Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Luqman won an Award~!

When I arrived home from work today, Luqman surprised me
with the news that he has won an award~!
Luqman will be eleven in July. Currently he is in year 6 at an international school in Jeddah.

In fact, Luqman who was born when I was working in Singapore has been in international schools all of his young and adventurous life.

His Bahasa is ok, but with limited vocabulary. Even though we do speak to him in Bahasa at home, he  only speaks to us in English.

There must be traces of writing flair in his genetics~! He enjoys writing rhymes and short fictions, and if the award he receives today is an indication, then is is good at it too!

I am therefore very happy and proud today to be told he has won an award in a creative writing
competition which was organised by his school.

Congratulations Luqman!!!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from STC


  1. Awwwh..Congrats Lukman.Pandainya...:D

  2. salam Pak payne,

    would you mind sharing Luqman's writing? I don hv creative writing ability, even writing assignments is a struggle 4 me YET I enjoy reading, esp auto-bio and blogs...

    tq; ryaha

  3. Pakpayne,
    Kemana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke nasi. Begitu lah yang berlaku kepada Luqman. Syabas Luqman.

  4. mamasita :-) TQ...on behalf of LUqman :-)


    Ryaha :-)

    Luqman's writing for the competition tu di sekolah. Saya pun tak tahu apa dia tulis. Dia tidak ceritakan sehinggalah dah dapat award tu...:-)


    Pak Zawi :-)

    Tenkiu Pak Zawi ...~!
