For three months every year the globe descended in Dubai. China, Africa, Egypt, India and many more arrived in loads and lots - touching the hearts of Dubai residence and capturing their imagination into spending money. People come from near and far - jam packing car parks and enjoying the festival like ambience. It is the Global Village of Dubai!
We were there one evening - the same evening I received an SMS about Ben@zir Bhutt0's death. In fact we were having an Islamabad Beriyani at the Global Village when the SMS came in. How ironic......and tragic!

The sadness of the unexpected news aside - we had a jolly time enjoying more the ambience than any real shopping.

I am posting this belated entry to capture on record an evening - which could easily be lost with
Bestnya Global Village di Dubai, macam-macam ada . Di Jordan diadakan hanya sebulan tapi I tak pernah sempat nak pergi .
ReplyDeleteTalking about that MATRADE expo, the same thing happened last year in Jordan. The venue was totally out of sight. My son was working part time as the translator for the MATRADE said not many people came and only a few business transactions took place.
I do not understand why MATRADE is making the same mistake again . It might be more expensive having the expo in downtown Amman/Dubai but the companies which paticiapted paid a large sum of money, so, a strategic venue should be picked.....
While one should not bad mouth the deceased,i think one should also tell the truth. Benazir was a puppet to the Americans. Yup, democracy the American way - where you oppress some and impress the master. And hubby busy collecting 10% out of everything. How media can change the image of one person, from bad to good and vice versa
ReplyDeleteaiyaiyaiyaiyai....this is one thing i missed about being in dubai. we never missed going to the global village everytime it was held. only when i was there, malaysia never had a pavillion. the neighboring countires, ie thailand and singapore will be there.
ReplyDeleteSalam Pak Payne,
ReplyDeleteGlad to know, you enjoying life with your family up there in Dubai.
In your N3, "Money, money, money", I comented as below but no response to it. Just curious.
"Beberapa hari lepas, kawan kepada anak perempuan saya, telah berpindah ke Dubai bersama suaminya yang akan bekerja dengan sebuah syarikat penerbangan di sana (juruterbang). Bapa suaminya itu juga, seorang J/Terbang, yang telah bekerja di sana (tak tahu berapa lama), bernama Mohd Nasir kalau saya tak silap.
Kalau J/T pun pindah ke sana, tentu tarikan yang amat baik ada disana."
Ada jumpa mereka ke?
ReplyDeleteyes, global village in dubai is a grand affair. i think the orgnizer has been briefed to turn this into a tourist attractions - it is enchanting with all of its sight and sounds.
MATRADE expo tu sungguh memalukan negara. This is a case of it is better not to do at all than to do and failed miserably. Dari segi business nya, it was a waste of resources!!!
Tak berbaloi lansung....
and yes, lessons from the past were not utilized to improve.
Bagus banget!! really love your blogs.. greeting from Jakarta, can I link?
ReplyDeleteGV last year ada Hot Air Balloon fair. Best giler!. GV time untuk shopping!. Gi la masa last day...sure diorang nak abiskan stok
ReplyDeleteanonymous.. :-)
ReplyDeletebad politicians exist everywhere - but they get killed only in certain countries.
i hope malaysian politics do not degenerate that far....
political fights and differences need to be conducted within certain decorums - but then again, I am not in politics to experience first hand the ugly sides.I still think it tragic to put a bullet thru anybody's head - what more through the head of a leader standing up for her belief - right or wrong notwithstanding.
January 16, 2008 9:03 AM
ReplyDeletethis time around Malaysia still do not hav a pavillion. Mengikut kata MATRADE, last year buat pun tak de business. I wonder why......asyek tak menjadi jer usaha dari negara kita sejak ahir2 ini.
But but ....Kopi Tongkat Ali ada buat promo....bagus sekali especially di musin dingin ini.
Yes, Thailand's pavillion is one of the most attractive. I sempat go in for a Thai massage pun ...best!!!
Vietnam's is well visited.
Still not too ate to make a visit mama.....the Global Village is just around the corner from my house. You can staye with us...
PakZabs...;-) Life is good....Dubai is a cosmopolitan which accepts diversity. Berbagai bangsa ada di sini....and Malaysians form one of the minority actually with only about 4000 registered.
ReplyDeleteI apologize for not replying earlier. Those comments must have escape my attention. SORRY for that.
Ramai pilots dari malaysia datang bekerja di Dubai dan Abu Dhabi. Ganjaran LUMAYAN kata mereka yang saya kenal. Namun encih Mohd NASIR saya belum lagi kenali. Kalau Pakzabs ada contacts boleh bagi kpd saya - saya akan cuba calling calling.
Now with someone else u know living here - ada sebab tu untuk Pakzabs datang melawat. You will be our special guests. Now is a good tme to come.....
nuke :-) thank you for coming ..all the way from jakarta. I often go to Jakarta when I was working in Spore. Masa itu saya bersama syarikat yang juga agak besar di Indonesia - pembuat syampuu dan sebagainya. Dove, Lipton dan Omo adalah antara jenama syarikat tersebut. Tahu kan...
ReplyDeleteI like Jakarta....
Yes, will be an honor for u to link...thanks.
ReplyDeleteyes yes...i am quite sure this is one of the things u will miss...
but but, sejak tiga hari lepas, HUJAN di sini.....woooo, best!
Sekolah di umumkan cuti hari ini dan bsuk kerana cuaca buruk.
Banjir melanda dubai....
Hujan di Dubai so membuat kami rindukan kampung di malaysia!
memang tunggu last days nie..hehee
rumah i ni kan dekat jer...lmpat pagar jer dah masuk global vilage tu...hehehhe
Global village...interesting...:)
ReplyDeleteWow.. looks like fun.. they dont have anything like that in the kingdom *sigh*
ReplyDeleteeh tapi I nampak pintu gerbang saudi in one of your pics . WHat did they have?
p/s kita tag awak. Should be easy to do. :)
ReplyDeleteyes. interesting and it works...
Mini Malaysia kita di melaka tu ada lagi ka? atau dah tutup?
ReplyDeletese ingat saya, di saudi banyak 'funfair' type of centers....yang ada fairy wheels, some rides dan selalunya ada restaurents.
The Saudi world - mainly focussed on perfumes / attar / oud!
Dates were also popular, as well as some of the ornamental things...
I am going to Saudi tomorrow - on a personal visit for 3 malam. Dah rindu.....
Alah..I missed it.. tak sempat nak gi.. ayah dah keje dah.. so ummi merayap dari satu mall ke satu mall kat abu dhabi..kalau gi dubai sorang2 naik bas camna? safe ke? eeee takutlah naik bus ngan pakistan tu semua..kena terkam mau..paling kurang pun kut dia kuis kuis kaki dalam bas..he heh e..arghh teruknyer my imagination..
ReplyDeleteummi...hahaha...:-) tergelak pakcik baca pasal kena kuis kuis kaki dalam bas tu hehehe...but but ur imagination is spot on....saya rasa mamang akan terjadi mcm tu...maklum lah mereka tu kerja penat, dok bujang sesama lelaki jer....ermm...sekali datang anita melayu terahir...haruslah, kena kuis kuis!!.