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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Be a DoBeDo ...

I came home from work today with a big plan to go for a movie & and to eat out with the family. LiL and the boys voted against it, and counter proposed for a Movie marathon at home and ordering home delivery bruger King for dinner. The idea sounds like a good one I agreed. What a democratic family we have - perhaps more than can be said for the Boleh land!

Amirul got busy immediately setting up the screen and the projector complete with a set of home theatre speakers. Haziq brought down the air mattress! Luqman was getting comfortable with pillows and cushions. LiL made me a hot mug of tea. And we were ready!!

The first movie we watched was - I am Legion Legend! Luqman decided to skip his one due to its erratic horror scenes. We were glued to the big screen - only at the end to be quite dissappointed with its abrupt ending. Verdict : A dissappointment, looks like a cheap flick.

Next, we watched the TV3 Anugerah Juara Lagu. Back-dated, but with a feel of live telecast since we have not read about the results. Having our living room filled with Malaysian songs in its magical splendour was nostalgic! We love the ambience and a sense of being truly home. From start to finish, we were captivated and entertained. Verdict : Super show - and we fully agreed wth the judges decision.

Satu Bulletin Utama - Berbagai wajah menjelang pilihan Raya.
We took a break and ordered our burgers. While the boys were having their strecth, LiL and I decided to watch TV3 Bulletin Utama - Edisi Feb 14th. So, only a few hours after - we were watching the news almost live. With technology, even living abroad we can keep in-touch with what is going on back home. As expected - the headlines were about the General Election. I will write on the topic as my next entry! Watch this space.... ( In the mean while please respond to my Survey!)

Back to the big screen at home - our last movie for the night was 'Die Hard 4'. Wow - what a movie. Well acted, action packed, super visual effect and full of drama! Everyone loves it....we munched through our burger and fries without blinking.

Happiness is a moment created !

What's with all the above report of what we have done at home today. Surely it is a subject only interesting to the six of us....maybe, but that does not stop me from feeling proud of what we did today. hehehe
Well, I do believe in small cells of living. In my simple mind, this is the equation!
A happy individual makes a happy companion.
A happy family makes a happy neighbourhood.
A happy neighbourhood makes a happy society.
A happy society hopefully can multiply into a happy nation
which multiply further into a happy world.

I am trying to do my part - keeping our family as one unit, happy with what we have wherever we are, anytime. We break no laws, steal from no one, and think evil of no body. We want to believe, however naive it actually is, that everyone is born to be good.

Little pearls for today: Do-Be-Do!
Do = do happy things by yourself, or your own family.
Be = feel happy. Even if you have to fake it, keep faking happiness until you really feel happy.
Do = do more happy things with others. This is easier done if you are happy yourself!
A table Tennis game with the boys - in our garage - while waiting for the @home movie time.


  1. Eh "I am Legion" or "I am Legend"? Ni film yang Will Smith berlakon tu ke? Yang zombie semua tu?

    And I agree "Die Hard 4" memang best. Tak boleh nak tegaskan betapa best nye film tu.

    Wah..kira nye next time kita orang sampai sana tak yah le pi wayang ye...tengok rumah abg arief je le yek. Lagi best kan... Boleh makan apa saje..

    And I agree...buat isteri and anak-anak happy is vital to your health. Kalau kaum isteri tak happy, kami kaum isteri boleh buat hidup kaum suami susah! Tapi kalau kaum suami lepas tu cari lain..ish..susah le pulak yek!


  2. Gambar yg paling tenang adalah Tuan Guru Nik Aziz...

    marilah mari.... kita mengundi...
    (teringat lagu pilihanraya dolu2)...

    tak balik ngundi ke? atau ngundi pos..?

  3. k.d....:-) tepat sekali, itu cerita zombies - dan titlenya memang 'legend' dan saya telah betulkan. tQ.
    sama2 happy la kan...bak kata orang - "think win-win!". tak kan nak syiok sendiri jer kan....hehehehe
    i think a marriage, kena lah ada rasa security yang walau apa jua cabaran, jodoh biar berpanjangan...mesjid jgn runtuh...bahkan jadikan cabaran dan dugaan sebagai hiasan untuk memperkukuhkan mesjid...:)
    I saw an entry in ur blog...then i saw it was deleted. good for u to have deleted that....Love and kindness prevailed kan.

    jommm tenguk wayang rumah saya....hehehe

    Abg Arif.

  4. :)zaman dulu2 ...satu pentas tu ada calon dari berbagai parti datang berucap dan berkempen...sungguh muhibbah dan suasana pertandingan daam persaudaraan...sekarang siap sediakan 60,000 POlis.....apa kes??!!

    Erm....ingatkan pilihan raya...bukannya perang di jalan raya.

    anyway....mari lah mari....kita mengundi...


  5. Mr Idham :)

    Seronoknya tgk movie kat rumah... macam KD kata boleh makan macam2.. hehehhe

    Nmpk gambar Tuan Guru.. since Mr Idham nak tulis pasal Election later.. saya nak hulur kan ..
    Salam Perubahan ;) hehehhe

  6. little muffins

    salam di sambut, salam mengundi
    terselam sabut,jika undi mereka lagi!!!


  7. aahhhh!!!.... i really admire you!

  8. Whose the happiest of all ???

    Of course your kids.. feeling so great watching movies with their loving and sporting parents ... rasa nak join the club pulak :)

    Election... nak bukak TV pun dah tak berapa berkenan, berat sebelah.

  9. Abang Idham,
    What a great way to spend some quality time with family at home... I love doing that too, rather than eating in the restaurant with all the crazy crowd... :)

  10. suria kelang....:-)
    i take that as a compliment, and thank you ...
    setiap kita tak kira d mana dan siapa kita - we have admirable qualities. suria di kelang pun semestinya ....semoga mencapai segala impian di tahun ini - insyAAllah.


  11. silversarina...:-) semuanya happy...bila tenguk wayang mcm tu di rumah, boleh jerit2, gelak2, discuss satu2 scene tu...sama2 sendiri tanpa gangguan atau menggangu penonton lain. hehehe
    and to lie down, be able to touch and feel the heart-beats of ur love ones while watching - oh those were special moments!

    Bulletin Utama memang berat sebelah.


  12. cat cat...:-) i believe in creating moments - special moments - at home. Biar hati kita suka duduk di rumah, dan terasa happiness itu di setiap ruang rumah.
    so even when we are out or away - we miss home.


  13. Salam Abg Id...

    That moment was a surely a quality time spent!

    I love your DoBeDo slogan...Sungguh betul and tepat!

    Take care and stay well.

  14. Bukan senang parents especially a father nak spend time dengan anak-anak. Biasanya selalu busy baca paper la.. or buat benda lain. I'm glad to see your happy family enjoyed the moment..

    Pilihanraya ni.. kalau undi pos, nak buat kat mana ye? what's the procedure? Ke dah tutup?

  15. Raden Galoh...:-)

    Jika kita tidak Do-Be-Do for ourselves and our family, siapa lagi??
    Do good, Be Good, and Do more Good to more people.

    Thank you for coming over.


  16. Neeza...:-)

    Sudah resam, hingga ada pepatah, "Kera di hutan disusukan - anak di rumah kelaparan"
    Resamnya - we will do things out of our ordinary to please and make others happy - except those we love and those who love us dearly.
    Resam ni lah yg saya cuba nak ubah...
    Do happy things - B happy - and Do more happy things with people who love you first.

    Undi Pos hanya untuk pelajar dan pegawai kerajaan di sebrang laut.
    Kategori sperti Neeza dan suami tidak ada kemudahan mengundi pos.



  17. hehe.. bila nak buat wayang pacak lagi uncle?? :)

    yay! tabble tennis! troskan kalahkan ad :p nisa pun nak practise ni.. hehes..

  18. while reading your this entry... imagined how it would be like .. if this family's been completed with daughters in low and grand children ... i believe the the story would be even more WOW..!!!

    Burger King hhmm..can i have whooper with black pep. mushroom please...

  19. nisa practice dulu....bila datang dubai nanti kita boleh main...hehehe!


  20. hehehe Nuke...daughter-in-law and gak tu!!

    yes, i like the swiss mushroom burger too.


  21. Bro Id,
    DVD marathon is something that we do at home as well, having burgers delivered at home...belum penah lagi...hehhee...its a nice moment to spend together and the key word as you say is be happy! As for the election, demam dah mula di sini...I will update you bro!

  22. salam,

    lama saya tak ke sini.

    mengundi nanti, bro n family balik sini ke?

    best la kat rmh dah ada wayang, x yah buang duit p cinema dah..

  23. Salam Abg Id..bestnyer mkn2 sambil tgk movie!!yelaa..kt dlm cinema bley mkn popcorn jek.haha..hmm..about pilihanraya, it is become a WAR now..thinking about politics is making me sad...but we hv to face it somehow..moga2 Allah beri petunjuk..

  24. salam abe Idhe,

    baru perasan... komen I kat atas tu patutnya bukan whose...tapi who's ...tapi rasa you faham maksud I ..nak cepat sangat, on the way ke KL baru teringat salah word..hehehe.

  25. I am Legend tu maklang tengok cam boring aje...tapi dah habis dah tengok..

    Kalau maklang suka tengok TV tanpa anak2 sebab mereka masih suka tengok kartun lagi...except Along laa...

  26. heheheehhh.. kalau ada orang nak sponsor ticket (party yang berkenaan) untuk balik menundi best gak nih.. heheheee.. tapi our vote is too small kot untuk sesapa menang...

  27. bella....hapdet ye pasal kempen mengempen tu...i miss the suasana kempen pilihan raya zaman 60an ...ermmm nostalgia sungguh!!

    u know i miss makan burger yg di jual di burger stand...ada burger special siap letak telur tu...that reminded me so much of my zaman bujang di KL hehehe


  28. hai kak long syikin...:-) belum tau lagi, tapi saya bercadang nak balek. dah check my polling station di tmn melati :-) dekat sekolah menengah tu la kan...the same place i voted the last time.

    sihat ka? bila due?


  29. nur...:-) i like this name - nur...bila sebut pun dapat rasa ketenangan. jika dapat cucu perempuan, akan saya cadangkan nama Nur...

    Kami di sini dapat tgk TV3 buletin utama from internet jer....itupun nampaknya mcm berat sebelah pehak jer...:-)

    take care ye.


  30. silversarina..:-) dah faham masa baca tu hehee, nevertheless thanks for coming over to let me know.

    Pi KL...hantar anak ka?

    best wishes to ur daughter...


  31. maklang....:-) aha, memang la kan luqman pun suka katun..
    sesekali kami as a family tgk 'movie' download dari internet or gak tgk reramai...hehehe.


  32. Neeza...tidak ada undi yang kecil...semua undi counts....JOmmmm balek!!!
    AWAK MENGUNDI DI MANA...?? dah check online ka?

    Saya di taman melati...hehee. dah bukan jadi oengundi kelantan. Maaf Tok Guru! hehehe.


  33. I am happy for you and your family, all the family members seems very happy, contented and very fortunate to have a father like you. A good provider and a loving father.

    You've been blessed with a loving wife and talented kids. Whom you can always share your joys and laughter, your triumph and disappointment. You have all the time to be with them as a parent and as a friend whom they can share their especial moments.

    I am happy for you and at the same time I am envy with you, unlike you I have to choose not to be with them and cannot see them for a very long time just to give them a more secured future.

    Just stay as good and loving provider as you are, savor every moment that you have with your family...
