam perjalanan ini..:)

    JD arif.

  11. neeza....jalan berliku...sebab banyak kena buat U-Turn...asalkan kita tahu arahnya ke mana kira ok la tu...U turn ka round about ka...itu cuma mengingatkan kita bahawa kita ni insan yang lemah...

    semoga kembali kita nanti dalam keimanan.


  12. little muffins...:-) allahhu aklam...


  13. Pak Payne,
    Thanks for this posting. I've been following his blog since last year. A very intelligent young man.
    Thanks again

  14. pak mior...sessi kedua di dubai malam ini - setelah ustaz selesai di Doha. Tajuk malam ini "sejarah/Othmaniyyah "


