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Monday, March 7, 2011

About Friendship, one perspective~!

Childhood friendships tend to stay throughout time, provided everyone progress in their lives to the same level of comfort. Childhood friends who ended, in their own minds, less successful or as they call themselves, 'the have-not', tend to distance themselves away from the better-to-do friends, or known as the 'have-lots'. On the flip side, the 'have-not' are convinced that the 'have-lots' friends are distancing themselves. Both have their perceptions, and both could not be further from the truth than the truth itself.

The truth is, we get preoccupied swimming upstreams in search for better lives, dictated mainly by our jobs, and the social circles which come with them. Within the same circles, we enjoy talking about the same subjects, and share similar jokes.

Every time I return to my village, the place I was born, I long to meet up with my childhood friends. Alas, often they are mostly busy carrying on with their own lives.

On rare occassions when by pure coincidence, I did bump into one or two at the local coffee shop, the conversations we had did not get very far. After the initial embrace and excitement, we din't find common subjects to talk about or common jokes to share. We became guarded too, just in case we might offend the other. We have turned into long lost friends who were awkward, to put it mildly.
To my childhood friends especially those who attended the same primary school in Pangkal Kalong, my sincere hope for us to have a re-union of some sort, to renew our friendships. I apologise for having been so busy swimming upstreams, I have often missed any opportunities to flow with the current and enjoy the scenaries.

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