I have been noticing that something was amiss. She has been missing from my sight at certain hours during the nights. This has been going on for the last one month. At first, I thought she left me on my own to give me space to blog and to surf. Then I thought she was knitting to finish the crochet work she has started. But when she keep missing at regular intervals, and always at night I began to have my suspicion.
So for the last two days, I was paying particular attention to make sure she remain by my side after dinner until after bedtime.
"Why don't you write your blog as usual?" At 9pm, she began to feel restless.
"No, I prefer to just spend some quality time with you?" I said, and moved closer to where she was seated.
"But I have a date ....." She said awkwardly.
"Well......what kind of date?" I have my eyes fixed on the super-sports channel.
"A date lah....with my Dato K" she said and added, "I know you don't like him. So why don't you blog or watch the sports channel while I go into the bedroom and spend time with Dato K".
"Errr.....ok, tiba2 jer ada Dato K mana la pulak u nih?"
"oK...Enjoy....see u later" She said and moved to our bedroom.
LiL is not the kind to go astray, nor would she keep any secret from me. So, after five minutes of her being gone, I switched off the TV in the family living room and tip-toed to the bedroom.
There she was comfortably leaning against the headboard of our King-size bed, in deep concentration watching the Plasma which was fixed onto the bedroom wall.
"Eh, mana Dato' K you?" I moved to snuggle next to her.
"Tu ......" She said, pointing with her pouting lips towards the Plasma TV.
When the pin finally dropped and I got to know the Dato' K she was referring to, we had a good laugh. Immediately, I confessed of my own affair with a Mrs B. But she said "Of course I know that. Everyone knows that. It is very obvious you are in love with Mrs B" And we continued laughing!
For the last one month, LiL has developed an addiction to the drama on the Korean KBS channel. Her Dato K came on air every night at 7 to 8 pm, 9 to 10pm and his last visit is at 11-12pm. While my affair with Mrs B seems to be endless, she is always on my mind.

"Ok....you continue lah dengan your Dato K....I want to log-on and update my Mrs B. There is a story I want to write about!".
"Hahahaha - I know what you are going to write. It is about this little affair thing isn't it!" She said, but with that little smile on her - a smile which always bring calmness to my sometimes hyper nerves.
Are you having an affair? Do you want to share the initial of your affair with other readers?
ReplyDeletethere's nothing better than growing 'old' with someone we love so dearly...
apakah entry ni!!! hahahaha nice one..kasi gempak saja~ ad pon ada affair gak...
ReplyDeletehahahaha... ms.F
I'm having an affair.. sshhh.. haaa.. haa...
ReplyDeleteMrs B je..bukan Datin B?
Alamak Encik Idham... Buat suspen aje... Ingatkan betul2 Kak Lil is having an affair... Dato K - Hubby Siti... HEHEHE!!!
ReplyDeleteNooooo ... I am too loyal to have a full blown affair!
ReplyDeleteI used to have a pseudo-affair ... then I left some trails (on the Blackberry) and then KOTH found out ... about my Mr B ... hahahaha. Macam you lah Id, affair dengan BLOG aje :D
hahahahaha..this is sooo funny!
ReplyDeleteerrr..right now my mister is having an affair with G - siap exercise to restore power and study to get the right moves..
me? am going back to old time affair with C..hehehehehe...something refreshing to focus in new year I would say :)
stay loving both of you - kak 'ai and abe payne!
Salam Idham,
ReplyDeleteI think I am having an afai with another Che "B" lah kat sini. Baru nak masuk dua tahun kenal masih pada peringkat kenal mengenal lah masa ni.
Belanja pun tak banyak,RM88 je untuk broadband sebulan. Take care.
I and my Photographer have an 'open affair concept'.. heheh.. if he sees an attractive girl, he will tell me all about it.. and vice versa... tapi takat tu jer la.. tgk2 jer.. lebih2 tak der la.. yg dah ada depan mata ni is more than enough!
ReplyDeleteHihi! Takut gak nooo kak lil ada affair ngan dato' K?
ReplyDeleteCan't afford to have an affair at the moment. Tak cukup masa dalam sehari.
Enjoy reading ur love affair with kak Lil. Stay happy!
I thought we're having an affair?
ReplyDeleteKak Lil, sorry.. I am joking :)
hahahaha had a good laugh reading this.. both of u having an affair of ur own...biarla..asal bahagia yek?
ReplyDeletemy affair? far too many..i'd rather keep mine a secret! hahaha
:) Kanda Id..
ReplyDeletetekejut ct baca entry kali nih..
ingatkan betoi punya...
hehe thx sbb singgah kat blog ct.
lama betui kita tak communicate each other.
harap kanda n kak LiL sehat sejahtera.
Awal Muharram hampir tiba.. kita nak bukak buku baru lagi..
semoga kita semua mendapat hidayah dari yang Maha Esa..
Luv u n kak LiL alwayz..
Affair? Yeah with the mechanics that takes care of my car, with pakcik that drive my children to school, with the washer guy who keeps my car clean everyday, my messenger who run errands for me. Not love affair but work affair. tak da depa mati I.
ReplyDeletetak pelah kak Lil bagitau she's having an affir, kalau rahsia,buruk padahnya...hehe.
wah...best dah you bermastautin di Dubai.... I nak terbang jugak ke sana nanti....hopefully... hubby still in UAE.
oooh ... an affair ... this is juicy gossip hehehehe :o)
ReplyDeleteK.Lil ada Datuk K ye? K = korea pun takpe lah ... asalkan nama glamor hehehe
there are 4 in our marriage - hubby, syana, blog & golf ... sweet affairs :o)
shaz..:) flling in love over and over again with the same person....hehehe
ReplyDeletenice indeed.
Ad....ermm let me guess...ms F itu ialah....ms Football? Naaa!!! Ms F = ms Fish n Chips ?? Naaa....!! hehehe
oh yea....got it.
ms F = ms Faridah?? hehehe
or is it ms Friendster?? Hehehehe
mummy rizq...apa affair tu? dengan siapa? hehehe....
Liyas...hahaha mrs B , but a fatal attraction one !
cat cat...betul2 la tu...dengan dato K...four hours every night of her time is taken huhuhu...hehehehe..
ReplyDeletebut we have found a way - i meet my mrs B while snuggling next to her watching her Dato K.
Queen....hehehe...dgn Blog jer kan...safe gitu!
Onde Onde...hehehe...laa u dah nak jadi one of those madu G's ....ada org ckp G is "Golongan Orang Lupa Family" hehehe......
let me guess urs...C = cooking??
or C = cookies?? ermm, naa....i think ur C is for Camera!!!
Pak Zabs...heehehe wise choice....cari jer affairs yang tak too expensive to maintain.
Konot...:-) tenguk2 jugak tapi hati-hti jugak tau....pernah abe id dengar R Azmi nyanyi.."Dari kerana mataaaa....." hehehehe
now pulak time sensitive tu....sbb selalu nya jika wanita pregnant, mereka paling sensitive hal hal macam nie...hehehe
bukan nak nasihat, cuma sharing experience....
dari kerana mataaaaa.....saya yang jalan pejam mata!
dlt....priority kena betul la kan...:-)
ReplyDeletehave intimate and good affairs at home!
girl interrupted....kita having an affair ...??
a nice thought gak tu....but but, ur abg idham ni dah nyanyok, berkedut, semput...hehehe....
rasa nya pak menteri dari labis tu lagi power!! hehehe
driver lama tak leh drive kereta sports baru! hehehe
simah....:-) hehehehe, amboi berahsia naa....
dari istanbul ingin ke ankara
cari makan sambil jalan-jalan
tenggelam timbul ingin ku bertanya
simah sekarang apa gerangan?
have a good one!
CTZ...:) seharusnya lah kanda singgah di blog siti...seronok tenguk gambar siti pergi bercuti...
ReplyDeletecuti di goldcoast jauh sekali
kanak2 bermain balloon
siti pergi menghilankan diri
kanda ingatkan pergi honeymoon!
umiabudhabi...wah...it is every mechanics, and every office messenger's fantasies to hv an affair with their lady bosses!!
sarina....:-) how r u doing back in malaysia...
datang laa...
hubby nama apa?
suruh la dia turun padang every friday at 4 pm di etisalat academy main bola...i ada di sana!!!
NAK GAK KENAL2 SUAMI RINA.....mr love u jordan tu....
ReplyDeletewhat a combination....!!
Cuba cuba lah dekatkan diri dengan Golf tu....sbb that kind of affair berhantu....nanti jarang sekali dapat jumpa suami heheehe....might as well try to join him....:)