Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Ambil kan Peta!"

Last Friday, LiL and I were on our way to the old house to take whatever was left behind and also to do some cleaning up before we handed over the house key to the compound management when our son Amirul called my mobile.

Amirul: Ayah bagitau Mak jangan lupa ambil kan peta!

Me: You better talk to mak!

Puzzled with which 'Peta' he meant I passed the phone to LiL, while saying, "Amirul suruh ambil kan peta!"

Equally puzzled, LiL asked quizzically, "Peta mana pulak?"
Then she burst out laughing. I mean more than LOL kind of was ROTFL kind of laughter.

Sensing that I was feeling left out, she said with a chuckled, "Amirul was reminding us to ambil comforter lah...bukan ambil kan peta!"

I joined her, laughing. I tried vainly to defend myself, "But but, he did say, ambil kan Peta!"
Lately, either my hearing has gone cross-wired or people who speak to me have been mumbling with their words.

Last night for example, soon after we switched off the light and settled in under the duvet, I heard she said  with a sniff, "I love you!" Instantly, I turned on my side and extended my hand to hug her, and whispered, "I love you too - nak ka?"

I got a sharp reply, "Isk....I cakap I have flue lah~!"
Not to be out done, of course I replied, "I have flue too - nak tissue ka!"

"Hahahaha!" we both laughed.