I was online with a lady friend who just came back from her vacation with her family - ten days in Europe and also visiting her BIL in Dublin! There was something we have to plan since her BIL, a family friend of LiL and I will be visiting Dubai with his family. The conversation didn't get very far beyond the normal greetings
......**updated: She and her husband met up with LiL and I over lunch today - to continue discussion on the plans for our esteemed visitors from Dublin. K.D, I am not allowed to write any details......**I: "How are you?
N: "Tired...I need a break"
I: "A break?......haven't you just got back from one?"
N: "A break to recover after doing what a woman got to do - after the break!". I excused myself saying that I wanted to write about "A woman got to do what a woman got to do" in my blog. She was quick to stress a point - that she was not complaining!

After a long vacation trip, all a man wants to do is to re-connect with his buddies to catch up on the local scenes and activities. A man enjoys sharing his vacation stories - emphasizing parts which will make his buddies salivate with awe and envy. Which parts? Of course depends on who the persons are. When a friend went on a trip to
Germany about a month back, he came back with stories of attractive long legged things walking the streets! Upon prompting, his story ended with him being a cowardly gentleman who hid from the evil intention of those long legged blue eyed things. But here, I digress long and wide from my original intention to write about the plight of the fairer half - our ladies of the house!
After a similar long trip, all a woman cares to do is to bring everything and everyone back into order. While her children go wild over their newly acquired
but hardly required gadgets - she breaks her back unpacking the luggage and dumping all clothes into the washing machine. While her husband leans back on his lazy chair making plans for games of golf with his buddies, she goes on her
knees polishing the floor from dirt and dust. A woman's maternal instinct wants to see her nest back to what it should be - in good order for nesting, nurturing, feeding, resting...etc etc.....orderly, neat, tidy and ready!
In so doing, she wastes no time. Bedsheets must be changed, refrigerator be defrosted and filled with fresh supply, all toilets flushed and windows opened for fresh air to flow. A thousand and one things to remember - and she remembers them all methodically and do them all
without grudge. Tired yes......! But always taken with a spirit of "A woman got to do what a woman got to do!".
LiL, has been a Cinderella of our own house ever since we moved into this new home. She has so far, refused to take a maid. Being the only one with a maternal instinct, while we boys and men tried our best to help, she has been the one who does the laundry, cooks our meals, mops and dusts, and cleans up after much fun at the dining table has been long gone. Such is the nature of a laborious and lonely struggle of a housewife's things to do - mundane chores, plenty to do, never done and often unappreciated.
LiL too - has a silent resolve of doing what a woman got to do in a grateful manner for what we have rather than complaining for what it can be!

Driving back from our soccer game today - I agreed with the boys that every weekend, we the males of the house will cook a complete meals for a day for the family. That will be starting this coming weekend - and I am already excited with the possibilities of a five star menu!
Kita masak apa ayah?"
tanya Along.
Amir book
bahagian potong-
sampuk Amirul.
"I don't want to end doing the cleaning up - so please give me something to do too"
Haziq thinking ahead.
Ermm....last time I
potong halia kan ayah....can i do the same?" asked
Luqmn who has been in a deep thought.
By the time we reached home, we still could not decide
what to cook. But we will have one whole week to plan.......
hehehehe! And for me, a week of bonding conversations with the boys!
Life is like that - if you make it like that.
In the end -
each of us got to do what each of us got to do! If only we open our eyes, ears, and heart to see - then decide to share.