"Absence makes the heart grows fonder....", I quoted an old adage.
"Absence makes my mind wonders....." Said my neighbour Uteh.
We both laughed. I spent long hours by the pool side accompanying her who was accompanying her only son swimming. That was during the time we lived in Singapore.
And she knew exactly why I laughed.....and at that too, she laughed out loud.
Uteh learned the hard way. When her husband changed job into a regional role, he was required to travel for days at a stretch and for weeks out of every month. On average, he was home only 8 nights in a month - the weekends. Not used to having her man away from home at nights, she was anxious for his safety and paralysed with jealousy. Her mind worked overtime in scripting all sort of images - could he be having dinner with another woman, was he dancing with a bar-girl, who could be with him in his bed? And during those time she turned into a monster - losing her patience with her son and was not able to focus on doing anything.
When her calls were not answered, she assumed the worse. And when he answered, she would snapped, "Who were you with last night?" A question which drove her husband up the walls.
Once, she took a flight secretly to Langkawi where her husband traveled for a Sale's conference.
She checked into a neighbouring hotel. One morning, she saw her husband coming out of the hotel, adorning a songkok and with a pensive looking face. He looked like someone in a hurry. She was already in a taxi - and instructed the driver to follow her husband's chauffeur driven jeep. She was certain, in her mind, that her husband was going to 'nikah'. She tried hard to remain calm, but her whole body was shaking.....her throat dry, and her voice was shrieking.
That day was the turning point for her and for her husband. What she saw - influenced their future from then on.
She ended her story with a hearty laughter. Uteh's trademark amongst our neighbours was her bellowing laughter - which had proven to be contagious.
"You know - he went to a funeral! - Aku ingat dia nak pergi menikah kau!!".
"So what happened" After I recovered from sakit perut ketawa, I asked her.
" I checked out from my hotel, and waited for him to come back at his hotel. I told him I missed him so much I had to come". She smiled at her own quick thinking.
"Wah....and that night what happened?" I could not resist that question.
" We celebrated new year la that night - I saw fireworks everywhere.....hahahahaha " And she broke into another one of her laughter, and then she added, "And he promised me to take along on his business trips in the future" An offer which she kept up her sleeve but seldom took. "Important you know to let him think I was going to follow - so that he does not make any dates! hahaha. But I seldom follow lah"
"So you don't trust him 100% then?" I teased.
"Not about trust lah, but you can say that I don't take him for granted!" She proved to smart yet again.
Living a long distance relationship is tough. It requires complete commitment and trust from both sides. It is important to keep in constant communication because any long period of incommunicado can cause the minds to wonder and gives space to whispers from the devils. In this era of internet, keeping in touch is easy and cheaper. Chat on-line, make voice calls using skype or the like, keep a blog going so that couples can keep track of lives on the other side of the world. This mom's blog is dedicated to her hubby - is an excellent example of what I am talking about. Pro-active couples turn long distance relationship into an opportunity for romance - sending hand written love letters, sending and receiving 'care parcels', little surprises such as asking a relative to deliver a home baked cake for her birthday and others - limited only by imagination.
Making dates can also work. Have a fixed time of the day for phone calls, as an example. This is especially effective if the long distance couples are over a different time zones.
"So....tell me how did you and LiL work it out when you travel...which is quite a lot also kan?" She asked me the same question. That was when LiL appeared with some freshly fried cokodok pisang....I repeated the question to LiL and asked her to answer.
"I don't have to do anything ......he has six children to call him at different time!" That afternoon, LiL had the last laugh. " Hahahahaha!"
"Absence makes my mind wonders....." Said my neighbour Uteh.
We both laughed. I spent long hours by the pool side accompanying her who was accompanying her only son swimming. That was during the time we lived in Singapore.
And she knew exactly why I laughed.....and at that too, she laughed out loud.
Uteh learned the hard way. When her husband changed job into a regional role, he was required to travel for days at a stretch and for weeks out of every month. On average, he was home only 8 nights in a month - the weekends. Not used to having her man away from home at nights, she was anxious for his safety and paralysed with jealousy. Her mind worked overtime in scripting all sort of images - could he be having dinner with another woman, was he dancing with a bar-girl, who could be with him in his bed? And during those time she turned into a monster - losing her patience with her son and was not able to focus on doing anything.
When her calls were not answered, she assumed the worse. And when he answered, she would snapped, "Who were you with last night?" A question which drove her husband up the walls.
Once, she took a flight secretly to Langkawi where her husband traveled for a Sale's conference.
She checked into a neighbouring hotel. One morning, she saw her husband coming out of the hotel, adorning a songkok and with a pensive looking face. He looked like someone in a hurry. She was already in a taxi - and instructed the driver to follow her husband's chauffeur driven jeep. She was certain, in her mind, that her husband was going to 'nikah'. She tried hard to remain calm, but her whole body was shaking.....her throat dry, and her voice was shrieking.
That day was the turning point for her and for her husband. What she saw - influenced their future from then on.
She ended her story with a hearty laughter. Uteh's trademark amongst our neighbours was her bellowing laughter - which had proven to be contagious.
"You know - he went to a funeral! - Aku ingat dia nak pergi menikah kau!!".
"So what happened" After I recovered from sakit perut ketawa, I asked her.
" I checked out from my hotel, and waited for him to come back at his hotel. I told him I missed him so much I had to come". She smiled at her own quick thinking.
"Wah....and that night what happened?" I could not resist that question.
" We celebrated new year la that night - I saw fireworks everywhere.....hahahahaha " And she broke into another one of her laughter, and then she added, "And he promised me to take along on his business trips in the future" An offer which she kept up her sleeve but seldom took. "Important you know to let him think I was going to follow - so that he does not make any dates! hahaha. But I seldom follow lah"
"So you don't trust him 100% then?" I teased.
"Not about trust lah, but you can say that I don't take him for granted!" She proved to smart yet again.
Living a long distance relationship is tough. It requires complete commitment and trust from both sides. It is important to keep in constant communication because any long period of incommunicado can cause the minds to wonder and gives space to whispers from the devils. In this era of internet, keeping in touch is easy and cheaper. Chat on-line, make voice calls using skype or the like, keep a blog going so that couples can keep track of lives on the other side of the world. This mom's blog is dedicated to her hubby - is an excellent example of what I am talking about. Pro-active couples turn long distance relationship into an opportunity for romance - sending hand written love letters, sending and receiving 'care parcels', little surprises such as asking a relative to deliver a home baked cake for her birthday and others - limited only by imagination.
Making dates can also work. Have a fixed time of the day for phone calls, as an example. This is especially effective if the long distance couples are over a different time zones.
"So....tell me how did you and LiL work it out when you travel...which is quite a lot also kan?" She asked me the same question. That was when LiL appeared with some freshly fried cokodok pisang....I repeated the question to LiL and asked her to answer.
"I don't have to do anything ......he has six children to call him at different time!" That afternoon, LiL had the last laugh. " Hahahahaha!"
*will be away from home until sunday night - so kira long distance la jugak for 3 malam nie - hehehe. Aku hilangkan diri untuk melepaskan rindu*
hmmmmm..... i started off with a long-distance relationship. I don't know how I could fall in love and keep loving him (my bf was working offshore at that time). we rarely met, may be 2-3 times a year. anyway it lasted to marriage. trust is important eventhough i sometimes felt insecure.
ReplyDeleteand now after years of marriage, i still miss him whenever his away.
working very hard not to be away from each other anymore, eventhough in need some sacrifices.
Hmm tak tau nak cakap. Rasa terharu pun ada, he he, thank you for the entry. Yes it's not easy having a long distance relationship. Thanks to the technology. I pray that you and family stay loving together forever.
ReplyDeleteSalam Pak Payne,
ReplyDeleteThe feeling should be mutual. The husband should also be worried about the wife he left at home. Not so much about he wife will find other man, but the added responsibilities that the wife had to endure while the husband is away. She would have to acts both as mother and father to the children. If the husband had been preoccupied with this guilty feeling, he won't have the heart to do other things that he had in his mind. Right Pak Payne?
I wish I could do like what kak LiL did.. but I don't have 6 children. If I ask my one and only daughter to keep calling her abah 6times, I'm sure he will be suspicious... :)
ReplyDeleteI believe that we should never trust our spouse 100%. It is good to let the mind wonders once in while.
I've been in that position before.. like Uteh, she spied her husband dekat hotel, but as for me i spied him dekat airport.. don't ask me what happen next!
ReplyDeletehey i got story to tell la...kena mengena u know. not u la..other people. gossip hangat ni bang
Ai yo....susah wooo. Itu waktu Bangcik nya posting di Jepun, cik Milah bagai nak gila woo. Anak kecik 2 worang masa tu hari-hari mau cakap dengan babah...Ada gak yang tanya,(nak tackle ler tu...gatal!)kalau hubby you ada affair di sana, cmana you. cikMilah cakap,that is between him and GOD!Tak kuasa nak layan benda-benda negatif gitu...My prinsip, kalau "dah jadi" I will face it, MY WAY...la la la la la!
ReplyDeleteSo, cik cik abang semua...when you're away,yr wife is vulnerable,INGAT tu...
drNO ...
ReplyDeletewow...ur long distance love story has happy ending...bagus tu...niat dah baik, jadi baik lah kan....may ur futur will continue be happy....until the end.
love without sacrifices is like siang tanpa matahari...errrr, betul ka perbidalan bahasa nie..hehehe
Ummi ...
ReplyDelete:-) insyAAllah...ameen....
bemula malam ni, i juga akan berjauhan dari LiL FOR 3 cold nights hehehe...
kenapa terharu??
pakZabs ...
yes, so true. Actually when i travel on business I don;t enjoy doing anything except attending tomthe business things...kalau nak sight-seeing or makan2....selalu tu pergi balek dgn family.
cabaran memang banyak jika berjauhan..tapi jika ada iman di dada....selamat la kut...
wallahu aklam..
NaNa ,
ReplyDeleteyes...keep some reservation ...for ur own protection....and for that extra effort to continue the romance going...
jika kita complacent, buleh hilang kehangatan percintaan - masa tu lah mungkin hati nak test market kat luar...bahaya!
Mummy Rizq ,
ReplyDeleteyou spied at the airport...then what happened?? tell la....
AphroditeKuzz ,
ReplyDeleteTell laa....mesti bst nie...dah lama tak dengar gossip hangat ...kat sini tak de majalah Mangga tu..hehehe
gosip artis ka? atau gosip dato' ka? atau ada skendal bloggers ka?
cikMilah ,
ReplyDeletebetul tu cik milah...
women alone, especially isteri yang muda2 tu kan..darahnya manis...suami pun kena jaga2...kena pasang spy jugak....bukan sbb isteri tak setia tapi sebab godaan terlalu byk dan datangnya dalam berbagai rupa...
Eh..story la sikit pengalaman cikmilah nak kena tackle tu...hehehe
mamat tu guna ayat power ka? :-)
I love this posting! :)
ReplyDeleteMyself and hubby had our fair share of long distance love affair, too. Might just write about it one of these days.
It is normal and it is okay to have suspicions, and feel jealous, or feel insecure at times. Itu tandanya sayang terhadap spouse yang amat bangat, betul tak?
People do say that trusts between spouses will pull them through, even through the longest and most difficult times of being apart.
But, I also feel that it is quite impossible to trust the other half 100%, even though you always hear people say, "I trust my hubby/wife", or "I never doubt him/her".
What is your take on this, Abang Id, if you care to share, please? ;) Thanks.
oh.. patutlah dia senyum... :)
ReplyDeleteI was on a long distance relationship with Taufik too.
When we were studying in the US, he was in Tulsa, Oklahoma and I was in Urbana, Illinois. When he came back, he worked offshore for 5 years, sampai I was due to give birth to Ilham.
Actually syiok jugak berjauhan sekali sekala.. bila dia balik mesti macam baru kawin.. ;) tee hee!
hi idham. I'm bloghopping. cool stories which really reminds me of myself. I had to be apart from my husband right after our honeymoon. I always made sure he called me at least once a day or more. if he didn't call at night, i called him and asked, 'nape tak call? dah lupa ye? tak ingat neeza la tu..' then he would say something like 'haii... kan dah call siang tadi..' then i said, itu siang.. hehehe..looks like i have to blog it kot.. mungkn tidak... :))
ReplyDeleteIt is opposite for me when my dh is outstation. He will call me if I don't ring him and ask why didn't I? The kids will call sometimes but I wish he'll go outstation more often so I don't have to cook dinner, haha. Having said that he is a workaholic so it does feel like he is away sometimes even when he is at home.
ReplyDeletejangan nakal-nakal
ReplyDeleteI dah lali dengan this long distance relationship and I TRUST my darling hubby 100%, only his body is away, his LOVE is forever with his family... serupa macam you Abe Id :)
ReplyDeleteyes wan shana....please shre with us about your own long distance love...pre-marital or masa dah kawen nie...:)
ReplyDeletefrom my own experience la...trust tu trust la...but, try not to take things for granted. there are differences. so, walaupun kita trust our spouses, it does not mean that we do not call to find out how they are doing....to call to tell them we miss them ....to call to have those ritual conversation before bedtime just as they are sharing the same pillows.....that is what I mean by not taking for granted.
but we trust enough to sleep peacefully....if our spouses are worthy of trust of course.
So, the trust must be based on solid foundation la kan....
hehehe.....ooohhh dah banyak la practice long distance love ni ye....so mr taufik gi dubai tu no hal la actually nye yea....so saje jer la tu cari excuse nak gi retail theraphy tu ye...hehehe..
ReplyDeletehehehe...syiok ye...hehehe...*sorry, nak tersenyum la pulak*
hai neeza,
ReplyDeletethank for hopping by...
masa baru honey moon dah terpaksa berjauhan tu kuat tu menanggung rindu tu hehe...maklum la kan..hehehe...
please blog abt it...i will look forward to be reading...
nice entry abt ur trip to madinah...so, is ur mom residing in Saudi?
earthmom....hehehe....yes, LiL also appreciates when I have to eat out occassionally - space for her to go easy in the kitchen.
ReplyDeleteBut, after 8 years of intensive travel due to work - both LiL and I and the children really make the most of my stay home these days. It is really refreshing to have more time with family......am loving it!!
Tulis la sikit story about "A story from a wife of a workaholic!"
Would be interesting to know your point of view....what goes on in your mind...
lollies.....hehehe...ada gak la nakal nakal sikit....dah memang nakal man..how laa...:-)
Yes, I can read and see how love blossoms in your lovely family ...
happy re-union daughter, father and everyone!
Kalau dah 2 minggu lepas kawin dah kena duduk jauh, jawabnya, every weekend is the honeymoon leee.. heheheee.. apa nak buat. until he decided to get a job that won't require him to travel here and there and... I had to quit my first job :( and unemployed for 2 years! Takpelah kan, lebih berkat gitu..
ReplyDeletePart of it ada I cerita in my daughter's blog (love of my life linkage). Nak blog how I behaved towards him everytime he called or I called and how bad I disturbed his days at work?? tengok la dulu... kena tapis yang mana boleh cerita.. takut banyak yang kena delete sebab all nasty words keluar... hehehee
My mom pergi Haji je.. tak duduk Madinah. Since we all mmg nak go to Madinah, we wait until my mom sampai Madinah dulu, which was after the Haj period... :)
Buleh ka berjauhan? ct rasa macam tak buleh ja :P
ReplyDeletecemana ya?
neeza..:-) thanks for responding to my question!
ReplyDeleteye la kan..bab bab honeymoon tu harus la byk yg kena tapis tu hehehe
i hope u r enjoying life in saudi...we were in jeddah for four years until last august.
ctz..:-) bolehhhh, cuba lah! hehehe.....bila jumpa balek tu yang best tu....mcm super glue...:P
sebenarnya bukan bab honeymoon yang nak kena censor.. tapi bab my words to dear hubby yang sangat la memedihkan telinga. I pregnant masa tu. mood memang le selalu tak baik.. (cewah.. excuse la konon. I ni paranoid sebenarnya)heheheee...
ReplyDeleteLamanya you kat middle east ni. seronok ye?
:-) neeza....lama tu tak la lama sgt.....empat tahun baru.
ReplyDeleteorang pregnant tu mood swing dia sama dengan lelaki tak dapat ehem ehem ka? hehehehe