Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Thursday, June 9, 2011

OWC, LEMBU and Datin Rosie!

Datin Rosie let go a huge sigh of relief. She had just presided the first meeting for the association. Five hundred over members attended, and they managed to complete all items on the agenda, all within the 2 hours planned. Everyone was very excited to get going with their KERAS assessment for the night, their first night as a member of the new association.

1. The name of the association was agreed. It was then made official. They unanimously voted to call their association LEMBU for short, or in full, "Ladies Empowering Men's Bedtime Undressing!" The association was a brainchild of Datin Rosie as a spin off and inspired by OWC (Obedient Wives Club).
2. The exciting theme for the evening, which happened to be a 'Malam Jumaat' was debated and agreed. Their lingerie will be something lace, black and purple, and something naughty.
3. Lastly, they have agreed their KPI, much like the 1Malaysia NKRAs (National Key Result Areas), except that theirs is KERAS. Simply, they will measure how stiff their husbands become while undressing them and peeling off their chosen Lingeries.

Datin Rosie called her driver to pick her up at the hotel entrance. She began to palpitate as soon as she started to focus of the task at hand. The last time Dato' paid any kind of manly attention on her was almost six months ago. That too after she almost forced herself onto him.

"Ke Bintang Hill Plaza" kata Datin Rosie to Sudin, her driver cum general assistant cum 'Tiada Rotan Akar berguna' stand in.

Like always Sudin obeyed without any ifs or buts. He knew Datin's wishes were his commands. There  have been certain wishes which he enjoyed quite a lot!

Datin Rosie walked straight into the most exclusive lingerie outlet in the whole of Kuala Lumpur. One step into the outlet, she realized there were almost a dozen of LEMBU members already there. She made a U-Turn and hurried towards the escalator. No, not her to shop for her lingeries in the presence of other club members.

Instead of looking for another outlet, she decided to go home. She remembered that she still had a good collection of purple and black lace lingerie which she bought in London during her trip last winter. Unlike Sudin, Dato' had not seen any of them. 

She was still nervous when she stepped out of hot bubbly and aromatic bath in preparation of a steamy evening. At least in her mind, and in her anticipation and hope, it would be steamy. She toweled herself dry using the thick soft pastel pink pure Egyptian cotton towel which she had bought from Berkeley in London.

She chose vanilla scented candles for their bedroom. It was 11pm, and Dato' would be home any minute. At least he was supposed to! But he didn't. Half an hour past midnight, Datin Rosie was still shifting in their lush marital bed, alone.

She almost had given up when the bedroom door knob turned. In the dimness of the flickering candle light she saw a much slimmer body than that of her husband. It was Sudin, and he hesitantly moved closed to her bed. 
"Saya tidak tahan melihat Datin berpakaian begitu!" Whispered Sudin.

Datin Rosie glanced at her watch. As if understood what was going through her mind, Sudin said, "Dato' baru saja telefon memberitahu dia tidak pulang malam ini. Dia ketinggalan kapal terbang di Jakarta katanya! Malam besok aja dia suruh saya jemput di epot!"

Datin Rosie felt blood rushing to her face, and to other certain parts of her body. She remembered the press statement made by the President of Obedient Wives Club. Then she remembered her own association's, the LEMBU's KPI.

She decided to do what she was supposed to do! To act like a whore in her own marital bed, and to assess how KERAS a man could get while Undressing a lady in Lingerie.

One hour later she was still awake, sweating under her duvet, exhausted but fully satisfied. Her lips curled into a weak smile. Once again Sudin was great. Only this time, he was wilder than usual, using his teeth to tear off the purple and black two piece from victoria Secret. If only he knew how much Datin Rosie had paid for those two pieces~! The hand-cuffs really turned him on too. The idea of being in control and seeing Datin Rosie hand-cuffed to the bed four foster in submissive role brought the best out of Sudin.

"%@&!!!, Hand Cuffs! Sudin forgot to unlock the hand cuffs!" Datin Rosie just realized that she was still sprawled, locked to the bed's four foster. As usual, Sudin hurriedly left the bedroom as soon as game over!

(Itu doctor dari OWC sudah membuat otak saya memikirkan cerita ini. hahahaha)


  1. Ha ha ha ...another moral of the story...make sure the key to the handcuffs is nearby...


  2. Macam desperate housewife/datin jer....

    Pp...jangan sampai ke situ mengelamun laa...Bahaya tu!!!

  3. Mak oi Pp...jauhnya pergi. Rasanya pembaca Pp langsung tak sama dengan Datin Rosie....Gila melampau dia tu! Kami2 ni, obedient wives yang hidup mengikut landasan dan syariat Islam.

    Saya selalu berdoa begini:

    Jadikan aku seperti Hajar yang mengikut perintah suaminya kerana ketaqwaannya kepada Allah;

    Jadikan aku seperti Zulaikha yang cantik jelita dan dicintai Yusuf kerana Allah;

    Jadikan aku seperti Khadijah yang hartawan dan sentiasa membenarkan suaminya Muhammad biar apapun yang dikatakan orang tentang suaminya....


  4. Adoi Pp..hahahaha..sakit peghut ketawa!
    The great novelist is back again..huh,jangan ada part 1 part 2 punya cerita k?

    p.s. Sudin sampai terlupa uncuff her??
    Real beghok alright..kakaka!

  5. Hopefully Sudin will forgot where he put the key for the handcuff and Rosie will be left sprawled on the bed forever.

  6. Anon Sue :-) hahaha...what use is a key when both ur hands are locked in cuffs...


    ezza :-) lamunan cuma..hehehe.


    Suria :-)
    Ameeennn, cantik doa puan itu...

  7. mamasita :-)
    hahaha...bagus lah jika mamasita boleh ketawa membacanya.


    Pak Zawi :-)
    forever? wow...boleh kering di atas katil begitu..
