Dengan restu Mu aku ke sini
satu Hijrah lagi.....
mencari pelabuhan di pesisir usia
meniti memori perjalanan berliku
hati meronta di gurun berdebu
tapak-tapak di pasir semakin pudar
angin menderu membawa khabar
"Demi Masa! (1) Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian;
(2) Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh dan
mereka pula berpesan-pesan
dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan
dengan sabar."
Ketika kita di selimut bunga-bunga mimpi
bintang-bintang menyaksi.....
Sesunguhnya kita manusia yang rugi!
pengHijrahan ini
melewati persimpangan ke arah abadi
Sekian lama merantau menjejaki
berlari, merentasi, terus memburu
di celah-celah pasir dan batu
di warna warna pelangi dan permaidani
mencari punca simpulan mati
ingin membebaskan tambatan hati
yang buta, bisu dan tuli
yang inginkan itu dan ini.
Dengan restu Mu....aku ke sini
PengHijrahan merentasi
dari dunia fantasi ke dunia realiti
dari dunia realiti ke alam abadi
mencari pelabuhan di pesisir usia
buat sekian kalinya
"Demi masa........"
jangan kita kerugian buat selamanya.
PengHijrahan ini
pandulah kami
jejak kaki dan gerak hati
bicara kata dan naluri rasa
biarlah ada Mu di dalam mimpi
semoga damai di pelabuhan abadi
menemui Mu Ya Rabbi......
di suatu hari yang sudah pasti.
Perhaps, the most enchanting bits were the bonfire and BBQ. Each family brought a few bundles of firewood - at AED5 per bundle it was value for money for keeping us warm and giving us the much appreciated ambience. Having a bonfire going by the sea side - flickering of flames and rumbling of waves were just magical! I paused to reflect - it dawned on me that one of the main attractions of our lives in Dubai is this care-free fun life-styles which brought us back to our teen-age years. Moving in a pack - camping out, having picnics, doing BBQ, weekend's soccer games, pot-luck meals, or simply exchanging sms with friends such as "Jom - breakfast Puri sama2". And it happens! All fun and games of Malaysian in Dubai.
The BBQ was generous.....chicken wings, beef skewers and sausages were delicious. The children had a wonderful time roasting marsh-mallows. The fishersmen amongst us could not resist the call of the wild - and went fishing from the embankment.
For me, the half-hour we spent listening to Bro Hasnol's Tazkirah was very reflective and touching. His story about the Prophet's first Hijrah brought silent tears to my eyes. Sitting around the bon-fire, under an open sky, with the sound of rolling waves in the back ground made me realize how extra special we are to be alive - for yet another new year.
I was half asleep in my own tent when I heard voices and laughter of my friends - sharing instant noddles by the bonfire. I zipped my jacket on, and crawled out to join them. Nik's instant noodle that night was amongst the best I ever had at 2am. I noticed that Along was not in the tent. He confided the next day, he felt awkward to join us there - LiL, myself and the three younger boys. A point I took seriously and noted. He has grown up into a young man himself. The next time we go camping, we agreed to buy a smaller tent to give LiL and I privacy while the boys will be sharing the big one. Now, I may just hurry the next time, hehehehe!
Despite having little sleep - I felt so well rested. Maal Hijrah greeted us with a new possibilities and promises - and we greeted the new year of 1429 with new hopes!
very nice experience.
ReplyDeletevery poetic...
semoga tahun baru ini...mendatangkan kebaikan, keinsafan dan rezeki...
semoga keimanan semakin kuat dlm menghadapi dugaan hidup...amin..
Wow...what a way to usher the New Year in - camping, bonfire, bbq segala. And of course, the solemn Tazkirah. Very nice indeed.
ReplyDeleteSelamat Tahun Baru to Abg. Id, K.LiL dan anak-anak. May the new year be a more meaningful year to all of us. Insya Allah. Amin.
Takde kuis-kuis kaki dalam khemah..hehe
A different way of welcoming the New Year. And the poem, best!
ReplyDeleteBak kata ada satu nasyid tu," 1 Muharram detik permulaan." Permulaan bagi segala2nya ke arah kebaikan. Insya-Allah.
Anak2 tido satu khemah ker? ;)
he he camping tu mesti bestkan!! The last time I went camping was 22 years age when the temperature outside was 0 degree C kut rasanye. lepas tu serik dah tak nak gi lagi camping masa winter.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful activity to start the new year! I wish I could camp near the sea like that more often. (haven't done that for ages).
ReplyDeleteSayu dan menyentuh hati bila baca sajak hijrah tu.
Anyhow best jugak camping musim sejuk .. kalau camping musim panas di Dubai mau cair khemah...
Cheers !!
ReplyDeleteAlso this clear blue sky backdrop is so calming!
Abe Id,
ReplyDeleteOne of the tents is my family...I am imagining in my mind.
ala..rindu giler dengan Dubaiiiii... especially winter. Global village, the DSF, the beach...and especially my previous life as a housewife!
ReplyDeleteSalam Maal Hijrah
drNO ...
ReplyDeleteInsyAAllah....dan ameen!
same to u and ur family Noi...
selamat berpindah, dan selamat melalui hari-hari berbadan dua..
all of those - and the most special of all, the company of wonderful people.
same to u wan shana...semoga the Doc patient dah sihat....
Anonymous ( Liyas )...
Kuis kuis dalam pasir hahaha ...bahaya tu...:P
dlt ..
hehehehe...yes anak2 tido satu khemah....except along...but we have agreed to buy one more so that LiL and I can have privacy. hehehe
selamat menyambut kehidupan di tahun baru hijrah!.
Ummi ...
wow, what an experience tu ummi....bersama ayah ka masa tu?? hehehe
never say never....seronok tau.
happy new hijrah year.
Earthmom ...
the best way to make it happens, beli khemah dan decide imprompto....terus jer pergi. lagi best jika bersama kawan2 lain...
tapi ....di malaysia selamat ka nak camping?? Rasa mcm tak selamat jer!!!!
silversarina ...
sajak dari hati yang "pausing to reflect"
tu la....jika musim panas, malam pun tak tahan!!!!
anggerik merah ...
Yes, the tent next to ours - could have bee urs. hehehe....boleh i spy with my little eys, how anggerik dok kuis kuis kaki hehehe
Zakiah ...
U are welcome to return anytime.....datang laaaa.....nak lepak rumah kmi pun ok jer...
camping season is until march. :-)
Yes, global village is NOW ON!
DSF starting end January.
Wallahua'lam , I tak tau selamat ke tak kat M'sia tu la ni. Dulu I pi camping ramai ramai kat Morib masa muda muda dulu and also with my dad tapi dia ada senapang so maybe selamat sikit la. (dia suka memburu kat hutan). Anyways, my kids la ni suka camping kat backyard aje. Maybe diorang nanti besar sikit boleh la bawa camping betul betul, teehee.
ReplyDeleteNice way to greet the new year. May this new year bring lots of good things to you and family :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd BTW, this new look on the blog - I like!
salam maal hijrah pada abe id & famili.... semoga mendapat rahmat dan keberkatanNya pada tahun 1429 ini...
ReplyDeleteBeautiful moment, beautiful poem.Tengok pakcik Dubai camping ni si bujang mengaruk nak camping gak! Dah lama simpan jer perkakas tu..sejak tsunami, seram nak camping kat pantai lagi...Salam Maal Hijrah.
ReplyDeleteayah luqman,
ReplyDeleteur blog just cross my mind..
salam ma'al hijrah.. bila lah boleh jejakkan kaki ke dubai.
Abg Id,
ReplyDeletethat was a very heartfelt way to celebrate the maal hijrah..hoping that the year ahead will us happiness and serenity.
ReplyDeletepemburu! wah...i hope it will be easier to get license to own a gun in the near future....makin bahaya nowadays....
another 5 yr old girl went missing...
Queen...:-) this new look will stay for a is easier to the eyes than the black one....
u hv nt updated urs for a while...??
yes, a meaningful and memorable one for us ...
cikmilah...:-) buka bungkusan khemah tu....kalau bukan di pantai pun boleh jer di taman2...
ber picnic ... best gak tu.
tapi tak hujan ka?
maryam abu ahmad...:-)
thanks for dropping by. I tried to visit ur blog....but i could not enter....kena ada kunci ka?? hehehe
yours truly...:) same to u...may ur new year brings happiness, prosperity dan good health.