Summer Surprise!

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Shorter is better ~!

Nope! I am definitely not talking about the length of your toes!

I am addressing an important skill for people who wish to climb up the corporate ladder. The ability to be 'Concise'.
Being concise reflect confidence. It also shows a clear mind able to process thoughts and present it in an organized, and concise way. A mind able to do the thinking on behalf of the recipient of the information!

Haven't you noticed that subordinates tend to write lenghty reports and nearly always bosses will cut the report down into a quarter of the original length? Why then the subordinates never learned and present to the boss a shirt concise report?

The answer is in the pschology. Junior employees tend to associate quality to quantity of work. They think, the more the better. Long report shows, in their view, how much hard work they have done.

Unfortunately, bosses think differently. Bosses mind work faster than their ability to read. They find long reports annoying. They expect their subordinates to be able to think like them - leave out the fillers and only present the real important stuff.

So guys and gals who are new to the corporate world, the next time you prepare a report for the boss - bear what I have written above in mind.

In the spirit of being concise, this entry ends here.

Oh by the way, I apologize to anyone who come attracted by the title of the entry, hoping to find some comforting words about your or his short 'toes' .. hahaha.


  1. 'Conscise' ngan concise samake?

  2. Jul :-) i must commend you on your diplomatic way of providing feedback about my wrong spelling. Thank you ~!

    The spelling for the word concise has been corrected, thanks to you.

  3. PP, lama sungguh tak jenguk blog ni. A good tips. Masalah saya pulak terbalik. My Jarman boss yang tak efficient dalam bahasa inggeris suka sangat tulis mail panjang lebar. Isinya kena betul betul cari :). Despite sudah di highlightkan issue incompetency dia dengan bahasa; dia masih gagal menjadi contoh. Yang paling mengerikan, dia fikir dalam bahasa Jarman, dan dia guna online translator untuk hantar message. Haru Biru. Kenapa dia jadi boss ya :)...kerana dasar sama kulit dan warna. Alahai. Kenapa saya tak keluar ya :)...kerana tak ada kompeni lain nak ambik saya...hihihi Suhana
