Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"The House of Rising Haley!"

I am now rooting for her to be in the final two!

I like her voice and i find her growl quite sexy. And...of all remaining, she has the look.

For the top four episod tomorrow, I am looking forward for another hot performance from Haley!

After her mesmerizing rendition of 'House of the Rising Sun' Haley has endeared herself to 28% of a poll voters, up by 17% from 11% just a week prior.


  1. minggu sudah siapa yang keluar? Saya tak sempat nak tengok sebab astro kena potong..hahaha

  2. Kak Ezza :-) That guy...suara berbunga2 tu...apa eh nama, ermmm Jacob Lust....ooops, Jacob Lusk...hehehe yang tercicir last week.
    This week...i predict Lauren...huhuhu

  3. Ezza :-) ahirya Haley juga terkeluar malam tadi...the FINALE will be Scotty and Lauren...ermmm....saya sudah kehilangan minat untuk menonton...

  4. i loved james...i always like losers, the last idol i like was Adam Lambert. So far, my idol never won the title. Before that was Chris Daughtry

  5. Jul :-) sama kita, selalu sokong underdogs...hehehe....or maybe i should say. 'under camels'.
