Leadership requires
- IQ ( academic )
IQ will get a person through the door, this is a minimum qualification. It does not gurantee or differentiate the quality of leadership. What this assure is that the person can count, can read, and can write. He or she most likely is also able to reason with logics and analyze complexities and simplicities alike.
- EQ ( social skill and self awareness, emotional intelligence )
EQ differentiate leaders. Those with lower EQ are often unaware of their impact on people around them. As an example, a leader with low EQ may sleep in meeting without realizing that he is giving negative signals to others in the audience. He may lack ability to network and socialize with his national and international counterparts - resulting in ineffective leadership. A leader with high EQ are always present - physically, spiritually and emotionally. He does not abandon his citizens in difficulty or in festivity. He will be there in flesh and in a flash whenever there are natural calamities, be it flood or plights (of the his subjects).
- Ability to envision, influence and implement.
If there is a need he is able to come up with his own vision for the betterment of his subjects. When a vision ( 2020 ) is already exisiting, he picks it up and waste no time in implementing that vision. Effective leaders bring positive outcome - better employment opportunities, more prosperous lives to his subjects, positive perception internationally, and a sense of security and well being. Ineffective leaders bring chaos, stress, sadness, panic, and a sense of inadequacy. True measures are economics , quality of life and crime rate barometers.
He who wants to be an effective leader MUST Walk the Talk. If he talks about anti corruption, he must demostrate in words and in deeds that he is indeed anti corruption and has zero tolerance towards such behaviour. If he talks about Islam Hadhari - he and his family are the best examples of such values. If he talks about serving others, he make it a point not to serve himself and his close family members. Whatever he preaches - he practices. That is implicit in the word - LEADING!
Leadership is a choice one make - preferably motivated by a passion to do good for others, the people one lead.
Salam Pak Payne,
ReplyDeleteI did the voting first before reading the N3.
After reading it, I concluded that I have made a correct choice.
Did you have someone in mind, when writing about the requirement of Leadership itiu...
rasa macam ada kempen..pulak
wah..i dapat rasa kat Dubai 'heat' nyer mmmg lain kan...nak pulak kalau tahun ni musim nyer lain sikit.
ReplyDeleteHanya jauhari mengenal manikam...sayang sekali, gula-gula di sangka permata, kan?
ReplyDeletethanks for this article..
ReplyDeletei'm sure i'll be a great leader after reading it :):):)
Pak Zabs...:-) hehehehe
ReplyDeleteI like the way u asked the question....kata orang, "sudah gaharu cendana pula.." hehehhe
i am sure u voted well....
i really have " a better malaysia " in my mind when i wrote that....it matter less to em which party rules or who becomes the PM...but it does matter and a serious concern abt the quality of LEADERS we elect to represent us the rakyat...our children....and their future!
The current one - is taking the country backwards...sorry to say.
hai..liyas....:-) bunyi macam berkempen ka? hehehehhe.....
zakiah....:-) dubai sejukkkk nie...mana ada heat!! hehehehe
ReplyDeleteserious kami menggigil ....kesejukan...
kat malaysia 'panas' ka?
cik milah...:) gula-gula di sukai ramai sbb 'manis di bibir'....hehehe namun yang menjadi hurungan 'semut'!
ReplyDeleteTidak sesaat pun saya curiga yg drNO memang berbakat dan seorang great leader....
ada keceriaan di wajah anak2 mu....itu bukannya accidental....itu semesti nya dari ibu yang berwawasan...dan mrAB yang supportive.
best wishes.
I like the article. I'd love to see it printed in the NST or Berita Harian (if it's translated laa hehee). When we say leadership by examples, it would mean the leader should do whatever he/she said and said what he/she has done (and not said things he/she hasn't done!).
ReplyDeleteLooks like an ISO rules la pulak kan... whatever party rules is not the matter.
The most important thing is to have a leader who thinks for the citizen and not for himself!
Hey Idham
ReplyDeleteLong time no see :) i like your entry alot. I am actually working on something related to EQ these days :)
we will talk offline soon when u r free :P
Dush.. ha engkau kena..ki ki ki saper yang kena tu kita tau sendirilah kan.. make me want to migrate soon.
ReplyDeleteInteresting and very thot-provoking entry indeed :D
ReplyDeleteI love this one...:-)
ReplyDeleteneeza...:-) a leader who leads and only concern for himself is called a dictator.
and yes, let us keep our hope for a better malaysia. Sampai bila nak merantau kan? hehehe
My article is not good enough for those prestige media such as BH or NST la...
Haven't you heard that some actually believe that bloggers are frustrated authors or journalists... :-)
dark S ...:-) bravoooo!!! that is a very profound subject u r working on there Miss S...
ReplyDeletecan't wait to get an update. Gimme me a buzz when u r online...
or sms when u r free...
hey! when can we actually meet up?
Thanks for dropping by...
ummi...:) bukan tujuan nak kena kan sesiapa pun..dan tidak ada kena mengena dengan yg hidup atau yg mati..
please don't beieve what i said above....*wink*
ReplyDeleteit has been a long time since I see you...so am thrilled that you actually made time to drop by...
many have either dissappeared or chosen to ignore me....hehehehe
and a few have grown tired of this old man's ramblings...
Hey....please keep well.
ReplyDeletethanks. if I need to look for friends who will support me through thick or thin....I know I can call upon you.
In a world of fleeting fancy - it is reassuring that I still have friends who can look beyond the sweet and glib....hehehe!
coorrr blimey, I don;t even know what 'glib' means....but it rhymes with sweet. hahahaha
idham <--used to be a sweet guy , but now turned into a grumpy old man. :-)
preaches and practice..or practice then preaches...which one pak Idham?
ReplyDeletei became regular visitor :)...
ReplyDeletesatu soaaln yang pintar...
kedua2 nya pun bisa.
pokoknya, seorang ketua yang berprestasi cemerlang, bisa aja preach dulu sebelum di praktik kan sebab kewibawaan nya sudah terbukti...namun, jika ketua itu asyek tidor bila sepatutnye membimbing....maka itu sudah cerita lebai malang!
thank you for coming regularly...
Bloggers are frustrated authors and journalists? heheheheee.. and heheheeeee again... *really smirk now!*