(Dissent is defined as "Difference of opinion or feeling; disagreement.", " The refusal to conform to the authority or doctrine", "Refusal to concur with the opinion of a majority")
For far too long, we (Malaysians, and especially Malays) have been taught and conditioned to be obedient! Children have been told to 'Listen!' Our culture has conditioned employees to 'follow' their bosses, and wives to be obedient to their husbands, even if the later are in the wrongs. The youngs who talk back to their elders are considered bad mannered!
For far too long, we (Malaysians, and especially Malays) have been taught and conditioned to be obedient! Children have been told to 'Listen!' Our culture has conditioned employees to 'follow' their bosses, and wives to be obedient to their husbands, even if the later are in the wrongs. The youngs who talk back to their elders are considered bad mannered!
Pp says, "It is time to speak up for good reasons~! It is our duty to correct the wrongs, and if we have to speak up in order to do that, then we must!"
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Whoever saw a Munkar, let him change it by his hand and if he cannot then by his tongue and if he cannot then with his heart and that is the weakest of Imaan."
For far too often, we stand up everytime a VIP walks into the room. Never mind that the VIP has showed little respect for his own family members or have just shouted at his driver. Any one who is seen stuck to his or her seat is frowned upon, as disrespectful.
Pp says, "Respect only those who deserve~!"
Allah سبحانه وتعالى says:
وَلْتَكُن مِّنكُمْ أُمَّةٌ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى الْخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ
“Let there arise from amongst you a group(s) which calls to Islam, enjoins al-ma’aruf (good) and forbids al-munkar (evil), and they are the successful ones.”
For far too long, we have been suffering in silence. We, the common citizens have been conditioned that the politicians and those associated with them are immortal and powerful and can do us harms or favors depending on how low we stoop to them.
We should not stoop much lower for we have, for far too long, been on our knees and dare not even raise our eyes.
I am saying - it is time we stand up and be counted~!
It is time for you and me to say to our children, "Tell us your views, for we want to listen!" What a wonderful world it will be if our young generations are free to express what they truly feel. If they know, and given the assurance that their views matter!
The time is now for us to respect only leaders who respect their followers and constituents. Dissent is not always bad~! Our nation will be a much better place if our leaders understand the reality on the ground, and realize that they can no longer take the common people for granted. Hosni Mubarrak realized, but it was too late. Suppression breeds anger. Anger results in the unthinkable!
No, I am not suggesting we should become 'Kurang ajar!'. I am suggesting that we (must) dare to speak up! I am encouraging our children, all employees, and the stepped upon and well throdden to rise from the ground and stand tall. Our voices must be heard. No one should and could take away our dignity without our permission.
Be dissentful, if by doing so we will correct the wrongs~! If a boss errs, tell him or her so. Of course one has to play smart. Perhaps by telling one's boss in the privacy of his office. If your spouse is not being responsible, remind him or her! Get it out of your chest! If your 'wakil rakyat' only shows up during election time, then please let him or her know you have noticed his/her absence and that you are disappointed that he/she has not been serving the constituents as he has promised just before the last election.
The time has come for us to demand that we as human being, first of all, be treated with respect and dignity, and be taken seriously.
Second of all, we as citizens, should exercise our rights to demand a better Malaysia from our political leaders. They are, afterall, in office because we have put them there based on their promises to look after our welfares!
We, Malaysians, have been independent since 1957. We must free ourselves from the shackles of 'Colonial brain washing' and 'Cultural imposition' which place us as second class human beings, just because we have to be nice.
Dissent is not always a bad thing - we must speak up!
We can make a difference if we start living courageously as individuals who fear nothing and no one but God~!
Thank you for your brilliant opinions. I love them all.
ReplyDeleteTuan Haji,
ReplyDeleteTelling my boss in the privacy of his office.Me boss loves having meetings,but in the end problems r not solved.Malaysian style management.Boss say dont complain n X buruk2kan oreng.