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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Driving with a Ghutra over my head!

Out of the blue today, I felt like putting on a Ghutra ( Saudi head cover for men, melayu calls Serban) before driving out with my wife.
In full gear~! A Malaysian and an Italian!

While stuck in a massive traffic jam (the local schools have started their one week holiday), I realized that other drivers were giving me way like I have never experienced before. Cars actually slowed down to let me pass! Very unusual indeed.
Then it dawned on both my wife and I, they must have thought I was a Saudi! All they could see was a red and white ghutra, a bearded chin, dark pair of shades over my eyes! They were probably even more convinced as I was driving as reckless as a local! We attributed my resemblence to a Saudi man in dressing and in driving ways, which have earned us the unexpected respect!

Just enjoyed it, while it last! I thought for a moment, whether to make wearing of a ghutra a more permanent feature of how I dress? My answer: No! At least not for that reason.
I prefer to get a treatment, of any form, for who I am!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Aljawal

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