Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Malam pertama~!

Malam ini malam pertama solat Jemaah Teraawih untuk tahun ini. Mesjid besar di ladang udang kami hanya satu pertiga penuh. Tidak ramai hadir ke Mesjid utama kerana besoknya hari kerja dan di ladang ini ada 17 Mussolah kesemuanya.

Aku di saf ke lima dari hadapan. Di sebelah kanan, seorang saudara dari Indonesia dan di sebelah kiri seorang dari India. Kelihatan wajah-wajah yang lazimnya aku hanya bertemu ketika waktu kerja, malam ini aku terharu bertemu mereka di dalam saf. Mereka kelihatan kemas dengan pekaian berseterika, sama ada berpelikat atau berseluar, atau berjubah lazim rakan2 dari negara Arab.

Imam Azman, seorang Hafiz, membaca Al Quran begitu merdu sekali suara, dan baik sekali lagu dan tajwid nya. Aku hampir terlupa membaca Al Fatihah kerana asyek mendengar bacaan beliau.

Selepas Terawih, aku bagaikan hilang punca seketika. Tercari kedai mamak, tiada! Tiba di bilik kediaman, aku ke dapur mencari buah melaka atau pun pengat pisang. Tiada!Aku di sedarkan dari lamunan dengan ketibaan Zuraimi, seorang sahabat senegara, "Pak Pin, ni kawae bawop icecream dan  susu Laban, kita morehhh~!"

Alhamdullillah, tersebut di dalam hati rasa keyukuran kerana mempunyai rakan2 yang sama2 berkelana. Kami berbual membuat perancangan untuk ke Mekah di dalam minggu ini, dengan harapan untuk berbuka puasa, dan solat terawih serta membuat ibadah Umrah. InshaAllah.

Tadi, isteri sempat bertanya, "Malam ini abang sahur makan apa?" Walaupun sudah membuat perancangan untuk bersahur dengan Mee segera Maggie, tidak sampai hati untuk memberitahu begitu.
Lantas, aku menjawap, "Sahur di kantin...belum tahu apa menu nya tahun ini!"
Semoga isteri yang berada jauh di Malaysia tidak lah terlalu risau memikirkan suaminya di sini.

Satu perkara penting untuk kami di Saudi ialah meminum air yang mencukupi di waktu malam. Suhu panas sekarang boleh mencapai 47 darjah Celsius di waktu siang. Air sangat penting...

Malam pertama, mesjid tidak penuh. Semoga semakin ramai jemaah pada malam-malam berikutnya. Bukan seperti kebiasaan di Malaysia, mesjid penuh pada minggu pertama, dan kedai kopi penuh pada minggu2 berikutnya.

Pesta Ramadan - Jeddah, 2011

Punah ranah bersepai segala azam
hadis dan sunnah, tidak kesempatan
menjadi pengajaran.
Nafsu perlumbaan mengaut 
mengisi perut
yang seharusnya damai

Aku terhenti di pintu Ramadan
malu dengan segala kelakuan
berpura-pura lah kita seangkatan
mendayu-dayu melaungkan azan
memanggil ke arah kejayaan
namun kita tewas dengan
nafsu makan
nafsu dahaga
mungkin berlumba-lumba
dengan tamak, dan haloba
demi dunia!

Sekali pandang
Tadi, petang
bagaikan pesta
berduyun umat ke pasaraya
berkarung di pikul, di jinjing, di bawa
"Untuk apa?" aku bertanya
"Bekal berpuasa!" Jawap mereka.
Sejak bila pula di ajar Nabi
apabila berpuasa harus berpesta begini?
Bukan kah dengan tamar dan zamzam
begitu sunnah Nabi, sudah mencukupi!
Berpuasa itu menahan nafsu
berpuasa itu memahami saudaramu
yang kehidupan mungkin lara
ramai kelaparan dan dahaga!

Marilah kita berpuasa
bukan berpuas-puas
semoga mencapai kemenangan
terhapus dosa, meningkat keimanan!

(Jeddah - Ahad, 31 July)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Masih kah kau ingat...?

A red carpet welcome for Dato Sri Rafidah!
Bunga manggar dan kompang mengalu2 kan ketibaan.

Bersama YB Dato' Dr Zaharah.
I wonder apa khabar beliau sekarang?
Bersama M Nasir, dan YB Dato Sulaiman ,
Menteri Penerangan ketika itu yang bergusti tangan dengan
the MD of Texas Instruments Malaysia.

Mengimbas memori
satu waktu dahulu, realiti
meniti tangga koperat
daya saingan hebat
selangkah demi selangkah
tak pernah mengaku kalah!

Aku di lahirkan anak petani
namun aku di ajar menjadi berani
berbekal kasih sayang ibu
dan bapa memberi semangat jitu
di lahir kurang harta
namun di penuhi kasih bonda!

Di Texas Instruments bermula kerjaya
keringat mengalir, ilmu di timba
politik koperat menikam berbisa
 ku tepis dengan budi bicara
kepada sifu-sifu aku terhutang
jasa mu tuan2 terus ku kenang!
empat belas bilangan tahun
berbagai kisah segar serumpun
kepada kawan dan lawan jari ku susun
salah silap, ku mohon ampun!

Bermula sebagai jutera
merangkak belajar supaya pandai
setapak demi setapak mencuba
alhamdullillah, cita-cita tercapai.
Terimakasih kepada semua
yang pernah berbudi kepada saya
operator pengeluaran, juru teknik dan setiausaha
pengurus, akauntan, tidak terbalas budi mu semua
imbasan memori ini
kepada anda penghormatan di beri!

1985- Pak Pin went to Dallas, Texas

I rented an Oldsmobile! My first experience
of driving an American car, on American road
which was obviously on the 'wrong' side!

I was a young engineer with Texas Instruments when I was chosen to work on a project at the HQ, in Dallas Texas for three months.

It was my first business trip ever! The Americans had problems pronouncing my name as A-R-I-F-F-I-N, and most of them would say, A-R-A-F-A-N, so I told them what my friends called me, simply Pak Payne! A name which started in STAR during school days has traveled to Texas, and more places since then. I knew that the name Pak Pin has gone global, as far as a name is concerned, when a delegate of Ministers came to Jeddah and two chielf Ministers were looking for me by asking the other attendees for 'Pak Pin'!

That was a start of a career filled with traveling. All in all I have been to more than thirty countries on business travel alone.

I have lived a full life - a life I can say with contentment, I have been there, and done some of that too! Not bad at all for a Kampung boy!

I revisited the HQ twice after the first one, both of the later visit were when I was the H R director of the company, in mid nineties!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from STC

Friday, July 29, 2011

Di dalam kamar SJ08

Sudah lima hari Rosman terlantar di atas katil di dalam kamar SJ08, hospital swasta lima bintang itu. SJ08, ialah bilik ke-lapan untuk Sakit Jantung. Kesemuanya ada sepuloh bilik. Lagi dua kosong. Ke dua penghuni sudah pulang, tetapi bukan ke rumah masing2. Mereka pulang ke Rahmatullah. Seorang malam tadi selepas maghrib, dan se orang lagi awal pagi tadi. 
Tidak sempat mereka menyambut Ramadan tahun ini!

Jam di dinding di hujung kaki menunjukkan jam 1 tengah hari. Waktu  makan tengah hari, fikir Rosman. Begitu lah resamnya, dia terlupa hari itu untuk ke Mesjid menunaikan fardhu Jumaat. Sebaliknya waktu-waktu begini Rosman mengambil peluang bertemu Laily, kekasih gelapnya. Waktu rehat tengah hari yang panjang, memberi ruang untuk kedua mereka menyelinap ke studio apartment berhampiran Mid Valley. Studio apartment yang di sewa khas oleh Rosman untuk tujuan mereka memadu kasih haram. Rosman dan Laily, dua pasangan yang sudah berkahwin tetapi bukan suamii isteri. Suhaila isteri kepada pegawai pemasaran di syarikat kepunyaan Rosman. Seorang pegawai yang sering di hantar untuk mencari pelanggan di seberang laut!

Sejak lima hari terlantar, Laily hanya datang sekali menziarahnya. "Takutlah nanti ter serempak dengan bini awak tu!" Jawap Laily apabila Rosman bertanya kenapa dia tidak datang!

Isterinya Suraya, menggunakan setiap waktu terluang datang ke sisi suaminya. 
"Tak perlu lah datang selalu sangat!" Kata Rosman, ada udang di sebalik batu!
"Kenapa pulak. Saya risau lah tengok abang ni. Nanti dah baik, berhenti lah merokok tu!" Jawap Suraya.

Setahu Suraya, satu2 nya tabiat buruk suaminya ialah merokok. Itu saja yang dia tahu. Jika lah dia tahu apa yang dia tidak tahu, mungkin masa itu juga dia pengsan! 

"Bila kita mula berpuasa?" Tanya Rosman lagi, apabila Suraya mendiamkan diri memerhati skrin Holter
yang mempamirkan degup jantung di sisi katil.

"Mungkin Isnin!" jawap Suraya. Selama ini Rosman tidak pernah berpuasa, semoga dengan kejutan serangan jantung ini dia insaf, doa Suraya di dalam hati.

Suraya minta izin untuk pulang, kerana terpaksa memandukan anak lelaki mereka ke Mesjid untuk Solat Jumaat. Sudah begitu lazimnya tugas nya. Didikan ugama anak tunggal mereka, Imran, tidak di abaikan.

"Mama, kenapa abah tak solat?" Pernah Imran yang berusia tujuh tahun itu bertanya.

Terkedu Suraya mendengar pertanyaan itu. Pada malamnya, ketika mula melayari bahtera asmara, ketika Rosman membelai rambutnya, Suraya berbisik  memberitahu Rosman mengenai pertanyaan Imran tadi. Terus bertukar mood romantik di kamar tidur mereka. Rosman bingkas, mengenakan kembali kain pelikat, dan keluar dari bilik. Suraya juga bangun, dan mencari baju tidur yang sudah tercampak ke lantai. Tergendala adegan asmara mereka gejala satu pertanyaan yang di tanya di salah masa dan di salah tempat.

Sejak itu, Suraya memainkan peranan sebagi pendidik ugama kepada anak mereka, tanpa lagi mengharapkan lagi  sumbangan dari Rosman. Sudah berbuih mulut meminta, dan memujuk lebih baiklah biarkan saja dari asyek bergaduh kerana it! Begitulah mengadu Suraya kepada kawan rapatnya di pejabat.

Setelah Suraya meninggalkan nya, Rosman terus mencapai telefon bimbit dan mendial kan nombor Laily
"Sila tinggal pesan, I will call back as soon as I can!" Kata perakam suara dari telefon Laily.

Satu perasaan yang tidak pernah muncul sebelum ini datang mencuit hatinya. Cemburu dan prasangka.
Dia mula cemburukan Laily. Meragui di mana kekasih gelap nya itu berada? Dengan siapa?

Dia menalifon suami Laily.

"Shukri di sini!" Jawap Pegawai pemasaran itu.
"Shukri, ini Rosman. How are you? is every thing okey!"
"Yes, every thing okey Encik Rosman. Saya di Singapore bertemu client!" Kata Shukri.
"Bagus lah kalau begitu...see you when you come back then" Kata Rosman dan menutup telefon.
Rosman ingin bertanya mengenai Laily, tetapi terpaksa di batalkan niat itu. Tidak ada sebab untuk bertanya dengan tiba-tiba.

Perasaan cemburu dan prasangka terhadap Laily membuak2. Mungkin kah dia dengan lelaki lain? Memang itu lah yang di lakukan Laily setiap kali Shukri outstation, Laily mencari nya. Kali ini dia terlantar sakit, siapa pula sebagai pengganti?

Tidak pernah sekali pun dia merasa cemburu atau ber prasangka begitu terhadap Suraya.

Terasa sakit di dadanya. Nafas nya sesak. Dia menoleh ke arah skrin Holter. Degup jantungnya, turun naik tanpa rentak. Tercungap2 Rosman mencari nafas.

Wajah anaknya Imran menerpa di mata. Soalan yang pernah di bisikkan isterinya di satu malam dulu, "Kenapa abah tidak solat?" bergema!
Wajah Suraya yang sering bagai menyembunyikan perasaan di hati menjelma dengan tiba-tiba. Tangisan tanpa air mata seorang isteri yang cuba memahami suami dan  bapa yang masih belum bersedia menjalankan tanggung jawap dengan sempurna walaupun berpangkat tinggi dan mampu mengendalikan syarikat besar.

Wajah Laily dan wajah Shukri datang serempak menari-nari di depan matanya. Semakin sesak nafas. Dadanya bagai di tindih, berat dan padat. Tiba-tiba siren berbunyi dan jururawat bertugas bergegas masuk. Beberapa saat kemudian datang pula Doktor pakar Sakit Jantung.

"Cardiac arrest!" Doktor terus memberi arahan kepada Jururawat, "Apply Electrical shock!"


Rosman mendengar suara isterinya membaca Al Quran di sisinya. Namun masih belum boleh membuka matanya. Kesan ubat yang di beri Doktor supaya dia tidor untuk menenangkan perasaan dan jantungnya masih berkuasa.

Rosman memerah segala tenaga untuk mengukir senyuman apabila dia dapat merasai tangan Suraya menggenggam tangannya.
Senyuman Rosman membuat Suraya berhenti membaca, dan tunduk untuk mengucup dahi suaminya.
"Saya sayang abang, bersyukur abang selamat" bisik Suraya.
Rosman tidak menjawap. Airmata bergenang di kelopak matanya. Bibirnya bergerak-gerak. Suraya mendekatkan pipinya ke mulut Rosman untuk mendengar apa yang ingin di katakan.
"Abang, minta maaf..." Bisik Rosman perlahan, sekali gus airmata meleleh ke pipinya.

Ketika itu juga Shukri memberi salam. Dia berhenti sejenak di pintu, seolah-olah meminta izin untuk masok.

Beberapa saat kemudian Shukri berjalan menghampiri Rosman, bos nya, yang juga kekasih gelap isterinya sendiri yang tidak di kenalinya selama ini.

"Assalamualaikum Tuan, alhamdullillah tuan selamat!" Kata Shukri.

"Dia masih belum cukup pulih lagi...tapi dia boleh dengar" Jawap Suraya. Kemudian menyambung, "Encik Shukri apa khabar, Laily juga apa khabar?"

"Saya sihat...alhamdullillah. Laily...ermmm...puan tak tahu ka?" Jawap Shukri.

"Tahu apa?" Tanya Suraya.

"Dia tu di tangkap basah dua malam lepas dengan Mamat Hitam dari Afrika !" Jawap Shukri, bernada marah.

Tiba-tiba siren berbunyi! Jururawat bergegas masok ke kamar SJ08. Dia meminta Suraya dan Shukri untuk keluar. Doktor menyusul beberapa saat kemudian.

Di luar kamar, Suraya memekup muka menangis di atas sofa di ruang menunggu. Shukri terus ke bawah mencari ruang menghisap rokok. Resah dan rasa bersalah kerana meninggikan suara tadi di sisi Rosman.


Doktor keluar dari kamar SJ08, sugul. Dia menghampiri Suraya, yang terus menangis teresak-esak.
"Sabar lah puan, Allah lebih menyayangi suami puan" Kata Doktor.

Suraya bangun dan berlari ke kamar SJ08. Di dalam dia terus memeluk sekujur tubuh Rosman.
 "Saya maaf kan abang...saya maaf kan!" bisik nya berulang kali.


Moral of the story: What goes around comes around. Wanita yang berlaku jahat dengan kamu, akan terus berlaku jahat juga dengan orang lain. Isteri seperti Suraya sering tidak di sanjung kerana kurang 'excitement' tetapi terlebih excitement can kill too ~!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Menjelang Ramadan...semoga ibadah kita di terima Allah~!

Saya hairan!

Sewaktu di Malaysia baru2 ini, banyaknya kain rentang mengiklankan 'Juadah berbuka puasa' dengan berbagai pakej dan promosi di hotel2 ~! Waktu itu, umat Islam sepatutnya di ingatkan dengan rukun2 dan hikmah2 berpuasa. Minda anak-anak seharusnya di dedahkan dengan sunah2 Rasul ketika berpuasa, ketika berbuka puasa, dan juga ibadah sebelah malam! Bukan nya di celarukan minda anak2 dengan berbagai juada di menu yang belum tentu ibu bapa mereka mampu membawa mereka merasai!

Lalu sebagai sumbangan kecil...di blog ini saya kongsikan pautan kepada beberapa tulisan Dr MAZA mengenai

1. Hukum2 berbuka puasa sebagai musafir - di sini
2. Penjelasan mengenai solat Terawih - di sini
3. Sahur dan hukum2 berkaitan - di sini
4. Adab2 berbuka secara Sunnah - di sini

Saya mengucapkan selamat berpuasa, dan semoga puasa dan ibadah kita di bulan mulia Ramadan ini di terima Allah!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Seen on Arab News!

Mengenai kartun.
Kesian kat anak!
Belum pun faham apa erti divorce sudah di ganggu emosi dengan keruntuhan rumah tangga ibu bapa!

Mengenai tajuk berita d bawah kartun.
Membuat saya teringat kepada tanah air tercinta!

Monkey Business...

Monkeying around is okey, as long as no one gets hurt~! . . . . .

Hawau punye Monyet~! hahaha

 .. . .

Friends with benefit? boleh taken for a ride gitu... .

Sunday, July 24, 2011

An Orange is just an orange, until...

An orange is just an orange, until you see a Sunkist~! That is the power of branding. Seeing a Sunkist little blue sticker gives us the confidence to pick up that particular orange, and not just any oranges. Before we pay for it at the check out counter, we already can smell it, and taste it in our mouth, simply by seeing that blue sticker.
The brand promises us a certain type of taste, and a cetrain type of quality.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Friendship too has to be tested...~!

At the Jarir Mall Coffee Bean this morning - For Breakfast.
(Somebody took my photo, so I wasn't alone...hahaha~!)
The advance of social network has brought a new meaning to friendship. We now have such terms as FB friends, Blog-sphere friends and Cyber friends.

Let me take you back momentarily to those days when the word 'internet' was probably marked as a wrong spelling by teachers.
Then, friendship was limited to people we met at work, at places we studied, neighbours, and the more adventurous amongst us would have had pen-pal friends and friends in girls schools whose registration numbers match with ours. Gosh, going back this particular memory lane brought me to a particular girl in STF; pony tailed, oval faced, round eyed, Colgate-smile, and her MCE registration number was the same as mine! We exchanged letters, swapped exams questions and a few personal details, and of course I received that one photograph of hers for which I fell in love instantly. That deep impulsive love was what ended  our friendship! Who would blamed her! I asked her to marry me. Since we were both in form five and about to face the MCE exams, she concluded that I was mad and emotionally unstable. She might have been right, but it had left a life-long cut on me. Ever since, until I met my wife, I kept asking every girl who smiled at me to marry me.
But, I digressed.

The point I wanted to make was, in the old days, we got to know the person first then only friendship blossomed.
In other words, we would have gone through the 'Chemistry test', the 'Trust-worthiness test', the 'Argument-and-make up test' before seeds of friendship were sown. These friends, proven over time, they have the tolerance and endurance. Little hiccups didn't bother them. Big differences brought them closer together, and huge arguments resulted in tearful sessions of forgiving and seeking for forgiveness.

Now back to the present, and to the days when we embrace friendship through interactions in the cyber world. Where pictures, words, and self-created persona are the media for others to know, judge and decide whether too befriend or not. Many friendship start hastily, and end equally abruptly. The are no time for any level of 'Chemistry test', no real opportunities for 'Storming and Norming', as any good management book would recommend as a necessary step in starting a relationship!

Little wonder, therefore, many of friendships which endure over time are friends we have met and made through the 'Real world'!

Unfortunately, even 'Cyber initiated friendship' involved 'Real persons and real feelings' which therefore in my view deserved  real respect. This was the only point which prompted me to think about writing this piece while having breakfast at the Coffee Bean this morning~!
Thank you for bearing with me while I digressed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pak Zawi's work of art on my walls!

Ayam jantan ~!


Dua lukisan bunga - sesuai untuk bilik anak gadis~!

Terjuntai menawan ~!

Lima dari lukisan Pak Zawi menghiasi dinding rumah saya!
Banyak lagi, tetapi untuk tatapan d lain hari pula.
My favourite is the Ayam Jantan!
I am sure, one day these painting will be worth thousands of ringgit! For now, I will be happy to accept any offer higher than  RM2500 for any of them, or RM11,500 for all five. All the proceeds will go to charity! (The money will used towards buying furnitures for the project rumah anak yatim yang saya sedang usahakan d Kelantan).

The paintings are in Kuala Lumpur, and will be delivered to any part of Malaysia at our cost.

Pak Zawi, I hope you will be happy too if there are generous people out there who wish to contribute towards a charitable deed, and at the same time own these work of art by you!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from STC

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Gone very green in my absence!

When we were leaving for our vacation on June 28, we instructed to water our lemon grass and banana plants.

I came home last night to a very green patch of wild grass surrounding our lemon grass and providing company to our two banana seedlings.

Wow! Now I anxiously await my next water bill. I wonder how much water he had used to turn my little dry patch into an oasis.
I also wonder, if this is related to the invoice I received from him today of SAR199 for the repair of a burnt water pump!

Our water pump was burnt when there was no one at home!

He tendered resignation today!
And, this too left me wondering why?

The indoor plants were kept healthy too.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from STC

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ready to fly!

I am ready to fly, but not ready to leave.
I have had a whirlwind two weeks of days away from the office. Everything I planned to do, done! All the food I wanted to eat, eaten! People I wish to meet, with exception of a few,I have met!
Thank you to everyone who have made my time in Malaysia a happy one.
To my family, soon I will be back, until then stay happy! Banyak tu preparation kena buat for the wedding and for the new house!
Bye, maaf zahir batin jika ada salah dan silap!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from STC


Satu tindakan bahaya dari seorang bapa!
Kata orang malang tak berbau...tapi jika cuai dan alpa, kemalangan seperti sengaja d cari!
Picture taken at 1255pm today on Genting Klang road. What was even worse, the motorcyclist went through a red traffic light!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from STC

Friday, July 15, 2011

The world of work~!

Picture taken from HERE
Thank you my FRIENDS ~!
The world will continue to go round. For many, work, remain at the center of their Universe. Easily justified to please those around them, that they dedicate their lives to their job for the sake of their  their loved ones~!

Late tonight I find myself in a situation where the demands of my work conflict directly with the rhythm of my heart beats. In 12 hours I will be leaving home for KLIA. Destination? Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Work, and its demands await me there. I know they are because everyday during my vacation I have been reading and replying to emails from my Blackberry. Work has been my ghostly companion for the last two weeks! 

My family will be staying on in KL until after the Hari Raya. This time, unlike previous summers, there are significant milestones in our family history. Amirul will be enrolling into a college in Malaysia, thus leaving our troop of five which has been expatriating from city to city since year 2000. 

Adlil will be getting married! Thus, officially graduating from being one of the  cabin crews to being a captain of his own jet! 

Preparations for both Amirul's and Adlil's next phase of their respective life will be made in my absence! Somehow, that does not feel right!

Add to those two, yesterday I purchased a new house for the family and I have set a target to move in before December 1st, in time for Adlil's wedding reception~! Renovations, installations, decorations,  furnishing of the new home and finally the relocation, will also be done in my absence!

My heart aches at the thought of leaving tomorrow! I want to be here planning and executing the changes. 

Work wins, and as heavy as it feels, I will be pulling my trolley bag through the immigration gate tomorrow! And I hate the very idea that I am not able to say, for once,  that my family and not work is at the center of my Universe. 

Unlike before, tonight my own justification to myself that I work in order to provide the best I could for my family sounds hollow. Even if I am able to buy for them a new and bigger house. Perhaps, because when I inform them I have purchased the house - they asked a common question and almost in unison, "Why? What is wrong with this one - we like it here~!"

Is it possible that my definition of what is best for my family comes out different from theirs?

To be the master of our own destiny, to be able to choose what we want to do, and able to be where  wish wish to be, that surely is the reward for being successful~! Until then, we are all slaves in our world of work~!

I have nine hours of flying time tomorrow and I plan to do some more reflections about the world of work versus what really are at the center of my world! 

Morning Coffee!

We woke up to the sound of falling rain. I was so tempted to curl up for an extended snooze. An appointment at 10am at Mid Valley with someone from a bank motivated me enough to kick off the blanket and walked myself into a hot shower.

After an LRT ride from Melati to Bangsar, and a short travel by taxi we arrived at the Mid Valley on time for the appointment. Miss Amira got there on time too despite a call from her earlier to say she might be late due to the rain.

Her puntuallity made a positive impression! A good start.
As soon we started our discussion, it was obvious that she was prepared, and knew exactly what information she wanted from me. Another very positive point.

Despite her young age, she was professional and confident. I was impressed.

That summarized my positive impression of her. Both my wife and I had good vibes about her and really wanted to give her the opportunity of arranging the loan to finance our recent property purchase.

She only indulged into a more personal conversation after all the formalities have been completed. This being another good tip for any rookies out there - to always remember that the appointment was a business and not a social appointment. Therefore, get into business mindset. Personal conversation was at the discretion of the clients.

After ending the meeting on a positive note, my wife and I wandered off looking for a pair of shoes for her. It was while we were in Lewre shoe outlet that Mamasita arrived for our second coffee meeting in the morning.

Unlike the first, our meeting with Mamasita was purely social in nature. Mamasita was full of enthusiasm, and shared with us her plan to go for a second Umrah trip at the end of July.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

This carpet needs a new home!

I bought this carpet in Tehran, from a shop recommended to me by an Iranian friend. It is a trusted shop, selling genuine carpets. It measures 85cm by 150cm.

The carpet was slightly more than 50years old when I purchased it in 2006 which makes it at least 55 years old today.

It is made of silk and wool, and of course hand crafted.

If you are into collecting carpets, then this piece is worthy of your considerations.

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Yang palsu dan yang original ~!

1. Perabut 

Barang2 palsu nampak seperti orginal. Harga pulak jauh lebih murah. Sekali pandang susah nak bedzakan mana yang palsu dan mana yang ori.

Semalam saya masok kedai perabut. Penjaga kedai orang berbangsa Bangladesh fasih berbahasa Melayu. Saya memilih katil, tilam, set meja makan, sofa, dan sofa bed. Setelah negotiation harga, saya berpuas hati, harga bagus. Saya berkali2 tanya, jawapannya serupa, "Made in Malaysia!"
Sebelum membuat pembayaran saya called anak lelaki saya untuk mengesahkan samada katil yang saya pilih itu memenuhi citarasanya. Setelah memberitahu saya d kedai perabut, dan lokasinya, anak saya berkata, "Ayah jangan beli d situ - barang dari Cina, tak ada warranty dan senang rosak!"

Terkejut saya. Tetapi memadai untuk saya membuat pengesahan sekali lagi. Kali ini, saya dapat tahu dengan pasti, memang barang2 tadi dari Cina dan bukan buatan Malaysia seperti yang di beritahu kepada saya saya sebelumnya.

Transaction cancelled!

Seterusnya saya menunggu ketibaan anak dan isteri sebelum pergi ke kedai perabut milik Melayu yang menjual barang2 tulen dari Malaysia. 

2. Manusia

Dalam dua minggu ni saya berurusan dengan ramai manusia - untuk urusan hartanah, pemeriksaan kesihatan diri sendiri, pinjaman bank, insurance, dan sebagainya. 

Ramai yang genuine! Bukan setakat genuine intention tetapi juga professional dalam berurusan. Saya anggap orang2 ini insan hebat! Contohnya, nurses yang merawat dan membuat terapi Ozone ke atas diri saya semalam, mesra dan professional! The real estate agent, Puan Zaha, sungguh cekap, mesra, customer service minded, dan profesional! Saya rekomen beliau kepada sesiapa saja yang ada kepentingan membeli atau menjual rumah terutama d kawasan Shah Alam!

Tetapi ada juga saya bertemu manusia yang berpura2 dan ada muslihat di dalam berurusan. Ada juga yang genuine in intention tetapi tidak professional dalam implementtaion. Saya cuba jauhi insan2 begini, kerana saya anggap mereka membuang masa saya, dan mendekatkan saya kepada dosa, samaada dosa hati yang berprasangka, dosa mulut yang menyumpah dan mengumpat, atau dosa2 perbuatan~!

Hanya segelintir dari insan2 yang saya berurusan saya kekalkan untuk jangka masa panjang. Mereka ini saya anggap sebagai partners yang saya percayai untuk kepentingan bersama. And of course - setiap insan yang berurusan dengan saya juga mempunyai hak yang sama, untuk menilai saya. Semoga setiap urusan dunia kita menjadi bekal yang baik untuk urusan ahirat nanti, inshAAllah.

Bantal tak busuk!

I have already paid for our furniture purchases, when Aishah came across an odd looking pillow on display.

Her interest encouraged the sales person to explain all the scientific and medical reasons why we should use only such pillows!

The price printed on the box was RM388, which seems very high for a pillow, even if it has an odd shape!

Upon arriving home I was anxious to try my new pillow! I was sceptical to put it mildly, but bought one for myself anyway on the persuasion of the sales man.
"It can help to reduce your snoring!" He said, ever so politely and almost apologetically after I reminded him that it was not nice of him to assume that I snore!

After placing my tired neck on it for a good night sleep, I have turned into an advocate! The pillow was worth every cents of the RM200 we paid for each of them after a discount.

Both Aishah and I will be packing these odd shape pillows into our suitcases and bring back to Saudi!
They are that good.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Layanan TIDAK mesra d Kuala Lipis!

We were passing through K Lipis on the way back to KL when I decided to stop for lunch and also Jamak Qasar prayer of Zuhur and Asar.

We drove into the town and found a row of food stalls operated by Melayu. We approached the stalls, and to my surprise none of the owners smiled. In fact they were frowning and gave us the impression we were intruding! That prompted me to check my shirt - not even yellow or green with a white circle in the middle~! So why the angry faces??

We chose one of the gerai where the owner was busy memotong cili kering, and occupied two tables. Upon seeing a young man at the next table having ice kacang, Luqman asked for the same.

"Sini tak de ice kacang. Itu gerai sebelah!" Retorted one of the pelayan who was attending to us.
I was shocked and unhappy with the reply.

"Boleh order dari sebelah?" I asked.

"Tak boleh, meja sini kena order dari sini!" Said she.

I looked towards the owner who was so engrossed with her memotong cili kering! She looked at me, blank face, not even a shrug of the shoulder. OMG, these people have no emotion what-so-ever!

Aishah asked for mineral water.
"Baru habis. Orderlah air buah, ada!" She said.

I gestured to Aishah to get up and leave. What rotten attitude I thought.
We did walked out, and walked into another one about 3 stalls away so as to avoid any uneasy situation.

The owner was herself having lunch.
"Makan lah dulu, saya habis makan boleh order air!" She said.

Errrr. Aishah and I looked at each other.
"Apa pasal teruk sangat!" I said softly. Only meant for Aishah.

Oh no, the lady owner who was having lunch overheard. She blurted, "Dah kalau teruk, pergi makan kat tempat lain!"

We left. I lost my appetite. Fortunately, not my temper. However, I also lost any regards I had for those bunch of food stall operators at that particular place in Kuala Lipis!

I should have taken some pictures! But I was too pissed off to think about capturing their "muka masam" on camera!

Oh well...we decided to go hungry and wait for the next stop!

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Bertemu Pak Zawi!

Hidangan penuh meja...mujur pinggan nasi tak terjatuh~! Alhamdullillah, rezki kami
menjamu selera d rumah Pak Zawi~!
Menerima hadiah sebuah lukisan - Terima Kasih Pak Zawi~! Semoga Allah jua yang membalas
dengan bertambah rezki dan sihat bahagia di samping isteri ~!

Dengan izin Allah, tiba saya dan keluarga ke rumah Pak Zawi, a friend whom I met in the blogsphere.

This is our second meeting, after our first, two years ago d restoren ayam percik d Kota Baru.

Pak Zawi dengan trademark layanan mesranya, datang menjemput kami dari jalan utama untuk memandu ke kediaman beliau.

Makanan panas baru di masak oleh beliau dan isteri di hidang, memenuhi meja makan. Dua piring budu bertempoyak kami keringkan...ikan siakap tiga rasa special, sambal kerang petai, di antara menu special.

Pak Zawi yang melukis sebagai hobi, dan juga memenuhi permintaan rakan2, menghadiahkan sebuah lukisan beliau bertemakan 'sawah padi!'

Sungguh cantik lukisan sawah padi sedang masak ranum. Terimakasih Pak Zawi! Yang pasti, lukisan ini akan menghiasi dinding d rumah kami.

Terimakasih d atas layanan mesra tuan dan isteri!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Semoga damai Roh ibu dan bapa d Syurga!

August 2002.

Aku pulang dari Singapore dengan serta merta setelah mendapat berita ibu sakit tenat. Hari itu hari Isnin. Baru semalam aku meninggalkan ibu, dan berbual2 dengannya.

D antara kata ibu yang sentiasa menjadi kenangan hingga kini, "Pin pergi lah ke Mekah, buat haji. Dah macam2 Allah bagi rezki dan rahmat"
Petang Ahad itu aku berjanji dengan ibu, "Ya mak saya berjanji akan ke Mekah, Inshaallah"
Senyuman ibu, begitu manis dan bersih, meresapi terus ke kalbuku.

Aku terkejut menerima berita ibu tenat. Jam 12 tengah hari aku sudah tiba. Hancur luluh hati ku ketika tiba dan melihat ramai saudara mara berkumpul.

Ibu telah pergi. Rupa2nya perbualan aku sehari sebelum itu merupakan perbualan terahir. Senyuman ibu semalam, hadiahnya yang terahir buat ku, menjadi kenangan dan pengubat rindu.

Feb 2003.

Aku menunaikan janji ku kepada ibu, dan selamat mengerjakan Fardu Haji.
D situlah bermulanya penghijrahan aku ke Saudi.
Selesai fardu Haji aku berdoa untuk dapat bertugas dan terus tinggal d Mekah.

Alhamdullillah, Allah telah kabulkan doa ku, dan tentunya doa ibu!

July 2011.

Aku bersyukur dengan semua rahmat Allah. Kasih sayang ibu yang tak jemu2 mengingatkan aku dan berdoa supaya aku mendekati Allah.

Hari ini aku bertemu dengan pihak sekolah ugama berdekatan dengan rumah arwah ibu dan menyerahkan sebuah rumah yang kami bina d tapak rumah peninggalan ibu, supaya d jadikan asrama buat pelajar2 yatim dan miskin.

Peninggalan secara percuma, dan kami akan menanggung perbelanjaan bil air dan letrik.

Asrama yang d bina boleh menempatkan 25 pelajar secara selesa, dan seorang warden untuk tinggal bersama.

Sekolah tersebut ada 800 pelajar dan 500 merupakan pelajar perempuan. Olih itu pihak sekolah akan menempatkan pelajar perempuan.

Aku bersyukur kerana semua kakak2 aku bersepakat dengan usaha ini. Isteri aku juga turut menyumbang.


"Jika mak tahu dia tentu gembira" aku berbisik Kepada kakak ku.
Lantas kakak aku menjawap, "Allah tahu, niat kita baik dan ihlas, semoga Allah tempatkan mak dan ayah kita bersama para solihin"

"Ameeeen!" Aku mengalihkan pandangan keluar kereta menyembunyikan air mata yang bergenang.
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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Adlil Hafiz dan Rosliza

Salah satu mercu tanda kebahagiaan hidup berkeluarga, apabila anak2 menjadi penyambung warisan, mereka berumah tangga dan memulakan pula keluarga mereka sendiri.

Sebagai seorang ayah, saya paling gembira hari ini dengan sempurnanya majlis menghantar tanda dan menyarungkan cincin ke jari manis bakal menantu pertama.

Anak sulung kami, Adlil Hafiz dengan resminya menzahirkan hasrat mengambil Rosliza sebagai isteri.

Keluarga Rosliza menetap d Raub Pahang. Kami tiba d rumah bakal besan tepat jam dua petang seperti d janjikan.

Ketibaan kami d sambut mesra, dan terus d hidang makan tengah hari. Salah satu lauk paling special  ia lah rendang daging burung besar hasil pemburuan Tuan Jasmi, ayah kepada Rosliza. Alhamdullillah!

Dalam ucapan ringkas aku mengucap syukur ke hadrat Illahi kerana dengan izin dan limpah rahmatNya, kami dapat mengunjungi keluarga Rosliza, dan memulakan pertautan Silaratulrahim d antara kedua keluarga. Aku juga mendoakan ada jodoh mereka, dan kekal bahagia ke ahir hayat.

Sebagai ayah dan juga bagi pihak isteri, aku menyebut juga hasrat kami untuk mempermudahkan urusan duniawi agar matlamat anak2 untuk hidup bersama dapat d percepatkan demi menjaga kepentingan ugama dan keimanan kita semua dan terhindar dari fitnah dunia!

Syukur alhamdullillah, hasrat itu d sambut baik oleh pihak perempuan. Kami bersetuju untuk mengadakan majlis akad nikah dalam masa terdekat, dan upacara majlis perkahwinan meraikan mempelai akan d adakan bulan Disember nanti!

Semoga Adlil Hafiz dan Rosliza akan berbahagia!

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Friday, July 8, 2011

A chance meeting with Dr Ishak!

Dr Ishak Mas'ud, the founder and principle of the Hospital Al Islam specialist center in Kg Baru, is an old friend from school.

I met him today, in his office at the hospital, firstly as his patient, but more fondly as a reunion of two old friends. 

He is as humble today as he was more than 30 years ago in school, despite his successes and being the founder of the hospital which now employs 200 staff and provides 60 beds for in-patients.

He charges lower than the market rate.
" My small contribution to society, especially those who can't afford!" Shyly, he answered my question as to why his rate is lower.
While waiting for my turn for treatment, I proudly told the guy next to me, "Itu doktor kawan sekolah saya - dia memang pandai sejak sekolah dan memang baik hati!"

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Brunch Nasi Lemak d kediaman Hj Mansor!

Dulu2 waktu d STAR, Hj Mansor d kenali sebagai Chot. Dia sportman, bermain rugby hingga peringkat negeri, pelumba lari handalan, johan negeri dalam permainan hoki!

Baru2 ini beliau ke Mekah dan sempat bekunjung ke rumah kami d Jedah.

Hari ini kami menerima jemputan untuk Brunch d kediaman beliau. Meja makan meriah dengan makanan masakan isteri beliau.

Alhamdullillah, semoga pertemuan kami d berkati Allah dan rezki dan kesihatan beliau dan keluarga bertambah.

Terima kasih!
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Congrats Amirul ~!

Picture of Amirul at the Underwater World, Sentosa Island~!
Amirul scored 39 out of possible 45 for his IB final exams. Awesome! Congratulations Amirul~!
All of us are very proud of you.

MyHabitat is ready for occupancy...

Upon arrival from Singapore today, we went straigh to Mid Valley to purchase beddings and other items for the MyHabitat homestay condominium!

Each unit come fully furnished with two bedrooms; one with a Queen size bed and another has a single bed. Beddings and towels are provided.

There are options for cooking up a simple meal, and to make your own coffee and tea.

A flat screen TV is also available.

We welcome enquiries and reservations from now.

Available for daily, weekly or monthly stay.

Location: Next to the Hilton Tree hotel, jalan Tun Razak / Jalan Ampang inter-section.

Please call: 0102266077 ( Adlil Hafiz ) for all enquiries.
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End of Singapore rendevouz!

I asked my children, "What did you enjoy the most during this trip?"

Luqman: The 4D magic movie!
Amirul: The Battle Star Gallactica roller coaster was awesome!
Faziz: The Revenge of the Mummy roller coaster and the water rides!
Zeti: To get away from office for a few days, hahahaha!
Adlil: Being all dizzy and wobbly after the roller coaster, memorable for the wrong reason!

For me, a trip down the memory lanes, of a time we have lived here from 2000 to 2004 was sweet and nostalgic. Looking for our favorite Nasi Padang restaurant on Zion road, walking down the Orchard road, passing by my old office at the UE square on Clemenceau avenue, visiting the Mount Elizabeth Tower where we once called home - made this trip felt special.

Singaporeans are friendly without being intrusive, and for that I like them a lot!

I wrote this at the departure hall, waiting for our Air Asia flight back to KL. Malaysia, for all of its faults, is still a home sweet home for me, and I will not trade that for anywhere else in the world.

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Singapore taxis...

Ever since my first visit to Singapore in late eighties until now, Singapore have managed to keep their taxis clinically clean and smelling lemon fresh!

Their taxis are always spacious with stretching leg rooms and ample luggage space.

The drivers tend to be polite, smartly dressed, and their male drivers are well groomed while their female drivers maintained their feminity.

The driver's name along with the journey start time are displayed on the meter.

I urge our Malaysian taxi associations to learn from and emulate their Singapore counterparts.

Perhaps the Government should intervene too. Afterall, in most cases the first impressions of the tourists and visitors are made by the taxi drivers and their vehicles!

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Universal Studio - the one that got away!

After spending eight hours at the Universal studio toay, and also SGP500 on tickets and another SGP500 on merchandisers, not including food and beverages - I could not helped but to think, this theme park and international tourist attraction by Resort World should have been built in Malaysia instead of Singapore!

Perhaps, instead of the Sepang F1, something like the Universal studio would have been a better business proposition!

In my estimate, there are no less than 2000 full time and part time jobs, thriving side industries such as hospitality services, public transport, and tour group operators. All of which are much needed in Malaysia!

Judging by the queues at each of the attraction, the Universal studio even on a weekday like today is attracting visitors in the tens of thousands!

For memorable experiences, the visitors are ever so willing to spend money! All these exchanges of cash are good for the economy of the country!

For my family and I, we had a blast of a time! Hot and sweaty, tired, but had fun.

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Universal Studio...

Today is a Universal Studio day.

We arrived at 9am, a full hour before the opening time. Ample time to find our favorite Nasi Lemak on the island, at the Costa Beach Resort! A must try for all Melayu visitors to Sentosa.

The excitement is building up...! We liked the 4D movie, The Extreme Log Ride a lot, so we will be making our second visit in 3 days for a screaming adrenalin rush!

A Casino shares the same entrance to the Universal studio. Foreigners enter the Casino for free, but Singaporeans have to pay SGP100
per entry which is valid for 24hours. I took a peep inside to satisfy my curiosity. Huge halls, filled with slot machines and gambling tables, and of course gamblers, mostly staying on from the night before perhaps trying to win back what they have lost!
About 98 percents of the patrons are Chinese, from don't know where. To my discovery, there are only a handful of Malays, and a couple of Arabs.

Oh, foreigners must show passports to enter. I didn't bring my passport but was allowed in for a quick tour by the guy at the entrance!

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Halal food on Zion Road, Singapore!

Halal Restaurants in Singapore are hidden treasures. Especially if you are within the CBD (Central Business District).
Luckily for us we have lived here before and still have vague ideas where to find our favorite  Nasi Padang!

Today, we searched our way to Zion Street opposite the Great World Mall, looking for the Nasi Padang restaurant. It was closed.

Fortunately, next door we found a new Halal restaurant, looking clean and the menu appetizing and reasonably priced!seven of us had our choice drinks, main dish and a desert from the menu and the bill came to only sgp65.00.!

After having our fill with delicious mee mamak, nasik lemak, nasi kari ayam, and nasi goreng, we are confident enough to recommend this outlet to anyone looking for Halal Food in Singapore!

It is open 24 hours!

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Jalan2 d Singapore...

As tourists, we put on our slippers, shorts, and jalan2 d Singapore menaiki bus!

I am most impressed with the punctuality, cleaniness, and efficiency of the public transportation system.

With one ez card, you just need to touch a sensor as you board a bus and touch again when u exit. The correct fare is then deducted from ur ez card balance!

So easy.

I also did some banking errands this morning - closing my bank accounts which were opened when i was working in Singapore.
Again, i received golden services!

Singapore, a safe, clean, and efficient city, with golden customer service!

Tomorrow we will be going to the Universal studio.

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time
I was young, footloose and carefree
I live a life I wannabe!
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