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Thursday, April 14, 2011

To Umrah for the weekend~!

In a few minutes we will be leaving for Mekah. Inshaallah, semoga Allah permudahkan urusan kami dan makbulkan doa kami.

Our son Amirul has asked to go for Umrah before he faces his final IB exams. I appreciate his thought - in seeking God's blessing and compassion! InshaAllah he will do well in his final, and ready to face the world. With a good IB he will be enrolled into one of the Universities - somewhere! I know he has been focused in getting into one of the top 100 Universities in the world. That is an admirable standard for him to set.

View from the window oof room 215 of Hotel Royal Orchid!
The last time we went to Mekah we stayed at the Al Ghufran hotel at the Al Sawfa tower. This time around we are booked into the Royal Orchid. In the end, it matter not where we stay. What matters will be what we bring within our heart. 


  1. Alhamdulillah, may you have a peace journey there.

  2. ...right on, Mr. Payne..its not so much where we stayed, but the journey...and every journey's end is the beginning of another..and He sees through to the tiniest nooks of our hearts...May God blessed you and your son..for greatness come to those who seek..(I just realised that a bit late in my life..:) hehehe..cheers

  3. Syukur,,dan doakan untuk Arwah adelia..untuk amirul..semoga kejayaan sentiasa di pihak anda

  4. Semoga doa-doa akan termakbul.....amin.

  5. amin... moga dipermudahkan segala urusan.. moga mendapat umrah yg mabrur..

  6. Kepada semua yang menulis komentar...

    TERIMA Kasih~! Ameeeen untuk doa2 tuan2 dan puan2....amat saya hargai.

