What is the hardest thing for her? ( Answer : Separating the future from the past. Letting go of the past, in order to create a new future )
How does she feel having another man in her home - alone? ( Answer : She feels weird, strange and just as unfaithful to their love as if he is still alive )
When does she make that transition - to a new love? ( Answer : Never! She does not make that transition.....Her love for him stays with her forever even after a new love appears, if it does )
What options are there for her? ( Answer : To pursue her dreams, their shared dreams. To find solace in making her other loved ones happy - Children, Parents, siblings, whoever she cares and loves ).

Lil, our boys and I watched "PS# I love you" the movie tonight.
One website summarized the movie as
"A grieving young widow discovers that her late husband has left her a list of tasks revealed in 10 messages, delivered anonymously, intended to ease her out of grief and transition her to a new life"
"A grieving young widow discovers that her late husband has left her a list of tasks revealed in 10 messages, delivered anonymously, intended to ease her out of grief and transition her to a new life"
I will describe the movie as refreshing, romantic, touching, and insightful into emotional conflicts experienced by different people faced with their own wants and needs.
I will describe the movie as refreshing, romantic, touching, and insightful into emotional conflicts experienced by different people faced with their own wants and needs.
"I want to be someone's Jerry....." was Dan's ( The bar-man ) wishes. Her mom was living with anger - what caused that? Denise had a reason to be upset when her best friends were not available for her wedding. It was also sweet to see a man ( Dan ) and a woman ( Holly ) can love each other - in a non sexual way.
PS# I love you.....for me is a movie worth watching! Be prepared with some hankies - you may need to wipe off your tears away just before the light comes on. Hehehehe. sniff sniff....
Just before bedtime, I asked Luqman what he thought of the movie, and he said...."Too much kissing......." And yes, during the movie he had gone "Yeeewwwww" and hid behind his palms every time there was a kissing scene! But he enjoyed the funny bits.....and there were a few of those too.
Along has already read the novel, and he thought the novel was nicer than the movie. Perhaps he had better imagination....hehehehe. Now....that made me want to get a copy of the book too. I could not helped thinking ( wishing actually ) to see Cameroon Diaz play the role of Holly instead of the stunning, gorgeous and very well acted Hilary swank. I just thought Cameroon Diaz is better suited for a romantic comedy role. But again, I am bias.....hehehehe.

By far...you are the ONLY person who said this movie is good
ReplyDeleteI loved the idea despite the fact that it does not happen...too romantic to be true...it is like those stories where the husband kept sending valentine's flowers to his wife after he died ( not from the other world..he just told a flourist to do it before dying)
Anyway ...the idea of the movie is appealing to a romantisit like me BUT i like to be on the REALISTIC SIDE OF THINGS..see when you really put ur hopes so high..it kind of gets really disappointing and u end up ...well disappointed?
The Times left a crtic that said P.S It stinks... that was so harsh I guess..
Pakcik Idham,
ReplyDeleteI've read the book a few years back and I loved it to bits!It did made me cry *sob sob*. However, I am a bit skeptical to watch the movie because most of the times, the movie could do injustice to the book itself (like the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. the book was excellent whereas the movie was utterly disappointing).
Aaanyway, I think I'll go and watch the movie anyway since you gave a good review. After all, a girl needs to have her romantic fix once in a while, no?
Uncle Id, I love romantic movies so much. but some times unrealisticlah pulak. Tapi tak apa to me it will refresh and regenerate my love to my loved ones. hmm bestkan..having that love feeling...
ReplyDeletejauh pulak lah ayah nikan.. he he
A movie like this has always been my top choice, though I'll end up be a sober than a watcher. Why do a woman whom husband is dead is called a widow but not the other way around? Its because, most of the time a woman won't remarry but a man (mooossttt of the time) will!
ReplyDeleteA woman is better in treasuring memory (both sweet & sour). That may be why she finds it hard to be separated from them... A new guy in life would only make the memory to be history. Well, the situation will be very different if a woman is a divorcee instead of a widow!
Ohhh... I feel like watching the movie but... too bad, no cinema here:(. Beli novel la nanti :)
Bestnya read yr previous entry on KD & Dr M's visit...a reunion of a long lasting friendship.
ReplyDeleteLuqman & Nami...emmm...so cute!
About this PS# i love you...I must see...
ReplyDeletewe watch movies to go into fantasy land...and there are so many of them, and the more outrageous they are the higher their box-office seem to be.
The movie Ps I love you has already grossed USD60mil in box office....so, while I have also read critics in the website - there are enough number of romantics who just want to watch the unplausibles!
I think the movie is worth watching...despite its average rating of C-.
Two weeks ago, I watch Alvin and the chipmunks i think it rocks!! so super cool and entertaining....
ummi...i think it is genarally true what you said....that books are better than movies. The same for the Juror! I think this is partly - when we read books, the power of our own imagination adds to the drama and the characters....
ReplyDeleteSo, whhen we read that the hero kissed the girl he just met ....we imagined based on our own fantasies....in movies, it is basd on the fantasy of the film director...hehehe
ummi....maybe it is time to arrange for a secret meeting between you and ayah soon...hehehe...:P
neeza...:) yes, there are more re-married widowers than re-married widows. One of te reason is men - are less self-sufficient than women in sustaining a decent healthy life. Men without women, tend to be self-destructive - by eating the wrong food, not sleeping properly, and flipped into depressions.
ReplyDeletewheareas women I think, think of higher order love!
Yes.....i know Saudi has no movies. What a shame!
anggerik..:-) it was lovely@!
ReplyDeleteand worthwhile to see the movie...hehehe
Been reading your blog for a while now and always enjoy it...A friend recommended the book to me, and now you recommend me the movie, i just hope they will show it in M'sia....or maybe can get a DVD lerrr....hehehehe......
ReplyDeleteidham, you're exactly right! nampak sangat the men are dependent on women emotionally kan.. heheee..
ReplyDeletebella....thanks for leaving a trail I will visit yours soon.
ReplyDeletetry to watch the movie than read the book - in that order.
and let us know your view....
bcoz so far, people who have read the book first have been disappointed with the movie..
ReplyDeletehehehe....some men la kan....there are the cool dudes amongst us, campak mana pun boleh survive...:P
Abg Id,
ReplyDeleteI have yet to read the book therefore my comment will be based on your review :) I am a hardcore diehard romantic kind of person.
It's one thing to be romantic and to be realistic. But to each his own :)
p/s: I only like romantic movies with "happily ever afters" but then again.. thats not being realistic kan :) I contradict myself
:-) contradicting...is a tell tale sign of a true and true romantics...hehehe....
ReplyDeletecandle light dinner for two in the middle of a desert or a dinner on a cruise watching the sunset?
Idham, ye ke ni... belum cuba lagi nih... nak tanya your Lil la. heheeee
ReplyDeleteneeza....hehehehe....dah ada number telephone LiL ka? jeng jeng jengggggg......
takde pun lagi.. takpe... one day.. there'll be one day... and I will be expecting stories like.... abang ni, kalau takde akak kan.. bla bla bla.. heheee..
neeza...chop!!! that will be my next entry....hehehe
i love the novel but tatau dah kuar pun movie (nampak sgt ketinggalan) nasib baik baca blog uncle. kalo tak... hahahahahahaha
ReplyDelete:) WAN ZUHA....itu l sebab kena datan baca selalu blog uncle nie..hehehe
ReplyDeletenow, gi mandi - jom tenguk movie...
okay, I can't wait to read that one.. heheee
ReplyDeleteI love the P/s I love you.
ReplyDeleteOne time I visited my fren whose husband was hospitalized for nose bleeding.She was traumatized at the whole experience of driving 30 km to the hospital while her husband was bleeding quite badly.
She asked me to bring for her reading materials to occupy her time at the hospital.
And what did I bring!! P/s I love you.She told me she cried like hell reading the book esp husband dia tengah sakit.
I felt like knocking my head to the wall.
ello uncle,
ReplyDeletewah.. i didnt know that there was a movie..
anyway, i've read the book and I loved it..
tapi nannes giller2 lah kan...