Summer Surprise!

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Birthday Mak!

Today, LiL wanted me to tell everyone that she has read all of the comments and really appreciate the nice words, kind thoughts and prayers. She was deeply touched by your kindness.
She wanted me to say on her behalf " Thank You!".

I too want to thank you - for you have made someone I love dearly happy.
It is amazing how strangers can reach out and bring cheer and happiness to our lives.

LiL has been a friend to me since 1979. We were two young students doing our degree courses in Portsmouth way back then. She graduated with an Electrical & Elecronics degree and returned to Malaysia to build her career with Telekom Malaysia. She progressed to a senior position before resigning in 2002 in order to follow me on my expatriation. We were married on 13th Nov 1983 and been blessed with six most wonderful children. We have lived in Kuala Lumpur, JB, Singapore, Jeddah, and now Dubai. It is our hope that one day - we will return to Malaysia, a place we always call home.
Thank You again!

Below is the original Entry on LiL's birthday!

It is nice having grown up children. They can help with houseworks, be excellent sparring partners for a game of table tennis, teach me how to down-load songs from internet and even reminding me of significant events!
Amirul for instance sent me an email below.
Not that I have forgotten - oh no!! Hehehehe
See this email from Amirul.

B'day mak‏
amirul ariffin (
Sunday, February 10, 2008 1:54:55 AM
ayah (

ayah, o ayah..b'day mak tuesday ni.. ayah dah ader plan ker ntuk mak? nak beli present ker?

I took Amirul's reminder to also mean enquiring with a suggestive tone to participate in the planning to celebrate. So I replied....

RE: B'day mak‏
ayah (ar
Sunday, February 10, 2008 2:05:56 AM
amirul ariffin (

You ALL buat la birthday kad special punya. Pas tu beli present lah - kumpul duit setiap orang contribute. Along boleh contribute lebih sebab dia dah dapat gaji...

luv, A.

Then I received a reply back.

RE: B'day mak‏
amirul ariffin (
Sunday, February 10, 2008 2:08:40 AM
ayah (

eh2, kami2 pulak yg kene.. hehe
ayah tak buat aper2 ker?

That was where we left the exchanges of emails.
For LiL and I, we don't really celebrate birthdays, similarly we don't celebrate valentine days, mothers or father's or any other days like that. However we do take the opportunity to say - "I remember this day - because I love you" kind of messages lah!

"Happy birthday dearest!"

Pernah satu masa dulu aku bertanyakan isteri tercinta - apakah sebaik2 hadiah untuk mu dari ku?
Jawapnya ringkas - kasih sayang mu!
Tanya ku lagi - Jika kasih sayang itu dapat ku botolkan sebagai hadiah - apakah yang akan kau buat dengannya?
Jawapnya spontan - akan ku simpan di hati ku!
Lalu aku bertanya - jika aku ingin memberi satu kebendaan sebagai hadiah, apa kah yang paling bermakna bagi mu?
Jawap isteri ku - Semua itu sudah kau sediakan, aku cukup bersyukur dengan semua yang ada.

Sewaktu itu, apa yang kami ada tidak lah semewah mana. Namun, begitulah isteriku - orangnya tidak banyak meminta dan bersyukur dengan yang ada.
Ingin sahaja aku memberi tahu isteriku - dialah sebaik2 hadiah dari Allah untuk ku dan anak2 ku.

Your present unfortunately will not be arriving in time - still in the mail. Slow la pulak process nya kat sini walaupun dah lama di masukkan kedalam peti surat!....hehehe
Hanya "Sepucuk surat cinta dari ku" sebagai menghargai kehadiran mu di dalam hidupku - kerana aku cinta kamu!


  1. happy birthday aunty!!! :)

    ad khabarnya da ada suprise.. tet tet tet.. hahaha..

  2. Aiseh..present lambat pulak... Kena le ada backup! ;P

    Anyway, semoga panjang umur murah rezeki K.Lil ye. Semoga Allah limpahkan berkat rahmat sepanjang tahun..

  3. nisa :-)
    hahaha, there is no more surprise about the surprise....but the surprise is in the surprise itself I supposed...

    Along...apa tu ek? hehehe

    Uncle to Nisa, AYah to Along.

  4. k.d. :-)

    ader back up.....syyyy...


  5. Creepy la Abg Id - special dates kita semua birthday dekat dgn your son;s birthday. Anniversary kita pun one month apart. My mother's birthday on 13/2, Kak Lil on 12/2.. they are both special women in our life kan bang Id? Happy birthday to Kak Lil..

  6. a very happy birthday to kak lil....

  7. Happy Birthday Kak Lil... Ini mesti hadiah best from Abang Idham... Malam-malam pulak, main "cubit-mencubit" dalam kamar... HEHEHE!

  8. Happy Birthday Kak Lil... kalau cat kata cubit-mencubit..ummi pulak kata kuis menguis..

    Uncle Id, would you kind enough to tell us your surprise to kak lil? namanya surprise pun kan.. May your family celebrate it with happiness.

  9. Salam abg Id.

    Happy birthday to Kak Lil...Semoga Allah melimnpahkan rahmatNya, diberi kehidupan yang tenang, dimudahkan urusan, dengan kasih sayang yang mendalam buat Abg Id dan anak-anak...amin ya robbal 'alamin...

    Take care brother.

  10. happy birthday kak lil!!! semoga diberkati umur, dimurahkan rezeki dan berbahagia selalu dgn family!

  11. Happy Birtday KakLiL. Semuga bahagia berkekalan dalam kesihatan yang cantik...Amin.

    Pst..Abg Id, main o-som tutup mata tu macam hentam ker0m0 ; hi hi hi

  12. Salam Idham,
    Selamat Haru Jadi untuk Lil. Semoga Usia diberkati dan diluaskan rezeki. InsyaAllah

  13. happy birthday kak Lil.. I dont want to ask yang keberapa.. but let me gues... 38???

  14. Allah selamatkan kamu..with TanSri tone of course!!
    Kak Lil ur so lucky..b4 i come across this blog..i never know MALAY men can be so expressive, romantic as your hubby..

  15. abg id, sampaikan salam happy birthday untuk kak lil! moga panjang umur murah rezeki, berbahagia selalu dgn keluarga tercinta :)

    romentiknye hantar surat chenta! ;)

  16. please extend my wishes to kak lil. moga murah rezeki, panjang umur. and you, be good to her okay..hehehe!

    ps - i had my celebration at hard rock, the last year we were there. i was 33 then :) but was too busy at work, they had to pick me up from office at 8pm and straight to dinner!

  17. Kak LiL you're so lucky... surrounded by Men who love and adore you...

    Pak Idham.. Amirul just like his daddy, so thoughtful..

    Hhhm... feeling envy a bit :-)...

  18. Pay Payne,
    Salam Hari Lahir sama Kak LiL. And your banter with Kak (is that for real?) is simply deligtful. Mau curi untuk dititip sama saya punya isteri, boleh?

  19. Ariff,
    Sampaikan salam umie buat LiL, Selamat Hari Lahir, semoga mendapat kerahmatan selalu di samping anak2 dan juga suami yg sangat romantis...ahaks...
    Memang dia lah penenang buat keluarga mu dunia dan akhirat tiada siapa yg boleh menandingi nya... panjangkan lah usia nya...dan mendapat perlindungan dari Nya... amin..

    *ikhlas dri umie$family

  20. wohoho happy birthday Kak Lil.

    do tel us what is the surprise in the surprise.

  21. happy birthay to Lil semoga bahgia selalu di samping keluarga tersayang:)

  22. Happy Birthday Kak LiL..

    hmmm.. tak sabar nk tau apa la surprise in the surprise tu..
    : )

  23. Encik Idham, tolong sampaikan ucapan dan doa dari saya kepada Puan Lil.
    Saya ada satu permintaan. Bolehkah nanti siarkan isi surat cinta itu?

  24. Assalamualaikum.

    Selamat hari lahir juga dari saya, Abu Saif, isteri dan anak-anak di Malaysia.

    Moga kekal dalam kesempurnaan iman dan kesihatan, berpanjangan...

    Salam ukhuwwah

  25. Salams,

    Happy Birthday, K. LiL!

    I'm sure the best present is to have your loved ones around you, making do'a for you, and mencurahkan kasih sayang on you... Bliss...

    But, of course, kalau dapat a "bling bling" diamond ring from Abang Id, pun best jugak, kan?! ;)

    Here's wishing K.Lil many, many, many happy returns of the day. Amin. Insya Allah.

    Take care.

  26. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kak Lil!

    Sorry Syana terlewat sehari. Kebetulan pula bday kak Lil sama dgn bday mama Syana :o)

    Surrounded by loved ones, I hope you had a great birthday celebration :o)

    Semoga panjang umur & murah rezeki :o)

  27. happy birthday kak Lil !!

    Kasih sayang adalah segalanya...BENAR dan SUNGGUH BENAR .

  28. Happy besday kak lil!!!

    I think kak lil is blessed with all the adoring males in the family!and that is the best present of all!!

  29. happy birthday kak lil!
    semoga dipanjangkan umur dalam iman serta dimurahkan rezeki dan tak lupa sentiasa disayangi oleh orang2 yang kak lil sayang!!!!


  31. Happy birthday to Kak Elle!! Hope it was a happy one and wish you many more happy ones!!!

    (I thought I had posted a message here yesterday .... ???)

  32. Dear FRIENDS,

    LiL read all the comments and was deeply touched by your kind gestures. It is amazing how strangers can bring happiness into our life simply by spreading the love and well-wishes. She wants you to know she reads your blogs too...

    I am thankful to you for giving someone I love with your kind words, heart warming thoughts and prayers and your friendship.

    To a specific question from Pak Mior - Yes, te conversation was for real, di satu malam di satu ketika waktu itu, kami baru ada tiga cahaya mata.

    To an anon asking for us to share the content of the love letter - we have to apoligize for not able to make public what is so private.

    I wish everyone happiness and blessings from Allah.

    ps : GAMBAR DI ATAS - kerana LiL and I want you t know that she read all of the comments.


    PS : Kepada yang mendiamkan diri - I noticed that too.

  33. Hope this is not too late...
    A very Happy BirthdaY for that very very special woman in your life, Pakcik Idham. Happy Birthday, Aunty!
    May this year will bring you more joy and happiness... and may the two of you last for eternity

  34. Queen Of The HouseThursday, February 14, 2008

    I just realised that I typed Kak Elle and not Lil. Sorry sorry sorry .... I think I must have hopped from Kak Elle's blog!

    Once again .... Happy Birthday to KAK LIL ...

  35. ummi...:-) tq.
    yes, bukan saja di dunia ini - tapi di sana nanti...


    Queen :-)

    hehehe, dah agak dah, ni mesti Queen datang dari kak elle's nie...hehee



  36. idham, neeza terlepas bot ni.. takpelah, hope its not too late for me to wish your lovely kak Lil Happy Birthday.

    Dear Kak Lil, love your romantic husband like you love yourself coz, there'll never be anyone like him anymore... I'm happy for you that he appreciate and love you and remember your b'day.. heheeeee

  37. neeza..:-) thank you for coming with a greetings....much appreciated.
    actually i always remember significant days...hehehe cuma tak de lah nak celebrate cara orang barat sana.

    i hope u hv fully recovered and so has shahmey.


  38. arif (heheee.. panggil arif lak), neeza pun tak celebrate cam kat western tu.. 1 je.. neeza nak kan a present.. tak kisah la apa pun.. tapi more important is the wish to show that he remembers.

    thanks. though I still have slight cough, demam dah pulih. Shahmey pun okay dah. Coan je yang still not 100% recovered..

  39. neeza...ok jer kan panggil arif...
    present tu bagus sebagai pengeras ilmu...hehehe..

