Summer Surprise!

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

We are doing just fine~!

It has been three weeks since we moved in the new house, living outside of the compound. So far so good. All the teething problems have been resolved. Alhamdullilah.

Having a second car for the use of the family and a private driver, have given the much needed freedom of movement for Aishah and my boys.

Both Amirul and Haziq love their room, and spend a fair bit of their time in the privacy of their own space. Luqman is so at home in his cozy corner. All the three boys get along very well with Mohamed, the family driver. He is humble, unassuming, soft spoken and protective.

The house faces the morning sun, and that makes a lot of difference. By evening, the house is cool and comforting to all senses. Morning sun also brings in fresh energy with every Azan for Fajr prayer from the nearby Mosque. The next time you choose a house, please remember to find out which way the house faces.

We are back into our grooves. If you re-call my previous entries, I am one of those who believe in family rituals. Things we do together, bond our family closer. Thursday and Friday for example, are our dining out days.  Friday lunch or/ and dinner are either take away, home delivery or eating out. In short, weekends are time for Aishah to take a rest from cooking. 

Inspired by the 'Master chef' program, which we watch together everyday except Friday, at 7pm, I have pledged to cook one meal for the family during the weekends.

This will start with tomorrow's dinner. Aishah and Luqman accompanied me to the community supermarket tonight to buy the ingredients for my chosen menu. It will be Slow Cooking Roast Beef and traditional Yorkshire Pudding. While I was shopping for a cut of roast beef, all purpose flour, and some spices, I noticed Aishah was picking out some ingredients for desert. So, I supposed she will contribute with a desert dish tomorrow! Hopefully, a couple who spend quality time in bed the kitchen together will always stay in love together.

Every day, for an hour or two, we gather either in the main living hall or in the family living room to watch at least one of our favourite TV programs together. Currently, it is either American Idol or Master Chef, or both.

Friday morning is our 'lazy and rejuvenating time'. It is the time when each of us normally has our 'own' time. Aishah will be busy 'farming' on her farmVille, while I normally catch up with my investments in Malaysia.

Except for the odd phone calls, I don't bring my work home. I do reply to urgent business emails via my Blackberry, but only if I can do so within three minutes. Contrary to popular perception, I find the more urgent the mail, the shorter it takes to reply. Majority of them require decisions, either a 'Yes', a 'No', or 'Wait till we discuss'.

As a family, each of us are hooked to internet for one reason or another. All eight of us have FB accounts! All of us also are connected via BB Messenger. In many ways, we are always in touch.

A snap shot of what is going on in our household at this time. Amirul has switched off his light, sleeping early. Tomorrow he has Maths paper, the third for his IB final. Haziq is doing his project, a website for a business. Luqman, like Amirul, has dozed off to slumberland. Aishah and I are both on our laptop not  each other's lap top hehehe, doing our own thing. The occassional glances and 'Kuis kuis kaki' promises a wonderful night ahead! hehehe.

It is time to sign off now and swith off our own bedroom light. Tomorrow is Friday, meaning, 'Malam ini malam Jumaat!'

Probably our most favorite time together is wheneverwe are in the plane flying  'Home' ~! This year in July when we fly home, it will be extra special. We will be taking a trip to Raub Pahang, for a special reason, InshaAllah.
Goodnight everyone~!


  1. PP,
    Enjoy your new home and I bet there is so much to do that you will find time is so precious. I am so happy to see such a happy family. Now you make me miss my children while they were young.
    See you in July. Your painting should be ready for collection by then.

  2. mu masak omputih ke...
    mana budu, ikan bakar..laksam ko..
    nasi dagang ke...

    Kat rumah saya pun macam tu gak..sesekali macam kedai cc pun ada...
    American ingat sapa yang menang ha...saya suka James..rock tu!!!

  3. Bila rombongan dari ladang boleh menjenguk rumah baru Pak Pin.......

  4. Pak Zawi :-)

    I am happy to know u r back to blogging~! will link u back to my blog roll.

    yes, inshaalllah, this time let us plan to meet up in Kemubu jika boleh.

    anak2 membesar di depan mata ... tahu2 mereka sudah bersedia untuk terbang bebas....huhuhu

  5. Ezza :-)

    malam ni akan masak Roast Beef - slow cooking dengan Yorkshire Pudding, and steamed vegies.
    isnhaallah, semoga menjadi lah. hehehe

    American Idol, saya juga sokong James the rocker~!

  6. Zainal :-) you and the geng are welcome ANYTIME...just call, and we will open our door~!

  7. Insya Allah Pak Pin....Tunggu big MZ balik dari Dubai.

  8. Could feel what yr wife was feeling without the car. The same thing happened to me when we were in Shanghai for 3 yrs, no car means no long legs, no makan angin and at the end of the day makan hati, haha.

  9. Jul :-) wow...3 tahun d Shanghai...i can only imagine susah nak makan~! betul ka?

  10. yeah..the most suffering period of our life in terms of makan, hehe. But it's good in a way, me and hubby stay slim and fit juz like the mainland Chinese. Ada hikmah disebalikNya.
