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Monday, May 2, 2011

Two of my boys are in IB course~!

Haziq is in the final semester of IB year 1.

Tonight I was asked by Haziq (16, and our fifth child),  to fill up an assessment form - with a few pointed questions about my perspective of Haziq's interests, achievements outside of school environment, and his areas of strengths. Fortunately he didn't give me a time limit, like most tests do. Otherwise I might have failed!  :-)

I have taken 'knowing' him for granted. Afterall, how could I not know, he is my son. Well, Pp, think again!

Okey, so I do have an idea of what Haziq's interests are. What I don't know is what drives him towards those interests. To add value to  the assessment, I feel that I need to provide some insights. I need to be able to go beyond the first layers.

"What are his ambition?" Asks one of the questions.
I had a long pause. I know he is into graphic and design. He is also into creative photography. He is creative. We have had a few conversations about career options. He has even spent a couple of months of internship at a magazine editorial and production company, only to find that a career in that industry was not as interesting as he had imagined. Tonight, I can't answer the question with any level of certainty.

 "What do you, as his father, think he should pursue as his career?"  I realize only too well that the days when parents make career choices for their children are long gone! So, no, I won't even go there!
I find listing his achievements a lot easier. I need to reflect only a little, and I can visualize his long list of achievements. There are a few! I am proud of what he has achieved.

Haziq is strong in creativity. He challenges the norm. He pushes the boundaries and has an inquisitive mind always looking for better options. He is also self-driven, and set very high standards for himself in what ever he does.

Have I been focused only on his positives, and have ignored a simple possibility that he too might have had his own fair share of struggles?

I am glad that the assessment does not include a question about his weaknesses! It would have been a struggle for me to be absolutely honest in my responce. I do see parts of me now forming into his bad habits! And...I can tell you, it is not flattering. My wife, for all her wonderful intent and purposes, has taken it upon herself to continue the role which my (arwah) mother  used to do - to "Beleber" (Kelantan speak for Nagging) about the same things Haziq now does and which I used to do or not do!

Last words are for Amirul, in IB year 2 and facing the final exams!

Amirul - around his second birthday!

Tomorrow is the start of the IB (International  Baccalaureate) exams for Amirul. The first paper is English! Amirul has been doing very well through out his academic journey. Two weeks ago we went to Mecca upon his request to do Umrah as an important part of preparation for the exams.
May God answers your and our prayers for you! Do your best and Allah will determine the rest.


  1. All moms beleber so it's very okay Aishah.:))
    Haziq sounds much cleverer than the daddy-o..the dad seems 'blur' at times..hehe..simple questionaire pun dah hampir fail..just fill up with all the colours and wonders of Haziq..senang jer..hehe
    Good luck can do a good job boy!

  2. PP, now you set me to think about how much we parents know about our children. I know the children do keep some information about themselves private and only their siblings know about them. I think this exercise should be done on regular basis.
    Best of luck to you Amirul.

  3. great... kat malaysia IB ada kat TKC & MCKK je kot.. i heard..

    all the best guys..!!!

  4. mamasita :)

    alhamdullillah, all my children are cleverer than me...but as of today, i am still the wiser one ~!

  5. pak zawi..:-) worse case scenario is for parents to think they know, only to realize too late, that they don't.

    pernah baca berita parents terkejut apabila polis ketuk pintu jemput ke balai sbb anak telah di tangkap mengambil dadah, atau merempit, atau kedua2nya sekali?

  6. mulan :) government school semua tak der IB...MARA college is the only one.
    Private colleges banyak lah...ISKL and Alice Smith are two of them.

  7. And You have one son in 6th grade almost in 7th... and 2 other sons working...and 1 daughter working...
