Disclaimer: **100% fiction, not about anyone dead or alive! hehehe**
"Kepada warga negara Malaysia kami mengucapkan selamat pulang!" The announcement over the PA system brought smile to Idham's face.
He missed Malaysia, more than he was willing to admit.
Idham was the last one to leave the business class cabin. While the rest of the passengers were already on their feet, he continued to sit. His mind was focused on Kamilia, the air stewardess he had become besotted with during the 9 hours flight from Jeddah. He slept very little during the night journey over the Indian Continent, instead he spent time with Kamilia at the back of upper deck business class cabin. They chatted about a lot of things; but mainly about each other.
"Please call me Idham, or Id for short!" He tried to persuade Kamilia to drop the formalities.
With a twinkle in her eyes, she said, "Id, is it pronounced like the Eid as in Eidul Fitr!"
"Yes, exactly, just like that but not as holy as the Eid as in Eidul Fitr!" Replied Idham. He found Kamilia's humor refreshing, a mix of innocence and wickedness.
"I guess I am by nature, except..." Idham hesitated.
"Except....?"Kamilia prompted Idham to continue, not letting go of their eye contact.
"Well, I guess you may question my honor if I were to tell you that I am falling in love at first sight with a girl I have just met for the first time!" He said and his cheek flushed a little.
"Well....that depends on the girl with whom you are falling in love with, isn't it Id?"
"Yes, I supposed. Shall I ask her then?"
"I think you should"
"Kamilia, what do you think if I were to tell you I am falling in love with you!"
Longer pause.
"Will you take a smile as an answer?" Kamilia said while playing with the end of her shoulder length hair.
"Yes, if a smile means you approve of such feeling?"
Kamilia smiled!
A shy smile, but a smile which started from her eyes and quickly spread across her face. It was a smile with a dimple which lighted up Idham's world and put his heart on fire. A smile which displayed a perfect row of teeth, a pair of lips so beautiful to Idham's eyes and so appealing to his desires.
Idham smiled back, wholeheartedly!
At the back of the cabin Kamilia was standing with Idham's hand luggage by her side. She was conscious of her heart beat, fast and out of rhythm! She enjoyed her conversation with Idham, in a way she should not. She was beginning to miss him already, and she didn't like the vulnerability she was feeling! She was glad they have exchanged phone numbers with a promise to call each other within the next 24 hours.
Idham walked slowly towards Kamilia. How he wished she was alone and not with Rao the Indian cabin crew. He wanted so much to kiss her cheek, and to give her a friendly hug. The floral scent of her 'Dior Addict' stayed with him.
He bought one for himself, "For me to be reminded of our first meeting!" He told Kamilia much to her delight. Along with the purchase, he bought a bottle of his own cologne, the musky 'Calvin Klein's Eternity', "For you to remember me by!" He said.
Kamilia accepted, her cheek turned rosy red. It was a blushing of a girl who was falling in love, despite trying not to.
He knew she had been broken hearted before, from a romance which started almost identically; a passenger found her attractive, charmed her off her feet and dumped her after a weekend retreat.
He assured her, "I am honorable, remember!"
As if understood by the vibrations around him, Rao made a quick comment to Kamilia, "I will attend to what is needed down there!" He glanced at Idham knowingly, and disappeared.
Idham approached Kamilia, stopped inches in front of her, and instead of shaking hands, he placed his right hand on her shoulder. She inched forward. He leaned towards her face, kissed on her right cheek. She felt weak in the knees. She turned her face, and her lips brushed against his. He embraced her in his arms, kissing her lips and she welcomed his tongue. Her lips parted, and their tongues entwined.
They pulled back, stared at each others eyes, and both whispered simultaneously, "Nice!"
Then they both laughed a little, and took a step back.
He grasped her hand, squeezed and said, "I wish to see you this evening!"
"How about your trip to Ipoh for the school re-union?" Asked Kamilia.
"Well, a man has to do what a man has to do! This man wish to be with you!" Said Idham, and he let go of Kamilia's hand.
From the back of the airport limousine, Idham dialled a few numbers. He spoke to Azli, the ex head boy and also the organiser of the school re-union.
"I am so sorry brother, I am not able to come tonight for the re-union!"
"But I thought you were already at the Jeddah airport flying back when we last spoke!"
"Yes, in fact I am now in KL. But something urgent has come up! My apologies!"
"But ...but...but...we have already put you in the programme! You are supposed to speak to all the form five students tomorrow first thing in the morning. They will be assembled in the hall at 8am. And later, at 9.30 am you will deliver a speech to the parents and the teachers!"
"Find someone else, can you, please?"
"Who else can speak on your topics? We have printed your chosen topic of 'Key to success is not in the books!' for the students. Your topic for the parents and teachers on 'Being a Kampung boy is a virtue on the global stage!' is about your personal perspective, Idham! Both must be done by yourself!"
"I will think of something, I will call you back, ok?"
"Ok...please don't let us down! The organiser has changed the date twice to accommodate your request, so you better be here!"
They ended the phone conversation.
Idham's mind raced through a dozen names, searching for someone from the old boys network who would be willing to stand in for him. Just as the name of Dato' Malek came to his mind, a text message came in.
"I am heading to hotel Istana now, what time shall we meet? There is a crew briefing at 3pm, and my return flight to Jeddah will be at 5.30pm tomorrow. Can we meet for dinner?"
He looked at his Rolex, ten minutes past the two hours he has promised to call Kamilia. He remembered how he took pain to convince her of his honor. Not wanting to spoil his reputation so fast, he dialled her number immediately.
"Hello, I thought you have forgotten!" Said Kamilia's voice. Soft, smiling.
"You have not left my mind, not even for a second!" He too was smiling.
They agreed to meet at 7pm, for dinner. He promised to pick her up.
"And you will be punctual, won't you honorable man?" Teased Kamilia.
"I will! But don't count on me sending you back before having room service breakfast tomorrow morning!" He took a chance by being forward. He could always said he was joking if Kamilia retorted negatively.
Instead, he received a smile as an answer. A smile which he could not see with his eyes, but could tell with his heart.
She said, "Do you take a smile as an answer, through the phone?"
He did! He saw her invisible smile, and he unwittingly touched his crouch. Darn, the damn thing a.k.a the little fella, has woken up, and he was glad he was seated at the back and not in front of the E230.
His mind was working faster than intel microprocessor. He must get Dato Malek to agree to deliver the speech to the form five students in the morning. If he was lucky, maybe Dato Malek would agree to deliver the speech to the parents and teachers as well!
"Dato!, this is Idham! I just came back from Jeddah for the re-union!"
"I heard! I look forward to see you there tonight!" Dato' Malek sounded genuinely excited.
"No, Dato! I am calling to ask a favour. Can you please speak to the students tomorrow morning in my place! Something urgent has cropped up unexpectedly!"
Dato Malek laughed out loud! His monotone voice had not changed a bit. Even in laughter, there was no melody whatsoever. It was a flat, ha ha ha ha kind of laughter! Then he said in Kelantan dialect,
"Ini mesti kes oghe tinno nih! Bui aku join sekali, maybe I will consider to help you!"
That was another side of Dato' Malek which had not changed a bit. Despite being a successful business man cum politician, or maybe because of being a businessman and a politician, he still could not resist some good time with women. Any woman! More than three decades ago, he was a sunken eyed horny boy! Now at fifty-four, he was older but still horny!
Idham was smarter than to blurt out the whole truth. He knew Dato' Malek well enough! Not only would Dato Malek join in the fun and game, he would dominate the show!
"No Dato! Not about women lah...I have something urgent...something very personal!" A white lie. No harm intended.
"OK, no need for you to lie lah! For a good friend sake, I will do the first part, and you owe me one big time!" Said Dato' Malek.
Despite his best effort of pleading and begging, Dato' Malek flatly refused to do the presentation to the parents and teachers!
"No! Whatever your urgent matter is tonight, you have time to drive to Ipoh in time for the talk!"
Dato' Malek sounded firm. Too firm for Idham's liking. He decided to use his trump card.
He decided to play dirty, a game familiar to Malek!
"Please lah Malek. I will write off the money you're owing me....all of the RM25,000!"
He knew darn well he was not going to get back the money anyway, so why not used the money to put Dato' Malek back in his place. A corrupted politician who had no qualm about using his friends' and rakyat's money for his business and personal interests.
"Natae mu Idham!! Ok, send me the script of your speech I will see what I can do!" Dato' Malek sounded agitated, but relented. Idham smiled victoriously! He enjoyed this little power play with his ex-class mate, and having money always have given him an edge over those with power! Money it seemed, could buy power!!
Dato Malek, a loyalist to his party, has always been more loyal to his greed and lust. At the last party general assembly, he made close to half a million simply for brokering votes for party leaders who were standing for top posts. He took from all sides!
Idham's thought were brought back to the dreamland of romance by another text message from Kamilia.
"For dinner, formal or informal dressing?"
That made him searched his brain for a romantic place for candle light dinner for two. He has left the country for seven years, too long to stay current with what were the best in town! He dialled Dato's Malek's number again.
His Mistake!
"Malek, can you recommend the best dining place in KL?"
"Define 'best!" Said Dato' Malek on the other end.
"Romantics, expensive, exclusive, and can melt a girl's heart!"
Malek smiled. A wicked smile broke out on his face. He gestured to Basri, his henchman to come close to where he was seated, and switched to speaker mode.
"Now now, Romeo is back in town and I wonder who is the Juliet this time! I suggest, try the tested Lafite in Shang-ri-La!"
"Oh thanks! I remember that place, such a cool place!"
Idham thanked Dato Malek profusely for helping out to stand in for him at the school re-union. They said goodbye on the phone. Idham, gave a call to Kamilia. It was brief. He didn't want to risk saying something which would make Kamilia to change her mind about the evening dinner, and more importantly about staying over!
Although he had a reservation at the KL Mandarin, he asked the limousine to go to the Shang Ri La. He got himself into an executive suite, with a Kingsize bed and a view of the Telecom tower. With the curtain fully drawn, he called the reception to request for a wake up call at 5.30pm, and he tried to sleep. It was 4pm, and some sleep was much needed!
In room 657 in Istana Hotel, Kamilia returned from crew briefing and called a room service massage. As her body was being rubbed with aromatic oil, she closed her eyes and entertained wonderful possibilities what what could happen that evening. She was glad she brought along her favourite evening dress by Terani which featured a strapless sweetheart neckline with leaf print and sheer chiffon along the body.
She smiled naughtily at the thought of surprising Idham with her black Victoria secret lingerie. Just then, the lady masseur asked her to turn over. She simply loved the feeling of having her breasts massaged.
Then the deft fingers applied oil underneath her breasts and with a purposeful accidental move brushed her nipples. She could not contain the excitement of anticipation...of being touched by those fingers belonging to the masseur, and later those belonging to Idham! Her nipples came alive, hard and erect. She closed her eyes to hide her embarrassment. Unconsciously she squeezed her legs together. She knew she was melting with anticipation ... !
He took out a brand new disposable razor blade, and walked into the bathroom. Some personal grooming is called for! He thought. The blade was put to good use, and locks of curly shining black hair fell from between his legs onto the morning newspaper he had placed on the bathroom floor.
That was in contrast to his boss Dato Malek, who looked every year his age of fifty-four. The Dato hardly had any hair left, rounded at his mid rift with a waist measuring 40 inches, well endowed with a treble chin, and a pair of Chinese eyes. Words had that it was not only his chin which were well endowed. He had a lot of beef too! He was reputed to be 'huge'! He was in the bathroom, getting ready and admiring himself, mainly his 'huge' asset in the full mirror. While doing so, his mind wondered far to Shang Ri La, and into the night. His heart beat with the excitement of his own twisted fantasy. His 'huge fella' twitched at his mental command! "Good boy!" He actually said that to his 'fella' in the mirror.
Basri and Dato' Malek made a fearsome partnership! They were not known for fair play, and infamous for bringing down their political and business enemies with all sort of entrapments!
That night, they had a plan! Their destination was the Shang Ri La. Their plan was a secret only known to them! Dato' Malek never like losing!
The delicate fingers of the lady masseur worked magic on her system, unblocking veins and flushing her skin with fresh flow of blood. As if she understood what Kamilia was experiencing, the masseur focused more time massaging Kamilia's bosom, brushing her nipples, and even gave an occasional pinch and scratch with her nails. Acts, which sent shivers right down to Kamilia's forbidden zone. Just as Kamilia was trying to conceal her ecstasy, the lady masseur moved down her torso, making her way to Kamilia's inner thigh. When Kamilia parted her legs slightly, the masseur accidentally but intentionally touched Kamilia's triangle, adding pressure where it mattered. Kamilia bit her lips, and tilted her head backwards. As if on cue, the masseur worked her fingers into a dance, darting from top to bottom and side to side, like butterflies hovering over blooming petals. Kamilia arched her torso upwards, pulled her knees up and parted her legs, inviting a more direct approach by the masseur who duly obliged. The masseur's middle finger teased along the parting lips of Kamilia's triangle, ever so slowly and ever so sensitively. It was torture and pleasure, mixed with embarrassment but beyond stopping. It was then that Kamilia extended her own right hand in search for the masseur’s hand and nudged the masseur with encouragement to take her all the way to the finishing line.
Then it was all over. The masseur used a small towel to wipe and then to cover her modesty.
"I think you can stop now. I need to go do my hair!" Kamilia turned her face, and made eye contact with the masseur for the first time. She thought she noticed something strange. The masseur's Adam apple was abnormally big for a woman. Then she noticed something else. Under the beads of sweat, she noticed some kind of greenish mark of freshly shaven facial hair on the masseur's upper lips. Almost instinctively, she glanced at the masseur's crouch. Suddenly, Kamilia felt sick! She got up in a hurry, and thanked the masseur and gestured for her to pack her things and leave the room.
"Sorry, I am late for my appointment, you must go now!" Said Kamilia, this time her voice trembled, but due to some kind of weird feeling she could not described. She simply felt like her privacy had been intruded!
Once she closed the door behind the bewildered masseur, Kamilia rushed to the bathroom and sprayed water all over her body, especially where those fingers of the masseur were dancing! She felt dirty all over.
She showered. Lathered her whole body, scrubbed, toweled, and repeated the whole thing again. By the time she finished, her breasts were red and sore. Her forbidden triangle swollen and became sensitive to touch.
5:30pm, Shang Ri La, room 2303.
The phone rang. Idham was woken up with a start! He picked up the phone, realized immediately it was the wake up call. He called the concierge and requested for a limousine. The temptation to call Kamilia was quickly dismissed. However, he dialed the extension to the concierge again, and ordered for a dozen red roses, to be delivered to his room within half an hour. He pulled out a fifty Ringgit note from his wallet and placed it by the Television set, for tipping the deliveryman!
Idham got out of bed, and stood in front of the dressing mirror. Mirror never lied, but the eyes of the beholder often did. He was pleased with what he saw; a slender body of five feet nine, fair skin, and a head still full of hair. He was blessed with faultless facial complexion, sensitive dimpled chin, and a pair of eyes sparkled with boyish optimism. His eyes were probably his best assets!
Clean and looking just like a little boy down there!
He smiled to himself, looking at a rather strange view in the mirror. Without the bushy hair nestling around it, his little fella suddenly seemed a little longer and bigger, and with added vigor!
He took his cologne and sprayed at the newly shaven area. "Ouchhh!" The alcohol in the cologne penetrated into the broken skin, giving sharp sensation.
The itch disappeared!
The scent, lingering and alluring!
He was ready to shower, shampoo, and soap himself fresh!
He was getting ready for love. For Kamilia!
5:30pm, Unit 49-01, Cendana Condominium, Jalan Sultan Ismail.
Basri was dressed inconspicuously in a plain blue Polo long sleeve, a pair of faded jeans and brand new white sneakers. He looked 15 years younger than his age fifty. His greased hair was well combed, pulled back exposing his intellectual looking wide forehead. He had his moustache well trimmed, and with a strong jaw and well defined nose, he resembled a darker version of Humphrey Bogart! He was a looker. He sat on the ivory white plush sofa in the living room of Dato' Malek's penthouse!
5:30pm, Room 657, Istana Hotel!

Her body changed from small shivers to a series of out of rhythm jolts, and finally went into convulsion! Kamilia gripped the pillow to cover her face and gritted her teeth.
"Oh my gosh!" Her voice uncontrollable and quivering!
The masseur, sensing
Kamilia was too embarrassed to face her, motioned for Kamilia to turn onto her stomach and she massage Kamilia's back and moving up to her shoulders.
"Good madam? You like? " Her first attempt of having a real conversation.
"Yes, good. I like. You were good!" Kamilia whispered. She was staring at the carpet and the toes of the masseur. "Wow, such big toes!" Kamilia thought. They were huge but well-pedicured and polished red. Kamilia thought of her own toes, and made a mental note to get it pedicured and polished too before dinner.
"What time?" She asked.
"5:30 madam! Another ten minutes massage!" Replied the masseur.
"Shit! How could the hotel send a she-male to massage me like that!" She vowed to lodge a formal complain.
Then she thought of the implication; what if the masseur disclose everything that happened!
Then she thought of Idham, of her black-laced Victoria secret lingerie. Regret and guilt overcame her.
Drops of tears fell onto her cheeks, and she stood there watching herself in the bathroom mirror. With both hands she splashed water on her face, washed the tears, but was not able to wash away her shame.
"Damn you!" She shouted, mutedly. Perhaps aiming at herself!
*habis, tamat, end, sendiri2 fikir lah ya apa happened next*
Pp..what an exceptionally daring, creative writing..write a novel for God's sake!
ReplyDeleteYou have written so many entertaining and admirable articles..serious reading, religious angles, humourous ones, cerpens, and now those for readers over 18.
Yeah..below 18 pun baca..hehe
Not forgetting your sajaks are exceptonally good.
So go for it man! Don't wait till your pencen days..tap your serious writing talent from now!
Be a writer,a novelist,a famous cerpen and sajak writer, an ustad..all rolled into one!
mamasita :-) thank you for ur vote of confidence.
ReplyDeletei am but a 'itcthy fingers' writer....saja suka menulis...hahaha. idea pun asyek ada jer...tapi merepek jer lah apa yg i tulis tu...
awww... what an anti climax... please send me transcripts of the next episode to my email..or if u prefer, my cendana condominium.....
ReplyDeletenik elin :-) thank you for visiting.
ReplyDeleteerrr...are u in cendana?
we used to own one unit there...tapi dah jual :-)
This is what I meant by cerita putus angin,cepat sambung ok, pP