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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rumah ke 3, Jln A9 Tmn Melawati!

(Click on image to enlarge - House 161 A9 three houses away from the open field)

I have previously written about our first two houses. Not necessarily houses which we bought and owned, but about houses we used to live in. 

The most challenging time awaited us at our house number 3, house No 161, Jalan A9, Taman Melawati. We were residents of the 3 + 1 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, split level, 22' x 75' terrace house between 1989 - 1991. I found it as refreshingly spacious after spending a few years prior in a 14 x 70 compact house.
We paid RM480.00 monthly rental. By comparison, today a similar house is being rented out for RM1500.00 per month!

Our eldest son reached the age when he needed to go to school. For the first time, our role as parents took a fuller meaning. It was no longer just the two of us! It became two plus three children plus one maid! 

So, after a tearful farewell with their grandparents who have been raising them from birth, we brought him and his two younger siblings back to Kuala Lumpur. Fortunately, my FIL owned an antique Opel Cadet, so every alternate weekend he and MIL drove up to visit us and their grand children - always bringing their home cooked food, fruits from the kebun, and ample supply of original belacan

We became accustomed to waiting anxiously and eagerly for their arrival. During their stay, our Datsun Sunny too enjoyed rare pampering of being washed and polished, and I got useful lessons on how to keep our car clean!
Yes, it was also the first time we were coping with a stranger in the form of a maid in the house. As it turned out - in the four over years we were there, we also had an equal number of maids!
The first went out, fortunately when we were home, and never came back. We realized later she left with the children's 'Tabung'.  

Next we sought the help of my wife's cousin to come and live with us and helped care after our children. After a year, she wanted to try working in the same electronic factory I was working !

Through the help of my MIL we engaged a young girl from Malacca. After one year, she quit but for good reason. She got married. 

Our helper number four was a girl from Kelantan. She stayed on until we moved to our house number 4! If I were to write about all the ups and downs of life with house-helpers, that topic alone can fill a book shelf. But then again, without their contribution to our lives, we would not have been able to both pursued our career as successfully as we have experienced. 

To each and everyone of them, I say, "Terima Kasih, semoga anda di lindungi dan di rahmati Allah!"

We had to make many arrangements and also adjustments. School bus for our eldest, and also transport to Tadika for Angah and Achik, just to name one aspects of so many more. Morning rush hour started right in our bathrooms, with three children to prepare for schools and two young professionals trying to be on-time to work as well. Always, the children took priority even if we have to be late to work. Whether it was my wife or I who ended being late for work depended on our meeting schedules or sometimes on the mood of our boss in the office.

After a year of trying to cope with one car, we decided that we really needed two. My wife got to drive the Datsun Sunny, and I bought for myself a second hand weather beaten Honda Civic hatch-back. It was white, and it was giving me both driving pleasure and the occasional headache. 
a similar model but different car!

One secret I have been keeping from my wife up until this point of writing is how I occasionally stayed behind our bedroom curtain upstairs, peeping the young lady who lived in the house behind ours practicing dancing every night when her parents have gone to bed. She would be in leotards, and would dance to the beat of musics from her radio in the living room. I never got to know whether she was a professional dancer or a singer. However I do remember up till now her full lanky figure which reminded me of Nasha Aziz. Sometimes, I even got the impression that she was putting up the show for me! Hahaha.

When the town-house in Taman Melati which we bought was ready in mid 1991, we packed and moved from 161 Jln A9. Our third move ! 
The dancer neighbor lost one loyal fan!


  1. ohh.. pernah berjiran kita rupanya! during that time i kat 172 jalan A-10.. 1989 i darjah 6.. :p

  2. Konot :-) eh dekat nye tu...baru darjah enam eh, muder nye lagi konot... :-)
    kenal ka siapa penari di belakang rumah saya dulu tu? hehehe

  3. Pp, tahun 89 saya duduk di rumah pertama kami, di Taman Koperasi Polis Fasa 1 Gombak. Kami kawin awal tahun, genap2 9 bulan Nabilla pun lahir.... masa sedang menanti kelahiran Nabilla tu yang kami pindah ke Gombak dr Kelang. Hidup berdua macam yg Pp cerita..selalu dengar jiran bergaduh... Apa2pun kami dah mintak maaf kat depa dua sebab 'belajar' dari mereka tanpa kebenaran....Kehkehkeh...
