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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mindset kena betul...

Ini gambar meja2 belakang....Dato'2 dan VIPs di meja2 depan~!
It was with high hope and enthusiasm that I responded to an invitation from the President of the Malaysian Business council - Jeddah to attend a dinner with a delegation of business leaders from the 'Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia.'

It turned out to be a 'Session of Syok Sendiri' for a few people~! Personally, I was disappointed with the event. It taught me one thing though, if I am invited again in the future, I will lower my own expectation ~!

I came straight from the Ladang Udang - hence the casual attire of sneakers etc...~! I made a two hour journey to be there and meet up with members of the DPPM.

I wish only to say a few of my observations from the dinner cum meeting. 

The Dato'-Dato' and VIPs from the delegation and from the host, tend to sit together on the front table.
If one of the objectives of the meeting was to meet and gather information from the experience of professionals and Malaysians living in Saudi, then I could not see how that objectives could have been met if the people who travel together choose to stay and stick together. 

Dah tu buat apa nak buat perjumpaan dengan Melayu-melayu di sini?

It is about time lah, Melayu and Malaysians place a little less importance to the protocols of titles, and feel free and easy to mix around. I salute one brother from Kelantan who made an effort to move from table to table, exchanging cards and saying hello to everyone. He was the only one ~!

After the dinner was over, I joined a table of smokers on the open air veranda. At the table were two of the DPPM members. They were cool, interested and we were engaged in 'Business' conversation - in a light hearted manner but useful nevertheless. I wish more delegates had taken a more casual and informal approach.

There were speeches from the MATRADE officer and also from the President of Malaysian Business council - Jeddah. Useful facts were shared.  However, at some points the speakers were heard  poking fun at the 'Locals and the way they do business'. In my view, sikap begini mencerminkan bad taste lah ~! Instead, we should focus on the similarities between Saudi and Malaysia and their strengths. 

Kata orang, dah datang cari makan kat sini - elok lah kita sesuaikan diri dengan perbetulkan diri kita dari mengutuk masyarakat tempatan. Jika dah tak suka, pulang jer lah~!

Mindset kena betul...~!

For the record (sekurang2 rekod di blog saya ini), I don't share the mindset of the MBC President with regards to local Saudi Business people. If he has issues with Saudi business people, what he said must have been his personal view and should not be taken as the view of MBC surely!

From my own experience, and I have been here for nine years, if we approach the locals with the right mindset, we can enjoy living here and can develop very successful partnerships~!

Therefore, I am glad when in his speech, the President of the DPPM, pointedly said, that China manages to be successful globally with enviable presence because the Chinese when they go to any country, they adapt themselves to the culture and needs of the locals. Those were words of wisdom from the honorable President of the DPPM~! Begitu lah hendaknya Melayu di Jeddah juga...masuk kandang unta, buat lah cara unta~! Jangan terlalu bangga dengan cara kita.

Itu baru betul...~! Mungkin Tuan Presiden of the DPPM juga merasa kurang senang dengan sikap Melayu di Jeddah - dah lah cari makan kat sini, dok kutuk masyarakat tempatan pulak~!

Sekali lagi saya ulang, mindset kena betul, brother~!


  1. What u r saying were true. Masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kandang unta mengsheikh????

  2. Assalammu'alaikum Pp..did you say unta?
    Waaaaa!huhuhuhu!..I miss them all so very much!!

  3. Tuan Haji,
    The VIPs are sitting together.This is happening often at most meetings among the civil servants d Maysia.Birds of the same feather flock together.


  4. Jul :-) aha...jangan terbawak2 segak dan ego kita ke mana2...orang lain pun ada cara dan budaya mereka...jika sudah mendapat rezki di sini, pandai2 lah menyesuaikan diri...

  5. Mulan :-)


    Mamasita :-)

    rindu kan unta...sila lah ke sini lagi. hehehe


    Wawa :-)
    itu yang saya syorkan supaya those birds lihat2 bulu burung2 lain juga...mungkin bulu tak sama, tetapi paroh lebih berbisa...hehehe.

  6. Masuk kandang harimau?

  7. anon 1031:-) hang pi masok kandang harimau tu buat hapa? hehehe

  8. Are these leaders are really a businessman or just only the committee member of the organisation. Real biz men will explore contacts while committee member will only sitting with those yang pakai kot & blazer only. Protocol2 jugak, tapi bak kat Pp, mindset kena betul, brader.....

  9. Zainal :-) betul tu Nal...mindset tu yang penting...
