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Friday, July 15, 2011

Morning Coffee!

We woke up to the sound of falling rain. I was so tempted to curl up for an extended snooze. An appointment at 10am at Mid Valley with someone from a bank motivated me enough to kick off the blanket and walked myself into a hot shower.

After an LRT ride from Melati to Bangsar, and a short travel by taxi we arrived at the Mid Valley on time for the appointment. Miss Amira got there on time too despite a call from her earlier to say she might be late due to the rain.

Her puntuallity made a positive impression! A good start.
As soon we started our discussion, it was obvious that she was prepared, and knew exactly what information she wanted from me. Another very positive point.

Despite her young age, she was professional and confident. I was impressed.

That summarized my positive impression of her. Both my wife and I had good vibes about her and really wanted to give her the opportunity of arranging the loan to finance our recent property purchase.

She only indulged into a more personal conversation after all the formalities have been completed. This being another good tip for any rookies out there - to always remember that the appointment was a business and not a social appointment. Therefore, get into business mindset. Personal conversation was at the discretion of the clients.

After ending the meeting on a positive note, my wife and I wandered off looking for a pair of shoes for her. It was while we were in Lewre shoe outlet that Mamasita arrived for our second coffee meeting in the morning.

Unlike the first, our meeting with Mamasita was purely social in nature. Mamasita was full of enthusiasm, and shared with us her plan to go for a second Umrah trip at the end of July.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from STC

1 comment:

  1. Pp,
    Wow! You are buying properties like you are buying kacang putih. Yesterday my cousin came to my house offering to sell her 6 acres of land next to the new campus of University Malaysia Kelantan. With a small stream passing through it, the place seems perfect for a some 12 Bali style villas for the rich. How I wish I could afford the 300K she is asking. The land is close to the MRSM Jeli campus too. Can you help find a buyer for her?
