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Monday, April 4, 2011

Is justice done?

There are three types of mistakes!

My butt is not a stadium!

The first type of mistakes are mistakes where we can learn from and can take actions which improve situations for the benefit of mankind in the future. Normally, this type of mistakes happen despite all precautions and procedures have been followed.

Mistakes such as those committed in scientific experimentations, are even welcomed. From such mistakes many breakthrough inventions  were created.

The second type is due to unintentional errors, and the persons responsible for the mistakes come clean and show remorse and even, where appropriate, seek apologies and offer sincere compensation. Most of us have faced these situations. For example, a dry cleaner may have ruined our best silk dress - she/he  apologized and offered to replace the dress or pay for replacement. Very often too, we are left feeling okey and forgiving. Sometimes, we even decline the offer of payment in-lieu.
The second type is often forgiven!

The third type of mistakes are those due to negiligence and irresponsibilities, coupled with conscious effort to cover up and/or blatantly ignoring either through denial or deafening silence. These type of mistakes will leave us fuming mad, intruded, morally raped, and our emotion mutiliated. It will take a saint to shrug it off and move on with an attitude of 'life goes on...!'
I was once picked-pocket, and the man who took my wallet while pretending to ask for a lighter walked off with a smug on his face and even threatened physical harm. I was angry. Fortunately I lost only money! Some of us may have faced more tragic consequences, like the loss of our beloved ones!
Recently the blog world was exposed to an incident involving the death of an infant, Adelia, while under the care of a child care center in Shah Alam. The parents are seeking to find out the truth. In my view, justified and understandable. The child care center, from what I have read ( I must admit my source may be one sided ), has been silent. Mamasita wrote about the incident HERE.
As a father and as a hoping-to-be grandfather, I must say that I do form my own opinion as to which category from the three types above this incident falls under.

Of course, every person is entitled to his/her own opinion. Notwithstanding, I hold to the principle that the truth must prevail and justice must be believed to have been done, even if it is not actually done!

May God provides bountiful of peace and blessings to the parents, their young daughter who is missing her baby sister dearly, and to those responsible. Read about Alesha's plight di SINI.


  1. Thank you so much Pp..I know Nizzam and his young family plus our whole clan on both sides, appreciate your kind helping hand in highlighting this very tragic tale.
    Thanks again..May Allah SWT Bless you and your beautiful family with lots of good health and happiness always.

    p.s. The Stadium Shah Alam should always look just as handsome as you..hehehehe

  2. tkasih Pp..sikap acuh tak acuh taska ini terhadap kematian Adelia membuat kami rasa hampa dan kecewa..kami mengharapkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang sepatutnya ada dalam diri kita selama ini digunakan sebaik mungkin namun mereka tidak..kami redha akan qada' dan qadar..adelia meninggalkan kami tetapi..beritahu kami apa puncanya..kerana hanya mereka saksi nyata dalam hal ini..

  3. mamasita ...ameeeeen kepada semua doa untuk Adelia dan her parents, and everyone who loves her.


    shestepsintoo. sepatutnya begitulah. sepatutnya...
    Saya pasti....tentu ada hikmahnya!

    Di negara Arab, dari pengalaman saya di sini sejak 2003, rata2 mereka tidak menangisi kematian, tetapi mereka memastikan ada keadilan. Justuru ada konsep 'Blood Money'.

  4. Yes, making mistakes are part of being human...but if one seems or tries to cover it up, feels little or no remorse, especially if it entails the loss of an innocent, helpless and precious life, such as in the case of baby Adelia, then it is most immoral & inhuman indeed. Lets all pray that there wd be truth and justice, at the end of the day, Godwilling. May God grant the strength and courage to the parents & relatives of Adelia in going thru this tragedy...

  5. Ben :-) ameeeeen to your prayer~!

  6. Bila2 Sheikh berdepan dgn Kaabah, tlg doakan juga utk Muhd Nizzam serta semua sanak saudaranya agar senantiasa sejahtera, sehat2, serta berjaya di dunia dan lebih2 lagi di akhirat...aamiiin.
