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Monday, May 9, 2011

"You will not talk to my wife like that ~!"

2007: Di Tok Bali ~! Perjalanan pulang dari Kuala Lumpur ke Kuala Krai, singgah di tepi pantai untuk berehat!
Only two days ago I wrote about 'Pongoh' and 'Gedebe!'- or 'Temper with a don't give a damn attitude' and how I have changed for the better. Oh well...What a premonition! This morning, while I din't lose my temper, I displayed my 'Gedebe' in the face of one 'Kurang Ajar' - or 'ill mannered' person.

My wife and I, together with one of my work colleages, a European, visited an international school in Jeddah on a fact finding mission about what they have to offer. Upon registering our intention at the reception, we were told to sit in the waiting area.

One 'Mat Salleh' man came out, and from the time he made his appearance went straight to my wife with his arm pointing to the door and saying at the top of his voice, "Woman are not allowed, leave now!"
He repeated a few seconds later, "Now, leave!"

My wife, needless to say, being a polite and peaceful person she is, got up and made her way to the door, without a fuss!

Not me! I could feel my inner resolve heightening and my rational side being overpowered by my 'Malaysian pride'. No one will treat my wife like that, especially not an ignorant 'Mat Salled' bastard guy!

I stood up, but rather than following my wife to the door, with deliberate steps, I approached the bastard guy. Looking straight into his eyes, and my index finger on his nose I said with  a raised voice, "That woman happened to be my wife!"

He was startled and began to explain that the school has a strict rule about not allowing woman inside.

I repeated, even louder, "She is my wife, and you are not going to talk to her like you did!"

Not expecting my aggresive reaction, afterall in his eyes I am an Asian whom he probably mistaken as a driver for my European colleague, he lowered his gaze and asked, "How can I help you?"

That question....yes, that question, was too good an opportunity for me to let pass. With my wife still at the door, I shouted to the bastard's guy's face, "Nothing at all - I have lost all interest in this school! Go help yourself!"

I walked off without even taking a second glance at the maggot guy.

My wife and I walked hand-in-hand to our car leaving behind my European colleague to finish his business. I was reminded then, one of the reasons my wife had fallen in love with me when we met some 30 years ago was exactly the sort of behaviour I displayed a few moments back. I have always been and still is supremely protective. I allow no one, except me (unintentionally of course), to hurt her!

I easily forgive people who step on my toes, for I suffer nothing but  temporary pain. However, I will fight nail and tooth for my principles and my dignity! If anyone treat me or my loved ones with disrespect, I do not hesitate from returning the favor on their faces, right there and then!

A few minutes later, my European colleague came to the car, shaking his head, relaying a message to us from the slimy worm guy. "He send his apologies!" Said my colleague.

I was glad to note I have knocked a few senses into his thick skull.
(Note to self: Not often these days I behave like I did, this morning. Yes, I have mellowed and changed for the better!)


  1. PP, you did the right thing. If I were you, I would punch him in the face rather than just point a finger at his nose. A report to the school authority should be in order so that he won't be rude to anybody else the next time around. If that report can hurt his career a bit, that will just serve him right. 'Pongoh' is the apt word to describe you in that instance.

  2. Pak Zawi, sebab i didn't lose my temper, so tak der la 'keta kenaleng' raso nok gocoh oghe...hahaha. Cuma nak ajar Mat Salleh tu jak, supaya hormat sikit~!
    Kalu ambo jamae mudo2 dulu gak..lekat penapa doh mmuko dio!

    yes, 'pongoh' tu ado lagi...cubo jaghe2 tubek!

  3. Bravo Pp, I salute u for standing up to yr beloved wife. My hubby would, too do the same if I faced similar situation. There was once long time ago when we just got married, I complained someone used our garbage bin to throw his beer bottles and they overflew. My hubby went out in the open and shouted to the highest pitch he could to get the said guy came out and confront him ih he dare. Bagus gak kalau dia ada black belt, black beard adale masa tu, tp hubby punya muka mmg fierce and tambah lg dgn hairy nature..I pon takut klu dia mengamuk.

  4. Jul...:-)

    minor point...but I think u meant to say, standing up 'for' my beloved wife, rather than standing up 'to' hehehe. maksudnya berbeza tu..

    Wow...syabas to ur husband! Kadang2 ada black beard pun orang ingat kita ada black belt, bila kita ada prinsip~!

    Errr, selalu ka dia mengamuk? hehehe.

  5. Good for you PP! Unfortunately in my case, it would be me who will fly off the handle. But that was in the younger days lah. Hehe

  6. hmm... sya yg pongoh. if we were in your situation, i'd be shouting at that guy 1st than my husband hehehe

  7. bravo pakpayne! kalu kawe.. kawe yang cekok pinggae sergoh defler with some choice words, mok aji notwithstanding!


  8. sori Pp, i budak baru blajar maaa....salu buat kesilapan, sila tunuk ajarkan..tq for the correctio of my grammatical error, teacher. hihi

    salu gak...darah muda, skang takle sejak dah berumur ni, kurang stamina dah koot

  9. Kalau kawe terus ghoyak bahasa melayu sokmo, tak kirolah gedebe tu fehe ke dok.....

  10. Irene :-) siapa sangka di sebalek wajah yang tersenyu itu ada seorang wanita 'pongoh' rupanya...hehehe.


    Syana :-)...u will be shouting at the guy first, then ur husband? ada kah sya akan shout to ur husband, or ur husband akan shut to the guy after u? hehehe


  11. Mok AJI Kama :-) hehehe. boleh sayang bayangkan mok Aji cekk Pinggae ggitu! Bengis....!


    Jul :-) nampak muda lagi lah....mana boleh kurang stamina? hehehe


    Zainal...kawae baco komen demo pung kawae dop pehae...hahaha

  12. oOooh nice one pakpayne! i think the mat saleh dude was lucky la u didn't do more than just pointing fingers n kept your words quite civilized rather than swearing! u protect ur damsel in distress, yet managed to do it with grace. ;)

  13. Syigim :-) honestly, i could have been even more civilized and graceful ...for example by following the message from Ayat34, Surah Al Fussilat yang bermaksud, ""Dan tidaklah sama (kesannya dan hukumnya) perbuatan yang baik dan perbuatan yang jahat. Tolaklah (kejahatan yang ditujukan kepadamu) dengan cara yang lebih baik apabila engkau berlaku demikian maka orang yang menaruh rasa permusuhan terhadapmu, dengan serta merta akan menjadi seperti seorang sahabat!"

  14. Pp, we've never had such a situation yet ... so dunno what he'll do but i know what i'll do.

  15. Salam sejahtera pp, beruntung dapat suami macam pp. Suami saya akan hanya berdiam diri dan saya terima dia seada nya.

  16. Anon 11:56 :-) Puan juga beruntung...cuma masing2 suami ada kelebihan dan kelemahan sendiri...dan mengikut situasi...jika puan sudah dapat menerima seadanya, itu lah sebaik2 dan sebahagia2 berpasangan...~!Alhamdullillah.

  17. Wah.. saya sokong sangat tindakan Encik ni.. Gentleman habis! :)

  18. Fadzilah :-) alhamdullillah, mendapat ilham untuk bertindak begitu...:-)
