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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Amirul turned fifteen.

For the last one year Amirul has been answering question about his age, "I am fifteen!". And Alhamdullillah, he did turn fifteen yesterday!

From now on I won't be surprised if he start saying to people that he is sixteen.
His maturity maturity is well beyond that. He is calm, thoughtful, and emotionally independent. At school he has been a high achiever and well liked by both his teachers and friends. He is naturally helpfull and considerate.

Amir was born in Tawakkal Hospital - Jalan Pahang, KL. He was the first of our children who was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur. 'Along', Angah and Achik were all born in Melaka, and spent their early years with their grand-parents and LiL and I were weekend parents.

On the day of his birth, I planted a mango tree in the front garden of our town house in Taman Melati. Fifteen years later, the tree is there in the greenest of health - but has been shy in bearing fruits. Not a single fruit yet. Amirul - Alhamdulillah is also in great health and I hope he will get to see the fruits for his passion in learning and pursuit of excellence.
Amirul is known amongst his siblings as the bookworm! He has read all of Harry Potter's and not once but twice. He has also finished all of Dan Brown's. Currently he is reading a novel by David and Leigh Eddings. He does not leave house without a book. People often asked, how did we teach him to like reading. Besides being ardent readers

ourselves, LiL and I didn't do anything specific.

Amirul simply loves mathematics. He is very good with puzzles and quizzes and loves to solve them. In our family he is the undisputed champion in SUDOKU. For his future career, he is still undecided - but leaning towards heavy science and mathematics. In March this year when he

has to spend a week in an industry as part of his school assignment - he has opted to get an assignment in an Account / Finance department. Hopefully the exposure to real business can help to guide his decision.

Yesterday LiL baked Amirul's birthday cakes herself and Luqman did the decorating on one of them.
When it comes to birthday presents, we have always been practical and buy what the birthday boy / girl needed rather than surprising them with what we feel they may like.
And Amirul has not decided what he wants yet. Angah on the other hand has decided. For her belated birthday present she wants a new laptop. Her current one was damaged the morning after she used it to chat with me and hinting that she wanted a new one. The way it got damaged? A glass of water spilled on it......!!! But that calls for another story.

This morning I am updating this entry while waiting for them to get ready to go to a very special breakfast invitation. It is special - we are going to meet the faraway.doc and her family who arrived in Dubai last night and staying at her BIL's house here.

For Amirul - Happy birthday son! May your journey be filled with love and His blessings and your destiny be met with lots of joy and happiness.


  1. Salam,
    Happy birthday Amirul... Semoga mencapai apa yg dicitakan... selamat Duna Akhirat... insyaalah..
    Pak Yong's bithday.. 23 Januari...

  2. Happy Birthday, Amirul.

    By the way your Abah describes you, I'm pretty sure that you'll excel in whatever it is that you choose to be in life.

    The most important thing is to ingat and hormat orang tua, and insya Allah, your journey to a bright future will be smooth sailing, insya Allah.

    All the best, Amirul.

  3. happy birthday amirul...
    may ur wishes comes true...

  4. amir the genius! huhuhuhu dexter! (ikhlas ni) happy birthday and happy window shopping cari ur present...hahahaha nasib baik along tak dapat gaji lagi

  5. Happy 15th Birthday Amirul semoga besar menjadi anak yg soleh dan kebangaan ibu bapa:)

  6. Happy birthday handsome!:D

  7. Happy Birthday Amirul. Sudah jadi anak muda...sudah ada girlfriend ker? Kalau tak de cari cepat2 kalahkan abang2 (ker dia orang dah ada dah!).

  8. Happy 15th birthday to Amirul... Wish him all the best.

  9. Happy Birthday Amirul...kena baca apa Ayah tulis pasal Amirul ni...

    Semoga Amirul menjadi anak yang soleh, berjaya dunia dan akhirat, berakhlak mulia dan sentiasa dirahmati Allah. Amin.

  10. konot....:-) thanks. much appreciated the greetings.

    umie...:-) oh dekat sama tu dgn pak yong....
    actually kami sejak dulu tak de la celebrate birthday nie ...selain dari makan2 cake jer...hehehe.

    wanshana..:-) thanks for teh greetings. Much appreciated. "Menghormati" satu2nye nilai nilai murni kita yang semakin lupus.....
    dulu, nak lalu depan orang tua kita bongkokkan, kaki kita pun depa boleh pijak...:-)

    Dr No....thank you. Kalau di malaysia boleh jugak kami meinta kek harijadi tu dari Puan Doc....dgr2nye memang sedap kek dari dapur puan Doc.:P

    AD....masih boleh di tunda sehingga 'along' dapat gaji hehehehe..


  11. kak elle...:-) tenkiu for the greetings.

    anak solleh - bekalan ayah ibu setelah bersemadi ....meninggalkan anak2 dan harta dunia.

    AMY..:-) thanks. anak handsome ....bapak manis! hehehe

    PAK MIOR...:) zaman teknologi, dari serata dunia mereka berkawan...hehehe...sudah untuk di, setakat nasihat jer la kan...thanks!

    ANGGERIK...:-) thanks for the greetings.

    Raden Galoh...:-)
    Thanks for the greetings. Amirul is online as much as I yes, he has read the entry. thanks.



  12. happy birthday amirul!
    moga panjang umur murah rezeki,
    jadi anak kebangggaan ibu bapa
    dan pemuda harapan bangsa! :)

  13. Wah. High achiever.. bookworm lagi.. Happy 15th birthday Amirul and hope your wish/dreams come true.

  14. Leeds...:-) caya lah ...nasihat dari seorang high achiever for another!
    best wishes....


    thank you for the greetings...


  15. Happy Birthday, Amirul :o) (sorry for the belated bday wish)

    I hope celebrations are still going on :o)

    Keep doing all the good things you're doing and more. Your parents are very proud of you :o)

    May all your wishes come true :o)
