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Thursday, January 3, 2008

60plus ...not yet 69!

Berita dari negara, di sini.Lalu aku pun menulis....

I wonder, what a 60 plus guy of good office thinking when he was doing it? I wonder, for that matter.....are there other 6o plus who is capable of doing such thing? Tak ader age limit kah untuk appetite 'makan luar'. Am I missing something here?? hehehehe. Afterall, to do such things require more than just bola-bola - it does require a presence of mind, a hard something, a Heart of Clubs, and a cheek as thick as one's wallet. I wonder, what attracts citizens of Venus to something yang sudah kereput dan kedut-kedut, dan mungkin dah pun semput semput??? No, I am not a sour grape! At fifty, I have to labour up the stairs to my bedroom....what more to be pumping and gasping for fresh air in hotel rooms!

I admire wives yang boleh memaafkan their men. I wrote about this in my previous entry - forgive before forgiveness is asked for. This is a hard test to pass - but a wife who can do so, surely is more dignified than any spectators who only know to blab bla blab from the side lines. So, my heart goes to the first lady of the pak menteri.....

But alas - I also admire men with bola-bola! To have done it surely proof in itself that one has cricket balls rather than ping-pongs ones. And to stand tall, admit and taking full responsibility is a good example in itself. I only wish others in good office take a page out of this debacle and learn! If such is the case - we should be busy with by-erections elections! Yes or No?

Hey, it is illegal to copy, trade or view video clips of such acts! hehehe......don't bother looking for it! Harammmmmm.


  1. I know is not related, but boleh tak nak tahu what is this song? nice lah.....

  2. Salam Bung Arif (teehehe.. now that it is official!)

    You know what? I had that same question in my mind too. 61 oredi ma! Still want to eat outside arr? Aiya... But hey..then again, he's a doc, isn't he? Cam Tun gak lah! I mean, still fit & healthy (wah lau... not about the makan luar & DVD!! Ampun!). Ayah was saying, his colleagues have been joking about it - of course la he still can. He's in control of the distribution of the 'V supplement' maa? And it has got to pass MoH certification test first kan? So all those out there surely certified by MoH one. Not Ministry, but Minister himself!! Aiya... Manyak kesian ini tuan doktor sula jadi laughing stock pulak. Itu lah... sindiri cari pasai. Sindiri tanggung la!

  3. hehe. macam2 adaa. :)

    leeds tak jadi pegi 'leeds',alhamdulillah dpt tmpt di ukm, syukurrr. pak mertua tak sihat so mr F takleh ikut gi jauh2, mana bleh dok jauh2, baru tawen maaaa

    btw video tu dasat lah.

  4. Girl....:-)
    the song is Kenny Rogers duet dengan Sheena Easton...lagu title, "We have got tonight".



  5. ibu....:-)

    iye bu....panggil aje Bung arif.

    itu V supplement mana mau cali arr...ada bagus ka? lasa lasa mahu cuba jugak laa...hehehe
    tapi tatut juga side effect...selamat ka?

    salam pada ayah di sisi mu itu..hehehe

    B arif.

  6. leeds.....ow....semoga inlaw adik di beri kekuatan menghadapi cubaan kesihatan itu.
    yes, time macam ni, harus lah disisi mrF selalu...
    kan kan, lagi pun baru jer tawen kan...hehehehe.

    best wishes!

    abe id.

  7. kalo dvd tu ada depan mata pon chek tak sanggup nak nengok. heee...saper ler nak nengok aksi laki genyut. boleh sepet mata tau...hahaha

  8. hahah KC....:P
    boleh cayaa ka nie...hehehe

    bagus mcm tu....tak baik pun dok tenguk kan....sbb tu la saya anti media dok sebarkan pasal video tu....dah jadi igauan ramai pulak nak cari...

    stay cool in 2008.

    abe id

  9. u know what? i met this egyptian guy at a dinner before new year... he simpy reminded me of u...ur type of posure...the sae type... ur age... a year yonger than u...when we asked him how old r u now... he said...

    *i have just celebrated my 30th birthday...the second time*..

    happy belated birthday arif! our selams to kak lil ..we r freezing here..itz snowing!

  10. simah....huhuhu...noooooooooooooooo i am 61!! adoiilaaa
    the story is about someone else..hehehe...

    HAPPY NEW yEAR tp u too....and may 2008 brings much cheer and happiness.
    and for now...much warmth!

    abe arif.

  11. Cik Puan Sri QuzzFriday, January 04, 2008

    happy new year bang.
    i personally dont want him to step down from the cabinet and all his posts.
    he proved it, he is MAN enuf!! berapa kerat sangat JANTAN TUA DI MALAYSIA NI YG JANTAN ENOUGH TO ADMIT THEIR MISTAKES. close to ZERO, kan?? to me this is just political career assassination. too bad for him..
    eleh, banyak yang marah, apasal??, integrity la konon..tolongla...
    kami menyokong penuh kepimpinan Dr. chua. You rock YB Dato'...

  12. Uncle Id, that was not only one, there were more .. I hope that give a lesson to everyone. 61 bukan nak timang cucu ke? or nak timang anak sendiri? saper nak jaga nanti? he he he

  13. hehe! mula2 tu shocked ler jugak when heard the news. but he was man enuf to admit his wrong doings. cuba kira berapa ramai pemimpin kita yang cukup telor nak mengaku salah sendiri? what he did was wrong as he was one of the minister but he was just the unlucky guy who was caught doing the act. rasa-rasanya ramai jugak lah yang lain yang makan luar tapi masih bernasib baik.
    abe id jange lak nak coba2, nanti kena kerat 14 ngan kak lil. hehe!
    hmmm... that makes me wondering our own privacy when staying at any hotels..... takutnyaaaa.....

  14. Queen Of The HouseFriday, January 04, 2008

    So did you see it? Baik janganlah, kan?

    I think age has NOTHING to do with anything lah.

  15. Kuzz....marah nampak dengan Jantan2 tua ...
    Sebab kerbau dua tiga ekor, takkan semua nak di serang kut ..hehehe

    and like i wrote - he had bola bola...hehehe more like criket balls gitu.



    UMIabudhabi... betul la tu....memang ramai kut...tapi jika bukan silibriti....tak de yang ambik kesah pun....sendiri buat sendiri lah tanggung kan... :-)



    bahaya bila dok hotel....kena juga hati2 ....
    rasa2nya la, memang ramai sekarang yang berkecimpung dengan 'makan luar' nie...for me, sendiri mahu tahu la...mana yang ber risiko mana yang tidak...

    Abe id memang penakut bab bab macam tu...hehehe...siang2 dah surrender!



    rasanya, it is not an age factor kut....but bila dah 60 plus tu, rasa macam kurang sesuai untuk menjadi bahan berita demikian rupa....hehehehe



  16. He got the guts to admit his doing..that is something you said the bola-bola..

    BTW the video tu..make me curious what is the issue that triggered such an anger.

  17. anggerik....:)

    Actually i also don't know....that was all i got on the video.


