Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Saturday, December 20, 2008 this!

The first video is dedicated to my children....Luqman, Haziq, Amirul, Achik, Angah, Along...."Keep seeking....keep finding...and keep climbing.....but whatever you do, do it for Him!, InsyAAllah"

This one below is for all the occupants of this earth. There is a train heading for heaven....come on the peace train!

This one below, for all of us....may we be parents to whom our children can look up to for guidance for the Truth!

And finally, this song below reflects what I wish to friends and foes. I am sorry....if ever I was misunderstood.

also please read my entry in HERE.


  1. Pak payne,

    TQ for sharing. Been to yr other blog and watch some youtube of those that embraced Islam. There is always many things we can reflect and learn from them esp the deep insight which we might miss to instill.

    Happy new year to you and family...

  2. Abg Idham,
    I love the song from Yusof Islam.. Father & Son. Very nice song... He's a great singer.

  3. salam...:)

    tak leh nak komen, gambar n video seme tak kluar ni...

  4. Pp,
    Ambo pun ada masalah sama dengan Maklang.....hehehe.

  5. Salam Pp..
    Tajuk yg menarik..tapi kenapa tak nampak video dan gambar ni?

  6. anggerik :-)

    heppy new year to u too....both maal hijrah and 2009!


    cat cat :-) indeed he is a great singer. I have been a fan since te 70's.


    maklang :-)./ tu a bit heavy....dan sbb talian internet terputus di lautan sana, mungkin line slow!


    pakman laksam :-)

    kalu tunggu dalam 1 minit mungkin tubek bukali video tuh :-)


    EIYDA :-)

    cuba lagi esuk. kalu tak dok jugok, nok buat lagu mano, tak dok rezki la tu...
    sorry la deh!


