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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blogging via email~!

If this work, I will be even more active in updating my blog!
This will enable me to publish blog entries on-the-go from my BlackBerry.
This means, as and when I have flashes of ideas, I can type and publish, from anywhere at anytime.
Imagine ...
@ I am now able to type an entry while on the thinking seat in any private cubicle in any shopping malls!
@ I can type an entry, instead of sleeping or counting camels, while traveling between Jeddah to the farm!
@ I can publish multiple entries per day! Wow, that probably beat the pleasure of a multiple O which is much writen about but rarely delivered by the modern day men!
@ I may even get to finish writing the Su Limah story!  hahaha. I know at least a few of my readers will be happy to see the end of the Su Limah saga.

.....I will be limited only by my imagination!

But first let me test whether this will work.

I will press send, and will check whether it will get published!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Aljawal

Googled picture.

1 comment:

  1. works~! ah, I am excited about this discovery.
