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Thursday, March 31, 2011

"I am busy...and I am happy!"

Without going into the boring details, suffice for me to say, it has been a crazy busy week, and by the end of it I am really pleased with myself for what I have accomplished. Being really busy, as I define it, is simply being preoccupied doing what I really need to do and has no time to do other things. If the things we need to do are also the things we really enjoy doing, then having a busy life can be a bliss. 

This whole week, I have been feeling like this. Bliss~!

At work, I facilitated a two-day work session amongst the directors, exploring new ways to grow our business. At home, I have been spending lots of time with the family getting our new home ready. We are moving - and it is exciting! So for the whole week, there has been an invisible sign hanged on my invisible door knob - a DO NOT DISTURB sign. One similar to what you normally see on hotel room doors, and you just walk pass. No questions asked. You kind of understood the occupants are busy and wish not to be disturbed.

The next time you find yourself busy, it is good to pause and reflect; what kind of activities are keeping you busy? Do you find yourself feeling like a headless chicken running aimlessly, busy but accomplishing nothing?  Are they activities which you do grudgingly or willingly?

It is better to have some quality idle time, then to have a lousy busy time. Question: How could a person be busy doing nothing? Answer: There are so many different ways!
> By doing something grudgingly
> By doing something less important simply because it is easier, but ignoring something more iumportant.
> By doing something for others at the expense of doing something which has meaning for self.
> By being addicted to social network forum; such as FB, blogging, etc. If you are an addict, seek help.
> Many more...
The picture was taken on the occassion
of our visit to
the Darul Izzah Orphanage in Bangi.
Previously reported HERE.

I will continue to find happiness in being busy - by trying to earn an honest living, and by doing things which have meanings for myself and for those I love.
If someone ask, "What have been keeping you so busy?"
I hope, on every occassion, I can answer, "I have been busy being happy!"


  1. pak payne, is that yr comnplete family, five sons and a daughter? keceriaan terserlah..


  2. I am always busy...but I am addicted to your writings.... coz it always give me strength to move on...Thank you Mr Busy and Happy!

  3. I share your happiness, busy being busily happy Pp..especially being happy with the family..a very joyous feeling that is so very priceless.
    Time spent with the family is eternally cherished.

    p.s. Love the happy family photo!The 4 older ones semua makan muka you Pp..hehe..and bulat2 too!
    Yang kecik2 tu smallish macam Aishah kot.:))

  4. Anon Kama :-) yes that picture is of a complete family...ceria sungguh2, menyambut my birthday ke 50 di Darul Izzah orphanage di Bangi.

    Anon 5:21 am :-) tenkiu for dropping by. i am happy to know my writing is liked. i often wonder, whether i syok sendiri jer...hahaha. in any case, i enjoy writing. so by writing, it makes me happy!

  5. mamasita :-) yes, anak2 kami bulat2, sihat2, dan manis2...hehehe. mungkin ada la tu terikut2 wajah dan character ibu dan bapa mereka...

    the picture was taken on the occassion of our visit to the darulizzah orphanage in bangi...sambut birthday ke 50! hehehe

    write up di sini

  6. mulan :)

    saya pun suka bila mulan tulis mcm tu...

  7. I loike being busy too. Coz an idle mind is the playground for syaitan!

    Thanx for stopping by my blog. This a lawatan balas! hehehehe....
