There are a few personalities that I have always wanted to meet. Cameroon Diaz, Angelina Jolie figured quite highly. So too are Pele and Bill Gate.
This morning I was fortunate to have been there where he was. Bill Gate was speaking to the business leaders in Dubai. On a chilly morning, he brought warmth and energized everyone with his passion and conviction about what he loves best - IT and Philanthropy. There was an occassional humour, and for a man declared as the wealthiest, he was disarmingly simple and charmingly humble. His hair was swept across his 'invaluable skull' as if being blown by his brain waves. His glasses huge and seemingly old-fashion, his suit does not look as crispy as the guy who introduced him and his neck tie was way too high above his belt. With the same simplicity, he spoke using common people's language about how he envision the next decade - even I actually understood IT and its' futuristic trends and promises.
He introduced 'surface' where every desk-top will be a computer as opposed to every desk top will have a computer. According to the man himself, Surface will be the next big exciting thing. He spoke about how gadgets will get cleverer, recognising voices as their commands as opposed to key-boards. And because he was Bill Gates, the audience believed although most of what he said actually sounded like science fiction......
Sitting there in the audience, for a fleeting moment my mind took me back to an evening at a friends house here in Dubai. The friend has a collection of records - "piring hitam' as people of my generation called them. Upon seeing one of those, Luqman said, "That is the biggest CD I have ever seen". We broke out laughing - much to his confusion as to why would a bunch of adults laughed at an innocent remark from him. Indeed, the generation of i-pod kids would have no way of knowing some of those things unless they visit museums.
While listening to Bill gate describing the future - I had flashes of the past like a slide-show being replayed. Little wonder that he is the richest man on earth and I am not. He thinks forward while I prefer to rewind the good ole' days.
He spoke with refreshing optimism - one well grounded on his past successes. One of the challenges he said, is to bring technology not only to the rich and 'have-lots' but also to the poor and 'have-nots'. And he told all of us he will be spending full time on 'Bill Gates Foundation'. Bravo Mr. Gate......!
Today I saw the richest man on earth. I listened to him and applauded for what he has achieved and applauded even louder for the future he envisioned.
And thank you organizers for throwing in a generous spread of buffet lunch at the end of the conference.

And if you think you are a smart as Bill Gate, then try this one out! If you can figure out how it works.....let me know.
(Pictures taken with N95 ).
Abe Id,lucky you to have an opportunnity to hear BG's vision. He must be a humble person...being very simple in many things.
ReplyDeleteAnggerik...:-) I am born lucky hehehe ....
ReplyDeleteyes, he is humble and charming...!but very very clever.
and needless to say...so so very rich!
Wow! Lucky you to be able to sit and listen to the richest man's words. Of course, when the person is rich and famous, everyone would listen with eyes wide open because:
ReplyDelete1. Hey! everyone knows him for his intelligence. You don't??
2. Only selected and people got $$ are able to meet him.
So, for people like myself... mungkin boleh berangan jumpa dia kat pasar malam la kot.. heheee
btw, about the magic, the magician changed the picture accordingly. Just take the same number, even for 100 times, you would get the same result but the picture is changed... heheheheeeee...
Uncle Id, ki ki ki..we had fun playing with it for 5 minutes. then me and my 14 yr old son sat down to find the answers. We took 5 minutes. Does that mean we are less clever or better than Bill Gates? he he he
ReplyDeleteAnyway we both had fun... more games please...
:-) feel surprised n honored to see my name on your blog-roll..thank you pak Idham (how am i supposed to call u?)
ReplyDeleteit must be really something to have the opportunity to see Bill Gates!! as for me..George Cloney will be cukup lah.. :)
Kurniaan Allah semuanya kan...dan moga2 kita pun boleh macam tu jugak...
ReplyDeleteneeza...:-) i tell u if he were to walk down a pasar malam ne melysia kita akan buat derkkk jer...bcoz dia nampak biasa jer...hehehe..lainlah jika dia dtg dgn porivte jet dia yg ada byk tu...dan di iringi oleh body guards...
ReplyDeletethere is a mathematical explainations to the magic....hhehehehe.
ummie...:-) dapat main dgn anak2 tu best tu...having fun together...normaly they will be quite good at these sort of things...because they think simple, berlainan dari kita dewasa yg membuat benda complicated heheheh...:-)
NuKe...:-) Buat baik lebih tak apa, buat jahat berpada-pada hehehehe. So, I am putting u on my blog-roll as an attempt to berbuat baik - and as a way of saying thank you for honouring me.
ReplyDeleteIn your case - the honour I have given is fully deserved.
Panggilan pak idham itu sedap di dengar...teruskan ibu nuke.
maklang...:-) yes, yes, yesshhhhh
ReplyDeletemaklang dah datang jenguk blog kita yeayy yeayy yeayyy! *lompat lompat suka ni*
eh..camner buat magic tu ek?? how how how????
ReplyDelete** thinking hard **
mr idham..
ReplyDeletethat was a great experience!!
I guess only fabulous people could attend a function where a GREATTTT man attends.. hehehhehe
anyway.. littlemuffins is back blogging.. tgh warm-up.. come and visit :)
so now you have met my boss ya?
ReplyDeleteabg ipin, the game is easy. old trick.
ReplyDeleteeverytime u substract numbers you'll get 9 multiples(your ans will b 9, 18, 27 etc), thus giving out the 9 symbol. :p
konot..:) refer to comments from QIMY below for the answer hehehee...
little muffins...welcome back... :-) lama tu Hajjah bercuti dari blogging....semoga mendapat Haji yang Mabroor!
ReplyDeleteyes, will come visit u...
hai eddy cute...thanks for the link...:-)
mama rock..hehee.....mama di tingkat 30 lah ye di KLCCA tu..hehehehe....yes i met ur boss, dan dia kirim salam kat mama!!
ReplyDeleteUR BOSS ROCKS too...! :)
qimy...:-) pintar!!!
ReplyDeletetepat sekali...
Salam Idham,
ReplyDeleteHow lucky, to be able to hear it from the man himself. Now one down and you half three more to meet.
Forgot to bring your Canon ke? I bet BG does not own an N95 mobile kan?
pakzabs....canon tu susah nak sorok dalam poket jecket la hehehe...:-)
Pak Payne,
ReplyDeleteBill Gates had make a few trips down to KL especially during the early years of MSC. Personally, I found his speech quite simplistic bordering on boring. But then again what can you expect from a nerd like him Hehehe. Anyway, I was a journalist with an IT publications then and we had a privilge of attending a press conference with him. We got to ask him a question each. Coming out after the PC, we joked that we have actually talked with Bill Gates. Ye lar, we asked he answered. Heheheh. Talking ler tu kan?