Whenever I am at home, I try to watch Dr Phil. I think he is gifted with ability, with a wonderful wife, and with a heart of gold.
He blows away clouds and bring a clear blue sky to people everywhere. Lots we can learn and emulate!
Tonight I watched his Valentine's special. It was one of his special shows. One couple - was presented with their second honeymoon to Fiji! A surprise which brought tears of joy and a fresh injection of romance to their love life. Lesson to self: To surprise someone with happiness!
Another couple had sugar and spices thrown into their bedroom - when the husband's wish came true. He had wished for his wife to stop going to bed with facial mud-mask and sweat pants. As I am typing, I wonder how many other husbands or wives out there secretly wishing for the same thing.
In tonight's show, Dr Phil was accompanied by his wife. Both of them were very generous in giving away goodies to their studio audience. In my view, the best gifts he has given millions of viewers ( and readers of his books ) are tips of how to live and love, and to do so everyday - not only on any specific day! This is a lesson for self.
I asked in my Valentine survey, "For this Valentine I wish for......".
63 readers responded to the survey. Thank you!
Of these, slightly more than half ( 33 ) told us, they don't believe in Valentine - it is not within their culture. This is perhaps not a surprise given the profile of my readers, and Valentine is clearly a Western Culture. In a way I am relieved to see that sort of result, which indicates that Malaysians are able to differentiate between Modernization from Westernization. We can live and love in this modern world of internet without importing and adopting everything Westerns.
Of those who see the siginificance of Valentine's day to their love and romance - 23 our of 39 - simply wish for "A hug, A kiss and Endearing words". Given that most of my readers are married, I am not surprised by this. Some of the single or younger couples would have voted for more symbolic gestures - such as a card, a candle lit dinner etc.
To the uninitiated, I copy pasted the following paragragh from this website
The History of Valentine's Day
Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine's Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.
One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.
Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured.
Before we follow the flow of westernization - exchanging greetings and participating in commercial frenzies of Valentine's day - Please first understand its origin, and please pause and reflect!! It is not only a matter of culture...it goes a bit more than that.
To my children, I hope you take this as an education from your father's own past mistakes.
Lessons are:
1. For you to understand the origin of the V day, then decide what is right and wrong.
2. To live and Love, you can do so everyday! and in the most basic of ways, "Endearing words and a show of care" goes a long way.
3. Make someone deserving, very happy - give them your love, kindness and endearing words sincerely and generously.
vday - tak pernah celebrate pon...selalu lepak di rumah bersama housemate terchenta (waktu study2 dulu)...hahaha...
ReplyDeleteI qoute
" 3. Make someone deserving, very happy - give them your love, kindness and endearing words sincerely and generously. "
kat entry birthday mak tu tulis zaman berchenta ke ayah...kenapa separuh je... =) anakmu ingin berlajar..
yup..very true...
ReplyDeletepeople tend to get mixed up between modernisation and westernization, etc...
cherish the one u love always...surprise each other from time to time...don't have to wait for special day...
say the love word...don't wait or keep to urself...
nak bagi hadiah bila-bila pun boleh bagi..nak bercinta hari-hari pun boleh :)
ReplyDeletebefore embracing any culture we should look at its origin kan?
you are right on surprise!
I quote :-
ReplyDeletelive and love, and to do so everyday - not only on any specific day!
It was true.. isn't it? :)it's like, everyday is a 'i love u' day.. hehes..
Emm Dr. Phil...do you still remember I once called you Dr Phil because you sounded like him when giving 'love theraphy' in your blog... you still are like Dr Phil.. I miss that program after coming home.
ReplyDeleteI never celebrate Valentine's Day since I believe our entire life is all about appreciation & interpretation of LOVE.
Mr Idham,
ReplyDeleteA very insightful writing on Valentine's Day. GREAT!!
You know what, the surveys you always have in your blog touch on important issues which we sometimes take for granted..
A very good highlight Mr Idham :)
ad....:-) kisah cinta mak dan ayah - bisa di lihat dan di dengar.
betul begitu. Cuma ramai orang kita lidah kelu setelah berumah tangga. bibir yang manis semasa berdatng - kelu seribu bahasa bila dah tinggal sebumbung...hehehe
katakan cintamu itu...setiap waktu
ingin sekali aku mendengarnya
Onde oNde...yes betul sekali...
"jomm shopping" perkataan yang sungguh di nanti2 kan hehehe
hari hari pun boleh kan. :)
Nisa..:-) yes, everyday is 'i lov u day' denagn kata2, dengan perbuatan, dengan ingatan....hehehe
I remember - and duely humbled by the comparison. hehehe
I ni setakat DrPin jer ...tu pun ada yang eja Dr Pain. hahaha
have a good weekend !
Pak Idham...
ReplyDeletei really wanna learn from you..how you maintain your love with kak LiL...coz i know its not easy..
Nuke ..:-)
ReplyDeletekadang2 butakan mata, tulikan telinga dan bisukan suara!
kadang2 melihatlah dengan hati, dengarlah dengan emosi, dan berkata2 lah dengan penuh timbang rasa ...
sentiasa - berdoa kepada Dia!!
Jangan lupa - cinta itu 'memerlukan usaha'. It is not a spectator game - it is participative!
Itulah antara yang dapat saya berikan..
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you. Love should not be restricted to one specific day.
I used to be naive once and guilty of being one of those millions of people who waited for valentine's day to celebrate love.
Those were the days.
:-) Pak Idham..
ReplyDeleteyang lain2 mungkin udah...termasuk bisukan suara *mute*...
yang susah itu...butakan mata sama tulikan telinga he..he..susah bener...!!
little muffins..:-) sorry I missed out ur comment when I was replying earlier.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback on my surveys. I find it interesting to understand what others think on certain issues semasa. :-)
I will continue to do these surveys on regular basis - then write abt it.
ReplyDeletewe learn from our past - and live the present - and dreams and be inspired by our future.
thanks for your comment.
Nuke...hehehe...memang susah yang kedua itu ....:-)
ReplyDeleteNamun apa2 pun - guna kan 'pause button' sebelum bertindak...hehehe
sabar ye bu!
everyday is "i love you day"
ReplyDeletenanti bosan pula...
hehe betul jugak ckp adlil tu
ReplyDeleteAd- said...
everyday is "i love you day"
nanti bosan pula...
kadang2 tak ucap apapun, dah tahu yg sentiasa saling 'i love u'.
apa-apa pun, abg id memang Dr.Phil lah! the spreader of love gituuuuu...
adlil pulak the spreader of love in the making. hihihii..
ad.. no need to say it hari2 la kan.. maksud i kat sana, hari2 adalah hari2 yg penuh dgn kasih sayang, not to be specific in one day je.. :p
ReplyDeletemore than words! kan kan kan?
Ad...& ...Nisa...:-)
ReplyDeletejika jamu di dalam balang
di jual nanti sungguh lumayan
jika jemu pada yang sayang
di tinggal nanti rindu-rinduan.
Ayah4 Ad dan pakcik 4 Nisa
(melayan mereka yang mengejar awan)
leeds...hehehe...jika pada roti kita spreadkan kaya
ReplyDeletepada hati kita spred kan love...jommm!!!
cantik sungguh langkah tarian
ReplyDeletelemah gemalai menyambut tamu
kalau teguh ada ikatan
rindu disemai, pergilah jemu
intai-intai si bunga kembang
ReplyDeletemekar tumbuh di tengah taman
mungkin malu jawapan terhalang
mana nisa, ad menunggu jawapan..
sorry...tiba-tiba ada mood nak berpantun...yeah!
nak jual jamu bukanlah mudah,
ReplyDeleteapatah lagi di tengah bandar,
uncle, nisa tak pandai nak bermadah,
kalau ad jemu, nisa merajuk sudah..
Hahahahahhaa.. :p
ReplyDeletejika sungguh badai melanda
Hilang perahu di sini karamnya
Jika sungguh bagai dirasa
Hilang rindu di sini berseloka.
Hehehe...teruskan ye...ayahmu & pakcikmu nak tidur.
Kalau 1 day je is a loving day, teruk la gitu.. to me, you could express love at anytime, especially when your love ones thought you don't love him/her anymore. To me, its kind of approving the love...
ReplyDeleteneeza....welcome back..:)
ReplyDeleteyes, sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit, inikan pulak pasangan bercinta....
so, cepat2 memperbaharui deklarasi cinta...
hari2 pun ok kan neeza? tak gitu...hehehehe
ni dah sembuh ka nie dari demam?
celebrate love anywhere anytime of the year, it doesnt have to be on a specific day like valentine day. it would just be too boring to actually have to wait for that day to come to celebrate it. expressing one's love for one another has to be a spontaneous reaction. the fun is in there...
ReplyDeletejust my one sen worth
I miss all the excitement in these comments. Hope it's not too late.
ReplyDeleteLove is every where and everyday. One just have to find time to grab one and to give one.
Sama dengan Ummi ketinggalan keretapi...tapi seronok baca ayat-ayat cinta ni... refreshing gitu...
ReplyDeleteOh.. bahagia nya kita jadi saksi beburung cinta berpantun..he he he
abe payne, jom shopping joooommmm! tapi kalau shopping hari-hari pun jemu tapi kalau pegi bookstore anytime pun boleeehhhhh..
ReplyDeletehappy belated birthday kak lil..!!
ReplyDeletehappy, happy always..
hari2 lagi okay... lagi la semakin erat dah kemas.. heheee.. sembuh doh.. tapi kena rumoh la pulok sebab 4 days takdok di rumoh :(
ReplyDeletekc...:) yes, it would be too boring and also risky to wait for love to come ...more exciting instead, by going after love...hehehe
ReplyDeletechase love around the house!
ummi...wah, a real go-getter in love lah ummi nie...saya suka!! Go get one ....ermm, ummi punya jauh tu....hehehe
cikmilah....itulah tu...suka tenguk blog saya menjadi dahan dan ranting tempat merpati cinta berpantun hehehe...teruskan ye adie dan nisa...:P
ReplyDeleteciK milah nak sertai berpantun pun...silakan...hehehe
onde onde....hehehe abe payne dan abe onde onde dok tepi menunggu di kedai kopi....onde onde gi shopping dgn kak lil jer la....kami lelaki nie kan..jika ikut shopping akan jadi kacau daun dan potong stim jer...hehehe
neeza...4 hari takdok di rumah/...gi manno??? uhuks...macam gi makan angin jer...hehehe
ReplyDelete:p kemas kalu hari2 deh...tapi dengan syarat dua2 ada mood lah ye...
errrkkk, ni cakap pasal apa ni 'hari2 ni??'. adakah kita bercakap benda yg sama...
mr idham,
ReplyDeletehappy valentine.walaupun u tidak menyambut nya.
miss A
4 hari dok spital la.. hari2 tu.. maknanya hari hari cakap love tu la.. haaaaa... kelain ye... heheheeee..