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Monday, February 18, 2008

A little note to self.....

From the hotel entrance. The island is part of Iran. Note the flags.

Seminar participants.

Recognition - is nourishment for motivation, so please give recognition to deserving people as often as he or she deserves. A standing ovation given to me by the forty participants at a Seminar here in Kish island this morning refueled my own self-motivation to continue doing what I enjoy doing ......"Helping others surpass their own potential".
I did not give a lecture on new Leadership concept, nor did I give a fiery speech on politics or revolution. Nothing like that. Instead I took them through a path of self-discovery; of what really matters to them as a person, and as a professional. I facilitated so they discovered their own 'hidden pearls'. I urged them to share those moments in their lives when they followed their instinct and did something wonderful - and helped them re-call how free and liberating they felt. I also reminded them of those moments when the were held back, inhibited mainly by fear and by opinions and dis-approvals from others. I made them write down a list of those lost moments - moments of "If only I have ......then I...............". We took time to pause and reflect whether they still wanted to pursue any of those items on the list. Not surprising, they admitted that there have been blessings in disguise too for what they didn't do. But a proper closure made a difference....we deleted and cleared our bins of regrets.
Picture of dinner with a few of the participants - above first night, and below second night.

For us Muslims, we are blessed with higher order Faith in "There is a reason for what happened, and surely He knows best". But we owe it to ourselves to also understand what happened using logic and rationale, instead of leaving everything to, "Never mind - there must be a reason". Logic helped us to connect the dots of what happened or didn't happen and their consequences. Hindsights of such dots...are important for our own evolution, learning and growth.

I closed the session by asking them to make a pledge to themselves - what they want to do which will impact the lives of others around them. Those pledges were written and sealed in an envelop which I will send back to them six months from today.....
These are professionals who do 'sales' as a living. I made them realize that 'selling' does not help anyone except the sales-person. But 'helping' someone can result in good sales. My question therefore was what were they going to do to help those people they serve?

I told them a true story of Little Johnny who worked as a packer at the end of a cash-counter in a supermarket. Little Johnny suffered from down-syndrome, but his spirit was high and his care for his customers came from his heart. He wanted to make a difference.....
So one night he got an idea. With the help of his dad, Little Johnny made hundreds of rolled up papers each written with his "quote of the day". Each time he packed a customer's shopping bag, he would place one of his quote of the day rolled-up paper into the bag.
Soon, customers came looking for more of little Johnny's quotes. They shopped more frequently. His counter always attracted the longest queue. Sales of the store increased. Little Johnny has made a difference - because he wanted to!
What would little Johnny do in a situation you are in...?
Have you touched someone's life lately....?

When was the last time a member of your own family applauded you? Or you applauded them?

(written this while waiting for a flight back to the people I miss - and they are waiting for me at home)


  1. Mr Idham..

    Applause to you!!!

    When I was a student, my lecturer made us wrote 3 things that we would want to do for the students to enjoy our teaching on a piece of paper and sealed it in an envelope.We wrote our address in Malaysia and gave the envelope to her.

    I think after a year, she then posted the envelope to us back in Malaysia.
    and it was a good feeling to read things I have written which I almost forgot.

    I believe they enjoyed listening to you :)

    Come and watch "Andai Ku Tahu" in Littlemuffins..

  2. it has been in western cultures (American for example) to compliment others but not in our culture. Perhaps this should be adapted in our culture too. Takdelah kita asyik kutuk orang bila buat salah. Bila buat baik takde pulak kita nak recognize... Maybe I should start with myself. Good job Idham!

  3. salam Little Muffins...:-)

    wow, thanks for the applause...Appreciate it. Care to share what u wrote in ur envelop? hehehe
    afterall these years, it would be interesting to see whether you have out-grown those pledges...

    will visit u in a bit, to see the andainya ku tahu...


  4. Neeza...thank you for ur compliment! Much appreciated.

    Compliments when given sincerely - memang membuat penerima tersenyum.

    Tapi jika bergula2 tak tentu pasal, boleh meloya kan...hehehe
    I have seen this one person, kat mana2 dia pergi, mak datooook.....boleh bawa penyakit diabetis penerima compliments dia tu...hahahaha. bergula dan syrup sekali. Memualkan....:P


  5. Mr Idham,

    I cant remember exactly what I wrote but the 3 things were basically involving techniques to make the students enjoy and learn their lessons well.
    and I think the envelope is somewhere in one of the boxes in my mom's house heheheh..

    Andainya Ku Tahu heheheh...

  6. littlemuffins...:-)
    that andai ku tahu - very catchy! Suka dengar.
    I think kenaikan harga barang2 tu inevitable la kut...harga minyak pun naik naiklah di malaysia.
    Cuma yang menjadi masaalahnya ialah
    - tahap gaji tidak naik2, menurun ada lah.
    - peluang kerja semakin kurang, unemployment meningkat.

    There is no growth!! in Malaysia. Ada laporan kata GDP kita meningkat by 6% - sgt di curigai sektor mana agaknya yang cemerlang sangat tu....Jika sektor pembuatan dan sektor pembangunan tak meningkat, maka peluang kerja susah nak bertambah.
    Dasar pendidikan juga merosot - graduan kita kurang laku!! communication skills sungguh lemah. Sistem pendidikan masih di tahap lama - sistem baca dan hafal, tekan kepada lulus periksa berbanding menjurus kepada acquisition of knowledge and skills.

    Kes paling kronik pada saya ialah kes kroni!!!
    Sungguh Bahaya~!


  7. Idham,

    a good one! I wish I was one of the participants there to follow-through your interesting lecture.

    I believe you are one of very effective motivator!

  8. Yes Mr Idham..

    Generally most are in a worse state now especially minyak and toll. Toll je dah naik 60% and majority live in places surrounded by toll booths huhu!!

    and I also agree with most of the graduates coz I was teaching some of them a few years back heheh

    the only thing is try to give chance to others who can do some changesto make the situation better..


  9. Idham,

    I have a few of "if only I have.."s. It's not that I regret not pursuing them but sometimes can't help wondering about the what ifs.

    I guess I should take your advise. Get them over with and have a proper closure.

    p/s: see.. what you wrote makes a difference. Tq.

  10. anggerik...:-) lots i can learn from u ... especialy on lessons about endurance, grit and determination.
    next time we meet , we can have a good chat.


  11. little muffins...:-)

    yes, give malaysia a chance - we need a bettermalaysia.

    change induces fear - but change we must!


  12. Salam Idham,
    Tahniah kerana telah menjadi motivator yang baik dan berkesan.
    Saya sudah mengagaknya dari penulisan2 anda yang saya baca. Butinya anda telah memberi sesuatu yang semula jadi yang ada di dalam diri anda. Semoga banyak lagi pencapian cemerlang yang akan anda perolehi. InsyaAllah.

  13. NANA..:-) i am glad, if what i wrote had a little bit of influence in making u ask the right questions, open up new options, and lead u to ur decision.
    i wish u happiness and success.


  14. By reading your blog I am motivated already.. keep on writing uncle id.

  15. Pak Pin,

    Pasal apa lagu kat blog mu ni romantic sangat - carilah lagu yang bermotivasi sikit saperti lagu XPDC ......Semangat Yang Hilang

    Just checking your blog .... setelah sekian lama tak memantau blog yang canggih ni. It is now 199.8% better than before in layout and contents but frankly, I just cannot stand romantic songs.

    saya yang benar.....

    Haji Abdul Malek Zakaria

  16. pakzabs..:-) terimakasih di atas galakan itu. Sungguh bermakna buat saya dan sangat di hargai.
    InsyAAllah...akan d teruskan dan terus di perbaiki lagi...


  17. ummi...:-) thank you, and I am taking ur comment as a compliment.

    semoga Amal cepat sihat!


  18. Tuan Haji Malek Zakaria,

    Salam dan selamat sejahtera. Aku sungguh terkejutz dan gembira melihat kunjungan dari mu, especially di musim pilihan raya ini - yang pastinya Mu sibuk.

    Lagu xpDc telah di masukkan....tenkiu for ur request. hehehe

    blog saya cuma berubah wajah...hehehe...content masih sama jer....di tahap merapu cara aku...hehehe
    jika mu suka baca tu, bagus lah ....jarang sangat STAROBA baca blog aku ni...STF and TKC old girls ada lah hahaha...

    maghi lah baca lagi deh!!!

    PakPin <---how budak STAR called me

  19. hehehee.. diabetes?? teruk tu. sape la yang kena compliment tu? artis ke? hehehe kalau compliment lebih2 takde ikhlas dah tu.. tu namanya nak membodek heheee. Neeza compliment you takde maksud apa tau. I won't get anything from you pun kan :)

    Neeza tak nampak the pictures before. Idham baru post ye. 1 thing I couldn't help myself from noticing is... all participants are males! What a male country...

    Oh ye, I never knew you're a speaker. Memang that's your career ke? Train people?

  20. Tuan Hj Pak Pin,

    Nice improvement really (esp the contents) and frankly, your motivational talk or shall I say lecture is quite refreshing to an idiot like me.

    I just voted for your election poll. It is quite interesting to note the no of voters who think that BN would lose 2/3 majority this coming election. Shall I call it an over-fetched fantasy or perhaps a deceiving dream. Even with only 45% (or even less) of popular vote BN would still maintain its 2/3 majority. You need to remember that BN has never lost its 2/3 majority since Merdeka except for a short period of time in 1969. After 1969, UMNO and its partners has (if I can recall correctly) amended the country's f$2$^&g constitution a record number of almost 300 times rendering that constitution as a piece of toilet paper. It is a record for a democratic country though this is common occurence in banana republics such as Hedratul Maut (read Yemen) but not in developed or even developing countries. Most of these amendments govern the procedures, conducts and other shits pertaining to General Election. In other words, through its democratic power UMNO has managed in a legal way to ensure it would survive even if 99.99999% of the population are against it.

    As a true Malay (there are only two true and pure Malays left in the whole world) I am a great supporter of this fascist regime Barisan Nasional. Lest you forget, Barisan Nasional in English is National Front, another great fascist party in United Kingdom.

    I got to stop writing cos your song CINTA and more CINTA gives great headache. Somebody wrote not so long ago LOVE IS BLIND and therefore THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN LOVE ARE BLIND PEOPLE. So Pak Pin, conquer that blindness once and for all.

    Haji Abdul Malek Zakaria

    February 19, 2008 11:05 AM

  21. neeza...:-) saya tahu neeza ihlas.
    ihlas dengan komen neeza dan ihlas in whatever u do...
    sekilas ikan di air - ku tahu asal usulnya. hehehe

    yes, gambar tu baru malam tadi di masukkan, sebab entry tu saya tulis semasa di epot. Memang betul tu, semua participants to lelaki. It is a males' world...especially in sales. Di malaysia pun jarang kita nampak sales-women, mostly are men also la kan...hehehe

    No I am not a trainer, although I enjoy doing seminar. I am HR professional, whateva that means hahahaha.


  22. MasyaALlaah, great stuff Pak Payne! Boleh juga kita kongsi2 sessi motivasi d Dubai nanti!

  23. Tuan Haji Malek,

    People responded to the poll ( survey ) with their wishes and dreams. For me, it is a message for PakLah juga to see - betapa ramainya rakyat malaysia yang fikir 'perubahan' sudah perlu. Kesedaran ini lah yang perlu ada pada seorang perdana menteri - jangan asyek di buai mimpi!
    Salah satu sebab mengapa kita perlukan leib ketelusan dalam pentadbiran ialah - this practice of unilateral action to change cnstitution, reallocating constituents boudaries to a stage where even with only 40% popularity votes the BN will retain its 2/3 majority.
    We need change....
    Like you, I am a true malay hehehe, and there are only two of us left! But unlike you, I am not a die-hard fan...I am a fan who wants to see UMNO/ BN / or anyother parties lead the country to greatness. I look into the eyes of my children - and want to leave behind a country worthy of their loyalty and pride to a nation which once was great. It can be great again - we need a new leader.
    I want my son - not having to marry a PM's daughter - in order to be successful.
    I want my daughter - protected and safe to walk on the streets - because it is her own country!
    I am a fan - of prosperity and peace. Leaders can come and go, but there is only ONE malaysia and we are equally responsible to shape it for the future.

    Jommm mengundi ....


  24. wahhhh.. sekilas ikan di air dah tahu asal usul.. heheee

    kat malaysia ramai lelaki sebab it looks more professional. Tapi neeza punya first company dulu (its a logistic company), ramai perempuan sebab perempuan senang nak attract our customers yang rata-ratanya lelaki yang agak mia*tuttt* heheeee..

    HR professional? wahh.. best tu boleh recruit orang heheeee...

  25. PakPin..hehehe...
    I feel good with what I'm doing a lecturer, I don't consider myself to give only lectures in class.. saya bersyukur jika saya berjaya menyampaikan ilmu yg Allah kurniakan kpd saya, kpd students saya pula... semoga ilmu yg sedikit ini dpt dimanafaatkan oleh mereka utk kebaikan ummah...
    hurm...byk lagi nak tulis tapi tak punya masa... InsyaAllah jika ada masa saya singgah lagi...

  26. Salam Bro Id, what a great usual...I do agree with you on the issues you mentioned in your comment regarding the economy "slowdown" that we are facing. In case of un"sellable" graduates, it is something that they bring onto themselves.They do not know how to sell themselves, is it because they think that a job is "given" to them with their degree? I do recognize though that there are gems among the paste...I do hope these graduates listen to what is being said now about them and do something about it...

  27. neeza...:-) ada ek customer lelaki macam tu...hehehe...tak tau lah pulak. maklum lah saya ingatkan semua lelaki baik2 mcm saya nie ha....:p

    HR professional boleh macam2...hehehe.....but i focus on getting more money for the company thru people! i am first and foremost a business man, and i specialise in HR.


    nak apply kerja , hantar la resume.


  28. nurazzah8..:-) i respect and salute people in teaching profession. to me antara salah satu profession yg sungguh mulia....lagi satu ialah mereka dalam medical field. berkorban bagai lilin, memberi cahaya dan harapan kepada orang lain, tanpa mengharapkan balasan - kecuali melihat mereka itu berjaya! Syabas...

    ada masa nanti datang la lagi ye ...kunjungan mu sentiasa di alu alukan...

    jommm mengundi ye nanti...
    dan syyyy, undi itu rahsia. buat lah pilihan demi anak2 kita.


  29. Bella...:-) well said. There are GEMS amongst the paste. A leader's responsibilities is to make sure our education system produce more gems, and that these gems get good jobs. Partly of course is the responsibility of the graduates la kan....and partly in the country leadership to provides job opportunities by making sure there are GROWTH in the country.


  30. mhasnol. :-) maaf, tadi masa jawap komen tak terlihat pesanan komen saudara.
    sekarang baru perasan.
    tq for coming over and for leaving ur trail.

    insyAAllah, jika ada demand, boleh saja saya kongsikan ilmu yg ada dgn remaja kita di dubai. :)

