Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Saturday, June 19, 2010

"Happy fathers day" - a short story!

In the grade five class room, Faiz watched as his friends was comparing cards they have created for their fathers. He himself has completed his. The class teacher, Miss Drury, had earlier given them the task to create their own 'Fathers day' cards.

Alysa and Adrina drew match stick figures of a man, holding hands with what appear to be his wife and children. On Alysa's, there was only one child, obviously herself, represented by a figure with pony tail wearing what looks like a Hawaian skirt.
"We were having vacations in Hawai! i love my Dad for taking us there!" Said Alysa to Adrina, explaining the picture on her card.
When it was Adrina's turn to describe hers, she said, "I drew this picture of us in a park, my Dad often take us there to play!" There were three other children in Adrina's picture, her siblings!

Faiz looked down onto his card, and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. There were no match stick man, nor a woman. There was only a rainbow, some clouds, and an angel.
Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, followed by the presence of miss Drury by his side.

"Your Dad will be proud of you for creating a card for him. He knows. Your mom knows too!"
Faiz felt the warmth of Miss Drurry's hug. He rests his face against her bosom and cried. He missed his parents!
"We all love you!" Said Miss Drury, stroking Faiz's head. "May they rest in peace, and God will look after them" She continued.

Faiz wiped his tears dry, nodded and smiled.

"Last night I dreamt meeting my Dad and my Mom. They were so happy to see me! Dad took me fishing! He asked me to study hard! I will study hard Miss Drury....I will"

Miss Drury sat there a moment longer. Their eyes locked. She smiled back.

"When the school close for Summer, I will take you and your sister on a vacation. We can go fishing on a boat. I will speak to your Auntie. Would you like that?" Miss Drury said in a whisper.

Faiz nodded, excitedly!

"I will do one very nice card for you too Miss Drury!" Said Faiz, and his face lighted up!

1 comment:

  1. Salam PP,
    How I wish those boring teachers (me included.. that's why I do not get to be a teacher..although I was qualified then) can be like Miss Drury..
