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Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Sports Carnival was a success!!

Malaysian Captain Ball teams!

Dec 2nd was the UAE National day.
The nation is 37 year old - this nation of only about 4.5 mil population in a young age has outgrown, out built, out developed some of other older nations. I am fortunate to have been here to witness the rapid change in the last 5 years.

Dec 2nd was a crnival day for ASEANS in Dubai!
Some 1,000 Malaysians, Singaporeans, Indonesians, Pinoys and a few local Arabs and Westerners gathered at the Al Ahli club from early morning for a sports carnival! As co-organizer and sponsor, MyUAEPRO played active roles in making the day a roaring success. Saudara Hasnol, the programme manager said the following in his message post the event:

"ALhamduliLlaah, the biggest community event (to-date) jointly organized by SMG and myUAE was a blaster!

Full of action, drama and fun!

All the above were achieved due to the great support and synergies from all parties involved:
  • CG's office
  • SMG and myUAE-PRO (excos & members)
  • Generous sponsors
  • Sporting players, coach and managers
  • Loud fans (especially the animatic fans of the under 12 team - the parents!)
  • and of course our large pool of volunteers (tireless referees, creative photographers, colorful stall volunteers, etc. - sorry if i missed out any names here - terlalu ramai yang membantu, tanpa kalian event pasti tak menjadi!)

Congratulations to all - winners and yang tak menang lagi!

You were all great!"

He of course did not mentioned it, but he surely deserves a heap of praise for ably organizing a huge event such as that. Congrats Hasnol!!

Official report of the games can be found here.

There are lots of pictures for the event.
Click on any or all of the link below to see pictures from different MyUAEPRO members.

Di ( Syam), (Zoey Tey ), ( Pakpayne ), (Abd Halim ) , (FND )
(Firdaus), Rusdi.

My satisfaction was seeing Malaysians mingling and closing relationships amongst ourselves and with other Asian cousins under a clear blue sky of Dubai - a Nation of possibilities!

1 comment:

  1. Selamat Hari Raya Haji to you and your lovely family.Orang Dubai sambut raya haji macam mana?Apart from buat korban and prayers,what else yang worth noting?
