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Monday, January 28, 2008

Lessons from a green Beetle!

'Along' has been working for a week now. His office is a 10 minutes diversion from mine, so everyday for the past week I sent him to work and in the evening picked him up. But today he braved himself into driving our green beetle - by trailing me for direction.
No drama there!
In the evening, just before I left the office I called him, "Are you ok to drive alone or do you want me to wait?" I asked him, despite having told him in the morning that I was leaving early today.
"I am ok, ayah balek lah. See you at home" He tried to sound confident, but an ayah can sense the anxiety in his voice.

On the spur of the moment I decided to be there - in the shadow and follow him without him knowing. "I will follow him, just in case he lose his direction" I told LiL when I called her to say I will be late afterall.

I drove to where he parked the green beetle and parked myself out of sight. I reclined the seat to ensure I could not be seen. Then the waiting game started....
"I feel like a private investigator!" I sent a sms to LiL.
I tried to call a couple of friends.....their numbers were either busy or left unanswered. Perhaps they were stuck in traffic jam.
Then from the corner of my eyes I saw him approaching his car. I ducked lower....
He opened the car door and glanced around....I ducked even lower. I counted to twenty....and took a peep at his green beetle. It was gone...!!! Holy Mackerel......The car I was stalking were gone!!!

At that point I called LiL, " Dia dah hilang!"
"HAHAHAHA ....." LiL laughed, loud and got louder by the minutes.

I drove back - feeling a bit like a fool. *only a bit* hehehehe.
I reassured myself that 'Along' has a mobile and can call if he needs direction. I also checked this morning that the fuel tank was half full. On top of that I have shown him a few routes for the last one week, including the one which I missed a turn and had to make a U-turn a few kilometers out.

I arrived home to LiL's warm embrace at the door. "What happened?" She enquired, in the most symphathetic of tones. At that moments all my stress and tension of missing 'along' dissappeared.
"Spy malang....." I quipped. And we laughed together.

I was having dinner on the terrace when I saw the green beetle coming into our parking. A triumphant 'Along' came out and made a Victory sign!!! "I made it!!!" He shouted from below. From the terrace above LiL and I applauded.
"Well Done Along!"

When he came up to join me, I asked, "Which route did you take?"
"The one which I ayah had to take the U-turn!" He laughed. He too missed a turn.

lesson #1.
I have to learn to trust 'Along' and let him fly. To step aside and let him live his life....
lesson #2.
"If you duck too low, you may miss the game! If you stick out too high, you are an easy shot! .... the trick is to get the right balance"
lesson #3.
Coming home to a warm embrace wipes all the stress away! <---this one is for the wife. hehehehe
lesson #4.
If you show your child the wrong way, even if unintended, he may follow it! So be careful with what you do.....


  1. Just for the record is Along staying with you now?

    Id trust the children lah and who knows he maybe the one giving you the shortcuts soon....hehehe

  2. funny lah, jadi spy , pakai rayban macam MIB tak ???

    Laaa Along kan besar panjang , nak risau apa lagi... bapaknya yang berlebih risau...Along dah keje kat Dubai jugak, mesti seronok dapat tinggal sekali :)

  3. Kah kah kah kah... macho2 uncle id, risau jugak kat anak bujang dia tu.. dah besar lah uncle.. give him some privacy.. lainlah macam I ni semuanye nak kena belek lagi.. I enjoyed reading all the lessons. No 6 is true, it happened to me too.

  4. Pak Payne,
    Imagine that.... from that one incident, we your faithful readers can learn four lessons. Haaaah!
    Anyway, once a parent, we will definitely worry about our kids right. No matter how grown up they have become.

  5. Hahhaha..

    mr Idham.. funny!! this is so nice- err I mean being the private investigator role.. merasa gak jadi spy heheheh...

  6. Idham, how old is your 'along'? seronoknya both ayah and anak get to work at the same area... mine, lambatttt lagi... heheheeee

  7. Been reading your blog for some time but reading this story made me laughed cause once upon a time I also failed to be a detective.

    When my son first enter kindi,I was worried for his safety so I followed his van just to check on the driver's way of driving but half way thru I lost the van!!Hahaha...I felt sooo stupid and laughed at myself.

    Hearing my story uncle commented..."imagine if there are 5mommies like you.5 cars will be following the van"!

  8. funny.!! heheh, thanks for dropping by at my site, nice poem dowh!! mai lagik yer!!

    heheheh.. my mom used to be liked that before, when i first started working, she called me everyday, and asked all my cousins to check on me every weekend... things are still the same... but that gives me another reason to love her more... btw, she don't need any reason to be loved!!!

  9. you remind me of my dad..and now i've taken over the role of making sure that he is the one that gets home ok.. c'est ta la vie abang id :)

  10. 1. tak payah lah jd spy abg id.. hee.. hee.. trust him jer..(chewah.. pandai i cakap. entah entah i'll be worse when rizq is the same age as along).

    2. saya selalu ke blog sini. cuma tak sempat nak meninggalkan kesan. mana boleh tak masuk blog abg id. tak lengkap rasanya...

  11. Pak Idham, this story made my day..!!

    i will remember i wont duck too low.. i dont wanna miss a thing :-)

  12. funny! Macam a scene from Mr. Bean la pulak. But some good lessons learnt today, no doubt, especially the last one - so true!

    Anyway, however hard we try, we parents will ALWAYS be parents. Anak bujang dah besar panjang pun, di mata Mak Ayah masih macam anak kecil lagi...It's so hard to let them go, kan Abg. Id?

  13. udah udah la tu abg id! dah beso panjangpun si along tu haaa...

    hahahaha.. nasib baik my parents tak buat gitu...(err.. sure ke nih?)

  14. hish..lama sungguh tak jenguk blog abe id nie.. sibuk la katakan...hehehe

    along sudah kerja dubai ke la nie..


  15. hahaha.. uncle nk jd ala2 james bond ya? cool.. tergelak2 nisa kat sini..

  16. hihihihii...

    nnt boleh suruh along bwk kiter jalan2 shoping kat dubai naik green beetle!

  17. ello :)
    tahniah along pasai dah keja, n dah bejaya convince mak dengan ayah tu. Susah no... depa bukan nak pecaya kat kita :P
    Salam semua dari ct di alostaq

  18. Ariff,
    Seronok la na dah berkumpul satu family.Tu beetle yg dulu tu ke..?? yg merah sportcar tu letak mana sekarang??
    Kirimsalam kat Aishah...

    Lagu Elton John ni kan.. umie terkenang anak2 masih kecik2 dulu... rasa sayu pun ada,,,, :-)

  19. Salam Idham,
    Seorang Ustaz yang saya kenali berkata, dalam kehidupan ini seharian, kita temui ribuan pengajaran. Tetapi malangnya, 70% darinya kita tak ambil peduli atau belajar darinya. Terima kasih atas pengajaran itu.
    Anak sulung saya mulanya bekerja dengan saya, untuk kebaikan kononnya. Tapi tak semudah itu rupanaya. Kini setelah diNASIHAT bekerja dengan syarikat lain, sudah menampakkan potensinya. Alhamdulillah. Pengajaran untuk yang lainnya, kecuali anak perempuan yang diperlu bekerja bersama saya.

  20. uwargh! cik -ctz- hahaha depa percaya tapi sikit-sikitlah~ hahaha...

    betul depa masih duk tgk ad macam baby..wahahah =)tapi cool apa...masey boleh manja2 gitu...hahaha

    aunty umi, beatle lama tu lain, hahaha...lama tu old schools~ =)

    eh eh cik nisa ada?hahaha~

    meh2...hehehe =)

    ayah sorry terpanjang plak comment....ngehngeh~


  21. memang detektif yg malang u ni la arif! hahahah

    but u r soo typical of a parent..i will probably do the same thing too with my kids... esp the first time they will go someone on their own (plssss kids... dont grow up too soon!!)

    lama dah i tak masuk sini.. pc crashed...hope u n kak lil r doing alrite :0)

    p.s... kalau masa transit in between flights la transit kat dubai... malaysians boleh keluar dari airport tak masa tu? or do we need visa to enter dubai?

  22. Kak Elle,
    yes, he is wrking in dubai and living with us. I am sure he will one day be a better man as a result of the international exposure.



    silversarina ,
    hahaha...raban tu saya tak pernah tinggal...:-)

    Yes, ni kira bonus lah ada anak bujang tinggal sama2....dah boleh di harap! hehehe


    Ummi ,
    uiks, mana ada lesson number six tu ehehee...ummie maksudkan yang ke empat tu kut...:-)
    everyday, everywhere - we can learn from everyone!



  23. Pak Mior ,
    actually kan pak mior....saya n sentiasa mencari mutiara dalam apa jua keadaan...hehehe....kadang2 tu ada jer yg kita jumpa....if only we celikkan mata, telinga, dan hati. :-)


    littlemuffins ,
    hehehehe....jika seorang bapa tak ambil berat dgn anak2, siapa lagi yg harus kita harapkan...hehehe

    betul dak lina?

    neeza shahril,
    'Along' is 23. memang seronok bila anak2 dah boleh jadi 'sparring Partner!". hehehe

    InsyAAllah your TRIO will be there - ready to partner and keep you active - that future is not too far away. time flies....:)



  24. suria ,
    :-) .....i smiled reading ur exprience. yes, i can imagine how u felt ....hehehehe....i felt exactly the same way.

    ur uncle has a vision of five moms in dark-glasses ducking in and out of traffic, weaving and speeding - trailing a school van....all in the name of love. :-)

    thanks for dropping a note.


  25. theconfused,

    thank you for ur return visit. ur poetry - i like. simple, raw, sensitive and honest.

    moms and dads - will always care and love, no matter whether they show their feelings and affection or not.
    And, as there is no need for other reasons to love them - they are good enough reasons.


    Yours Truly , said "you remind me of my dad.." hehehe....tak dak chance la nak tekel cik yours truly! hahahaha

    *gurau semata-mata*


    Mummy Rizq ,
    wah, terimakasih.....suka hati tenguk mumy rizq ada datang! hehehe

    saya pun bz dua hari nie, KD ada datang menziarah dari Dublin...:)


  26. Nuke ,
    Thank you Nuke for putting a smile on my face. hehehe :-)
    And, Takziah for the demise of Pak Suharto - Seorang WIRA Nusantara!


    WANSHANA , Bean is funny. Love watching him....and I know for sure, he is very very rich in real life!!!
    yes, it s so hard to let them go...maybe, in ur heart, they will never leave!


    ahah.....kena tanya were your parents ? hehehe

    tulis la nanti ye.


  27. Anonymous ( Pujie ), bz ni bisness mesti kencang nie....heheheh..semogamurah rezki!

    yes, along dah kerja di sini.


    nisa ~ shasha ,
    hahaha, nisa di sana tergelak - pakcik di sini tersedak!! Hehehehe....
    Adie pulak mungkin tersenyum!!!



    Leeds Al-Malique ,
    yes, datang jer leeds....harus kami akan sekeluarga mengalu2kan kedatangan leeds suami isteri :-)

    be our guests!



  28. -ctz- ,
    betoi tu ct....mak ayah nie memang begitu la kan kan kan....hehehehe
    depa sayang tanpa sebab, dan risau pun tanpa sebab...dah nak wat camna!! hehehe

    umie ,
    keta meghah tu dok ada di JB....dok ada dengan member di sana.....tolong jaga!! keta mcm tu kena jaga betoi2...baghu berkilat sports rim dia tuh...:P hehehe

    kalau umie nak tolong jaga, buleh jugak arif arrange kan keta tu mai KL...hehehe



  29. Pak Zabs.

    memang ada dugaan jika anak bekerja dengan ibu atau ayah. seumpama suami cuba mengajar isteri memandu...hehehe...jgn di cuba!

    semoga anak pak zabs terus maju jaya!

    pengajaran banyak - peranan kita juga untuk saling memperingati.

    thanks pakzabs.

