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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mecca trip - Thursday March 3rd, 2011

Last Thursday, my wife and I went to Mecca to perform Umrah as well as spending some quality time in Mesjidil Haram. We stayed at the Dar Al Ghufran hotel which is situated in the Al Sawfa Tower - the same tower where D'Saji restaurant is. Considering it was a weekend, and considering the Umrah season has started, the rate we paid SAR530.00 per night including breakfast was a bargain!

Al Safwa tower, besides being within a stone throw from the King Abdul Aziz Main Entrance, is also a happening place with eateries and shopping activities. For Malaysians, a visit to the D'Saji is a must. It is a meeting point of some sort. The Roti Canai and Teh Tarik combination is not to be missed. You can also get Laksam and Nasi Kerabu, besides many other Malaysian dishes.

Last weekend, there was a huge crowd - at almost all time. Worshippers doing Tawaf were as big in number as Ramadan season. My wife and I found our space not far away from the Kabaah, moving in small steps, following the flow. Saei was a bit less crowded. We came across many Malaysians, and even more Indonesians, Indians and Turks. 

Amongst the thousands doing the Tawaf, there were a few who were talking on the mobile phone at the top of their voices - telling whoever that they were doing Tawaf! The same with Saei, more than the odd few were seen talking on their mobiles. What a pity I thought! They have chosen to mar their private time with God with worldly things which could have waited, or which really shouldn't have mattered. 
What urges they had, I wondered, that they must make those calls to speak to someone, while in virtuous rituals of Tawaf and Saei. My wife and I for example, we were walking shoulder to shoulder, but except for the occasional glances and exchanges of knowing smiles, we were both focused on one thing - our Do'a to Allah. 

The nice thing worthy of mention is, none of those observations about phone calls during Tawaf or Saei involved fellow Malaysians. 

My wife had an extra bonus in the form of a re-union of sort with her dormitory mates from their TKC days. I could see the flames of affection of the 'old girls' which remained as strong as ever~!

File picture with Rohana and Suami.
We hope to be back within one month! Every trip to Mecca has always been rejuvenating and refreshingly energizing. The weekend trip was extra special - we went without our children. Just the two of us, having our 'us' time, a kind of 'honeymoon' in Mecca. It was super tender sweet - May our love be blessed and last forever till eternity~!


  1. Ameen..Alhamdullillah.
    God has granted you a special location..staying not far from the holy city is such a blessing.

    It's so admirable to see such a beautiful, romantic and oops, antique couple so in love..then it's true.
    Marriages are made in heavens.
    Ertinya it's not too late for me to find my dream-husband! InsyaAllah.

    Luckily no Malaysians were involved in that handphone 'fiasco life-commentary'!
    Bangsa apa yang buat kabit sangat tu Pak?

  2. Pp,
    Bertuahnya Pp. Dapat selalu buat umrah.....
    Saya terpaksa menyimpan bertahun-tahun untuk ke sana.
    Pp, tahniah kerana sajak Pp tersiar dalam Berita Minggu (6/3/2011).

  3. Pp,

    Saya seperti jua Pak Man menyimpan bertahun-tahun untuk ke sana...amat cemburu dengan Pp dan Kak Aisyah.

    Doakan saya dapat mengikut jejak langkah Pp mengelilingi Kaabah secepat mungkin.........
