Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Footprints in the sand...

Koleksi Cerpen2 dalam satu buku sulung dari Pp @ Bakpo!
Ada cerita kelakar, sedih, romantis, dan juga cerita ala-ala suspence thriller.
Akan berada di pasaran on-line mulai August ini, InshaAllah.

The book will be available on line soon.
You may buy in print form, as a paper back or hard cover. You may also buy as e-book or PDF download.
A collection of my poems, all in English.

What is your opinion about the picture on the front cover?

I have four options for the title:

a) Footprints in the sand
b) Night whispers
c) Tears of love
d) Will my conscience sleep?

Which one is your preference? 


  1. bila dah published, i nak beli satu, boleh?

  2. a) Footprints In The Sand is my choice. When will it be published?

  3. Somehow that gambar tapak kaki tu a bit tak berprotocol..*macam rude sikit*
    why don't you get yang footprints atas pasir..nampak a bit more tertib..maklumlah.
    Kita oghang Melayu, pantang oghang tunjuk tapak kaki..chewaah..macam buku I pulak..

    Sorry..pendapat je..Tak terima I tak marah..just kaba jer..hehehe

    Hoi Ju..mestilah beli oi..takkan nak free!
    p.s. Tapi I boleh mintak free..hehehe

  4. whatever u choose is ok by me. once it's publish, please inform. sya nak beli :o)

  5. What does your other half say? I wud treasure her opinion more than others. And I assume she will be pocketing the "royalties" lah kan... Hehehe.. Anyway, I'd go with Pak Zawi.. With pix of baby footprints in the sandbox or beach..

  6. kak mamaciter, manale tau leh dpt free se muka surat pong jd le....

  7. Jul :-) ... actually saya nak publish buku...untuk syok sendiri jer..hahaha.
    tapi kalau ada yg sudi membeli, saya sudi lah menjual.


    Pak zawi...:-) thank you for the affirmation.

    I am hoping to publish around August period.

  8. Mamasita :-)

    I will reconsider the tapak kaki...thank you for your feedback.


    Sya :-) i will definitely inform you ~! that is a promise sejak dulu...

  9. Irene :-) Aishah tak kesah. Mana2 pun ok. She knows I am doing this for my Syok Sendiri...not hoping for royalty pun...hahaha.
    boleh rugi kalau bisness mcm i ni kan!


    Jul :-) no worries. jika ada keperluan sajak free...just let me know. I will cari ilham menulis for u.
