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Friday, July 15, 2011

The world of work~!

Picture taken from HERE
Thank you my FRIENDS ~!
The world will continue to go round. For many, work, remain at the center of their Universe. Easily justified to please those around them, that they dedicate their lives to their job for the sake of their  their loved ones~!

Late tonight I find myself in a situation where the demands of my work conflict directly with the rhythm of my heart beats. In 12 hours I will be leaving home for KLIA. Destination? Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Work, and its demands await me there. I know they are because everyday during my vacation I have been reading and replying to emails from my Blackberry. Work has been my ghostly companion for the last two weeks! 

My family will be staying on in KL until after the Hari Raya. This time, unlike previous summers, there are significant milestones in our family history. Amirul will be enrolling into a college in Malaysia, thus leaving our troop of five which has been expatriating from city to city since year 2000. 

Adlil will be getting married! Thus, officially graduating from being one of the  cabin crews to being a captain of his own jet! 

Preparations for both Amirul's and Adlil's next phase of their respective life will be made in my absence! Somehow, that does not feel right!

Add to those two, yesterday I purchased a new house for the family and I have set a target to move in before December 1st, in time for Adlil's wedding reception~! Renovations, installations, decorations,  furnishing of the new home and finally the relocation, will also be done in my absence!

My heart aches at the thought of leaving tomorrow! I want to be here planning and executing the changes. 

Work wins, and as heavy as it feels, I will be pulling my trolley bag through the immigration gate tomorrow! And I hate the very idea that I am not able to say, for once,  that my family and not work is at the center of my Universe. 

Unlike before, tonight my own justification to myself that I work in order to provide the best I could for my family sounds hollow. Even if I am able to buy for them a new and bigger house. Perhaps, because when I inform them I have purchased the house - they asked a common question and almost in unison, "Why? What is wrong with this one - we like it here~!"

Is it possible that my definition of what is best for my family comes out different from theirs?

To be the master of our own destiny, to be able to choose what we want to do, and able to be where  wish wish to be, that surely is the reward for being successful~! Until then, we are all slaves in our world of work~!

I have nine hours of flying time tomorrow and I plan to do some more reflections about the world of work versus what really are at the center of my world! 

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