Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"Knock Knock......."

"Why does a golfer has to wear two pairs of pants?" My seven year old son Luqman asked.
"Because he is cold" I replied.
He giggled to himself. "No lah ayah! He wears two pairs of pants just in case he get a hole-in-one!". We laughed together. "That was so funny...." I said.

I had 30 wonderful minutes of private time with Luqman tonight. Just the two of us - locked in his bedroom. The light was switched off. We lied there next to each other, watching the full moon from his bedroom window.

"Knock knock...." He continued.
"Who is there...." I said.
"Luke..." He giggled.
"Luke who....?" I waited.
"Look thru the key hole you will know..." He was enjoying it.

After more exchanges of "knock knock ....", he suddenly asked me "Why you don't travel anymore ayah?"
"Because I like to stay home...."
"So last time you didn't like to stay home then?" He was quicker than I could think.
Ermmm.......I was trapped on that one and had to get out of it.
"Not like that. I changed job to the current one which allow me to stay home more - so that we can have more time together" I said, and hugged him.
"Yea....I like it this way". He whispered, then threw a spanner, "When I grow up, I will find a job which allow me to stay home - so that I can play knock knock with you at night".
I swallowed hard. I was choked.
"That is so sweet of you....." I managed a few words.

I watched him drifted into his sleep tonight. Something I have not done for a long time.......

In our own bed.
"Knock knock......." I said to LiL as I snuggled next to her under the duvet.
"The door is closed....and locked" She answered spontaneously.

Hehehehehe. I slept smiling......


  1. Happy Family!
    Tahniah Pak Payne.
    Suka baca, dengar, tonton cerita2 fasal keluarga ni.

  2. uwaaaa..Abg Id telah membuat saya sebak pagi2 nih..sob..sob

    comelnye luqman


  3. Ah..abg remind me of the same game with my 2 daughters..:D my hubby is soo good in playing them especially in the car when only the 4 of us are in it..and my little one pun dah pandai trick us soo much that my hubby selalu ter"KENA"..ha..ha..

    Ida :)

  4. Knock knock.. sudah bangun ka? Nanti kak lil tak sempat prepare breakfast.

    I also do that to my boys. Love to snuggle under their duvet before they go to sleep. Kadang2 mak tido dulu..he he he

  5. Salam Idham,
    Saya rasa sebak juga seketika. Semasa anak2 yang lain membesar saya banyak masa berugas di laut.
    Kini, apa yang saya terlepas dengan anak2 yang lain, saya cuba sebanyak mungkin berikan/dapatkan kepada/dari anak bungsu saya yang di tahun 6 sekarang. Ke sekolah pun saya hantarkan sejak tahun satu lagi kecuali kalau ada sesekali ke out station.
    Abang/kakaknya ada juga sesekali beri komen, knapa ada perbezaan, tetapi apabila diterangkan, mereka juga faham. TQ Pak Payne.

  6. I could only reminisce of the old times....

  7. I think my hubby is also thinking hard about this whole thing on not getting the chance to spend more time with our kids.

    The nature of his work requires him to be at work 7a.m to 10p.m most of the times, and he also travels abroad quite frequently.

    He's thinking really hard now, and I pray that he will take up on another option for his career in the very near future which may change all these, insya Allah.

    And I know, the kids will just love to have more of him at home. Me, too! There'll be than just the "knock knock" fun at home if this materializes ;)

  8. hahaha.. potong stim betul kak Lil tu..;P

  9. dengan my own siblings and Labu & Labi pun kadang terasa if i have missed out on them a lot (which I have, due to education, work and social obligation), apatah lagi dengan anak, kan?

  10. salam mr. idham,

    thanks for dropping by :)
    your luqman sounds like a bright, cheeky boy. sangat best la.. hehe..

  11. Salam.. kanda n kak LiL..
    Luqman mmg cute, n semakin bijak. Bila kanda, kak LiL n family semua nak mai rumah ct? :)
    Take care.

  12. bang ariff,

    ah...a treasured moment indeed.

    p.s by the way, I have a small project for our alma mater, can't think of a better person to start with except yourself. Can I have your email please? will email you privately.

  13. Nak cubit pipi Luqman bleh? :P
    Hihiihihi Kak Lil,closed and locked. Beshkan bila tido sebelah the love one sambil tersenyum2..:D

  14. heheheee... locked eh! saba la dehhh.... :)

  15. :) what a great Daddy !! You'll be perfect to be "the spreader of Love"..

    Silahkan Pak Idham...i delivered it to you..

  16. Laughter is the best medicine!


  17. This is very touchy, it makes me cry!

    I wish I could have that time with my daughters as often as you have. It really stir my emotions everytime I read an article about family life and moments with children.

    It really matters with them as well as to me, when we spend quality time with them and be able to relay what is inside them.

    I still remember the note that I got from my daughter, the note was hidden in the very deep pocket of my bag. It reads, "Dear Mom, this is my happiest day in my life to be with you and dad. I wish that you and daddy could stay and be with us longer. I understand you have to work for our future, we are so proud of you."

    Regards to you and your family.
