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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What is it about 'The Doctor in the House?'

I have asked one of my friends who is going back to Malaysia for a vacation to buy and help bring for me a copy of Tun M's memoir, the 'Doctor in the house' ! I would not have been aware of this book if not for the noises made by supporters and detractors in the blog-sphere. There are enough reviews in various blogs that I feel like I have read the whole book before I can hold one in my hand.

An icon of an era -
both the Structure and the Man!
Tun M has been and will always be the Tun; respected, feared, admired, emulated, applauded, ridiculed, and choose any adjectives of your choice and it will fit! He has done for Malaysia and Malaysians more than any Malaysians alive even capable of dreaming of. He has elevated the stature and supremacy of the nation higher than the highest point of the KL tower. He has also failed. In my view his biggest failure is in not preparing a successor worthy of carrying forward the National Vision, and worse perhaps, there is no successor who is capable of carrying forward the Malaysians' Aspirations. While he has opened our mind, and given us the confidence and the ambition, he failed to ensure continuity and sustainability. 

Tun Abdullah failed. But it is Tun M who should be held accountable for the failure of the Government immediately after his era. A leader of 22 years, with all of his influence and power to select and groom any person he wished to be his successor, in this regards he failed. No excuses, no BUTS, and no IFs. A leader's legacy is only as strong as the successor he puts in placed.

I was and still is an admirer of Tun M. Being a Malaysian living in the Middle East, I am constantly reminded of his achievements and international standing. Whenever I mention I am Malaysian in the Middle East, the Arabs put their thumbs up and almost always will say, 'Malaysia Bagus! Mahathir Bagus!"
But, at the same time, I am disappointed. Perhaps the Human Resources person in me makes me judge him in comparison to the great leaders of the corporate world. Jack Welch, when he left G E, left behind strong contenders as his successors; anyone of whom capable of taking G E forward to greater heights. In the Corporate world, Succession Planning is one of if not THE MOST important task of a CEO. Still not many does it well. The 35% which does will have a positive influence on investors' confidence, definitely.

"According to the Korn/Ferry Executive Survey, nearly all companies — 98% — regard CEO succession planning as an important piece of the overall corporate governance process. Yet, only 35% of respondents are prepared for either the unexpected or planned departure of their CEO." Source HERE.

I look forward to receive my copy of Tun's Memoirs. I wish to read for myself all the points he has made which are said to be lies after lies; some call him a blatant liar while others refer to him as a political liar. Many call him Senile, and a few imply that he is a Political Pimp for his son Mukhriz. Well, one of the hallmarks of a strong leader is that he receives strong criticism. Only wimps who take no shots are forgotten and not talked about. Anyone has written any thing lately about Tun M's successor? I won't be surprised if our children and their generation will grow into old men and women who will not be able to recall the period between Tun M and the current PM. 

What will be the legacies of the current PM? I wonder.
And, I actually like the current PM and I believe he has the vision, he means well for the country and the citizens. IMHO, he needs to take real control and rid of some of the people he surrounds himself with; many come short on performance and morale, however, in the same packages come over-inflated ego and self-importance.
Please don't ask me to name names! Aren't they obvious?



    Saya setuju 100%

  2. You confuse me. Do you sokong or hentam Tun? Bunyi seperti menyokong, tetapi saya rasa awak menghentam?

  3. I read you well Pak Payne. God bless you. For some people, the world is divided into just Black and White. Thankfully, there is another group that can discern the good and the bad, and opt to look at things as objectively as possible. I'd say you belong to this third group. Welcome to Grey.


  4. Pakpayne,
    When I asked a young American expatriate in Tokyo whether he knows Malaysia, his immediate answer was "Yes, Mahathir and The Twin Towers". That was way back in 1996. Indeed Mahathir succeeded in making the world notice Malaysia but he too did succeed in perpetuating corruption and self enrichment at the expense of the nation opening the way for the rest to follow.
    You are right in that he failed to find a successor who could right the wrongs that he did, they all just follow his ways.
    Pak Tua

  5. Betul :-) thanks for the link, interesting!

    Serba salah :-) pls refer to the comment from 'Kama' below yours - 'Grey' is the word.

    Kama :-) yes...i am in the third group, and i am glad to know you are there too...

    Pak Tua :-) Corruptions did happened during his time; i would not point all my five fingers in his direction though. hehehe. I would give some credits to other UMNO leaders around at the time who were equally capable of promoting money politics and corruptions! Gosh...I got goose pimples reading abt the Sarawak chief Minister's asset around the world!

  6. Yang Ariff,

    Honestly, I am trying to be grey but his "4 girls and Anwar" made me puke! Why? He refused to testify in court, but told freely in a book.

    So I save my RM 100.


  7. But the current PM...someone very, very close to him seems to be more 'powerful' than make him look weak in eyes of the rakyat know.

  8. Pp and Puteri..I am Grey too.Count me in please!

  9. ahj :-) feel free to feel u actually feel...Tun pun tulis mengikut rasa dia nak, he must have expected readers to react freely.

    tapi, make sure lah jgn baca time di meja makan atau bila susah ke ranjang ...hahaha.

  10. Liyas :-) kebanyakan lelaki pun memang tak se powerful wanita di sisi mereka...hehehe....cuma, kita ni bukan public figure, orang tak nampak lah...:P

  11. mamasita :-) grey is an exclusive club...mine dah jadi silver la pulak...hahaha

  12. Pak Pin

    Mahathir sebenarnya yang mudah lupa. Dah nyanyok orang tua ni tetapi masih berbohong dan buat bising tidak bertempat.

  13. Ahli Politik :-) saya bukan lah ahli politik. jadi tak nak lah terlibat condemn dia secara peribadi...hehehe.
