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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Good-Bye Harry, Welcome Ali~!"

Harry Dickson (Not his real name) is past his fiftieth birthday. Many Like Harry come to Saudi from all over the world, and have been living and working (Perhaps more appropriately,  benefiting and whining) in Saudi for a long time, some for as long as thirty over years. Alone! Many leave behind their wives and children in his home country.
Harry and people like him intrigue me.
Why would any man like Harry choose to live miserably for any stretch of time, in a Country where nothing pleases him, and has nothing positive to say about the place, its people or their culture?
Why would he put himself in such a Lose-Lose situation? He loses his happiness, for he neither enjoys the time he spends at work nor his personal time off work.
His family is also a loser for they very seldom get the best of him, except for presumably the money he sends home every month.
His employer loses too, for a miserable man often produces mediocre results.
There is a ‘Harry’ in most organizations in Saudi. They are over paid, holding positions way above what they can get in their own countries, and mostly underperforming. Employers are better off to identify these ‘Harries’ and deport them home on the first plane available!
I have a nose for this type of people, and I can tell a ‘Harry’ when I see one!
I do not see any point to keep paying a ‘Harry’ high salary (Westerners in Saudi are normally paid higher salary compared to their Asian counter-parts, just because of the type of passports they hold). Most often, unfortunately, they act like thorns in your flesh; being self-appointed spoke persons about anything bad of the Country, its people and their culture.
Good riddance! i would say, to all Harrys.


  1. Pp bawaklah kami gi sana.....supaya kami dekat dengan rumah Allah dan rumah kekasihNya...supaya kami mampu menjadikan Baqi' rumah kami selepas nyawa tiada lagi bersama jasad kami.

    Saya pasti kami adalah Ali atau Ahmad yang mampu mengharungi hidup di negara yang Harry kata teruk tu selama 35 tahun dia di sana.....

  2. Suria...yes, Inshaallah Puan dan Tuan haji Naha akan dapat ke sini lagi... :-)
