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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Malaysia kita...can be a Better Malaysia~!

I received in my email inbox, the discussion of what are good and what are not so good about our country Malaysia today. To the originators of the discussion I say thank you!

There are many things that are good and many things that are not good about Malaysia at the moment. Of course, we should deal with our weaknesses but let's be clear what these are:

Pro>> Those who condemn so much about our education system forgot that it is that system that made them who and brought them where they are now...

Con::::The failure of our education system is not shown in the few who have made it but the many who have been left behind...they are our brothers and sisters, too.
  Pro >> those who said our transport system is bad forgot that it is that system that commutes 28mill plus people everyday...

Con::::If 28 million people have to go work, school or elsewhere then 28 million will go where they need to regardless of the quality of the system. It is the comfort, speed, convenience and costs that matter most, not numbers.

Pro>> Those who said corruption level is un-noticable in their land forgot that it is them who paid our cops a mere RM10 to avoid being fined after being caught speeding at our "not so good a few thousand kilometers highways compared to their few hundred kilometers bitumonized pavements"...

Con::::The yardstick for corruption in Malaysia is not the underpaid cop who takes RM10 but the greedy politician who take billions.


Pro>> Those who said the government paid dividends to senior citizen, the poors and such forgot that the majority of "we want change" citizen of malaysia saw that very same move as "vote buying" and "candy giving"...

Con::::The rakyat will be very pleased to get dividends every year but surely the party that only gives during election year and only to people in certain areas is vote-buying.

Pro>>> Those who said drugs related problem are almost zero forgot that the largest amount of drug related problems are in their very next door neighbor Johor which makes me wonder where they got the supply from...

Con::::The main problem is not where the supply is coming from -- we know which countries are the biggest producers -- but who are the addicts, how many there are, and why they do drugs.

Pro>> Those who said it is much safer and peaceful to walk alone at midnight forgot that midnight is a time best for sleeping not walking...

Con::::A place is unsafe not because people walk alone at midnight but because criminals lurk around at midnight. Sleeping early does not rid the country of criminals.


Join this group who call themselves, "For a Better Malaysia" by clicking HERE.


  1. Ritu masa kat Jakarta, ada tanya my friend's driver, caner he endure the forever massive jam that took place in Jakarta almost 24hrs per day. He answered he got used to it and accept it (redho) as part of their live. Bersyukur that he still could breathe the good air that Allah provided.

    What a refreshing attitude.

  2. Salms,
    My favourites,nasi ulam,laksam,kropok lekor,satay,mee udang,durians D14,laksa Penang,serabai,rojak,ikan bakar,yong tau foo.Not forgetting sweet akok.Oh,how I miss these foodies when I am out of Malaysia.Raya is coming soon,lemang n ketupat.
    Wishing a good Ramadan to Tuan Haji n family.


  3. Pp....saya adalah seorang penonton kepada drama Pak Brahim di Parlimen... Saya berada di sana untuk mempertahankan permohonan bajet tambahan sewaktu sidang Dewan Rakyat. Sebagai kakitangan kerajaan saya malu dengan sikap 'bodoh dan memalukan' politikus ini yang mendakwa mereka adalah pemimpin rakyat.

    Selebihnya...Pp lebih arif dari saya ....
